Club Land'Or Resort

Can't even give them one star

Nov 09, 2010

What are the odds that Land Or will file bankruptcy once this lawsuit happens. From what I recall when working with Mr. Sadler a lawsuit was in the works and it was the best time to file my suit against them because they would not have any money to pay me if I waited until after this lawsuit. If anyone out there is trying to get money back from them, I would move forward now.

Kim A.
Nov 14, 2010

Spoke with Landor regarding the Oct, 8 2010, 2011 Energy Surcharge/2010 Holdover Charges. Landor stated these charges were unable to be absorbed by maintenance fees and were passed on to owners as a result of increased Bahamian governmental "taxes" on the resort which as of recently were increased as high as 16%. This particular bill, however, appears suspicious at best. Landor stated (prior to reviewing my contract) that Article 8 of my contract is the basis for my requirement to pay, and then later in the conversation stated that "every Landor owner contract is different." Additionally, if you read the bill verbiage, it states "Holdover charges represent resort expenses and union benefit expenses for staff not included in annual maintenance fees as outlined in the terms and conditions of your purchase agreement." Is this not what maintenance fees are for? They have been going up every year and still not covering operating expenses? Interesting in light of the article mentioned above... Also asked about the "hurricane" special assessment as referenced earlier in this e-mail string. Landor stated insurance did not cover hurricane damage. Guess they do things different in the Bahamas... Landor also stated that renovations had been done in 2010 (unclear if still in progress or not). Landor staff seemed well prepared to answer every question fired their way. Has anyone been successful at requesting information/board mtg minutes from Landor on the basis for all of these assessments?

Steve M.
Nov 15, 2010


John S.

Last edited by johns2184 on Sep 17, 2011 06:53 AM

Nov 15, 2010

I contacted them about the new assessment and questioned them about everyone being billed the same no matter if they have every year or every other year use. It seems to me that if your contract doesn't allow every year use the assesment should be adjusted accordingly. According to Land'or every one is billed the same on all special assessments. They really make out with none yearly folks. e.g. 10 weeks use yearly=10 special assessments=10payments 10 weeks use every other year =20 assessments=20payments or how often they decide to ask for more money Hardly seems fair for the same amount of time of use

Rita W.

Last edited by ritaw41 on Nov 15, 2010 01:07 PM

Nov 15, 2010

Is there anyone out there who has had success recently with an attorney on grounds of fraud against Landor?

Steve M.
Nov 16, 2010

I agree 100%. Together We Stand, Divided We Fall..... That is what the HOLTS count on. We are divided and the laws are on their side. As for the United States, they only check to see that a time share is licensed to do business in the U.S. There are no laws to protect any of us. Remindes me of the vehicle LEMON LAWS. Our first step is what we are now doing....COMMUNICATING With One Another. Our next step is to get those that are now staying at Club LandOR>>>>>>to take dated pictures of the entire premises, everything. AS AN INDIVIDUAL I CANNOT ACCOMPLISH. AS A TEAM WE CAN ACCOMPLISH ANYTHING. Should we BOMBARD the NET, even FACE BOOK with our experances and disgust with being RIPPED OFF. Our politicians turn a blind eye, the Bahamian government turnes a blind eye. We need to unite, State ONLY FACTS and put it in every forum available to us:the Internet, every Time Share Site, every Travel Site, Face Book, write our pathetic politicians, the Bahamian government, even write the IRS, YES THE IRS, after all, when a company cheats ite customers it isn't long before they cheat their employees and vice versa. What have they not been paying to our goverment taxes??? Many companys that I have worked for do not show up on my Social Security statement as paying in what they deducted from me. BOTTOM LINE....Collectively we can accomplish all things. We need to research the entire Board of Directors and their Families. FOLLOW THE MONEY> MY hypothesis is this: Should I have an excellent CLUB everyone would return,however,if I had a SLUM they would GO ELSEWHERE.... THIS IS WHAT THE HOLTS/CLUB LAND'OR WANTS. MONEY>>> When WE trade to another resort, Such as Sea Club V whose maintainence fees are around$500 annualy, then Club LAND-RIP OFF-'OR only pays to them the $500, and KEEPS the rest of our annual fee. This way, if they have 72 unit then they can OVER SELL each unit for the same week. ie. 72 Units x 52 weeks=3744 x $1000=$3,744,000. Double booking =$7,488,000 Triple booking =$11,232,000. Then add the other assesment fees etc. SHALL WE UNITE??? or squat alone!

Don D.
Nov 19, 2010

Has anyone heard if the law suit has gone through yet or what juristiction it was filed in?

Rita W.
Nov 22, 2010

I have never stay there either and I have paid them more money in fees then I paid for the timeshare. They are thieves of the highest order if you ask me. I would gladly be a party in a class action law suit.

Vicky M.
Nov 22, 2010


John S.

Last edited by johns2184 on Sep 17, 2011 06:58 AM

Nov 29, 2010

For those interested in seeking Mr. Sadler's assistance...he is now available. Recommend contacting him as soon as possible.

Steve M.
Dec 01, 2010

Just found this link, lots to read, so I'm just a guest now.

Has anyone been contacted by Land'Or about a buy out program? Someone claiming to be from Land'Or called, with an unsolicited offer to let me buy out my remaining 4 years for $4875, essentially the price of the present year's maintenance fee applied over the remaining four years. There's a "release and settlement agreement" as part of the deal showing I'm free of all obligations. This seems like a good way to get out of a bad deal - saves annual increases in maintenance fee, surcharges, special assessments. I'm sick every time I think about this poor decision to get involved with Land'Or, but am willing to pay to get out.

My concerns are, is it legit (it was unsolicited) and might I have some bargaining room on the price. I bet they're trying to scrape up cash now, based on info in this link, so may be open to negotiating.

Anyone had a similar call, or know of such a program there? Thanks.

Conan I.

Last edited by conani on Dec 02, 2010 08:45 AM

Dec 02, 2010

She does work for Land Or. I would take her name off your post as I once put her name on and was requested to remove it or their attorneys will get in touch with you. Work out something as fees will go up. I did as I cannot afford them any more as a retiree and no colas.

J F.
Dec 02, 2010

Thanks. Would you mind letting me know what and how you worked it out? I've reviewed this long topic and didn't find it. I don't see any mention of this sell back program she called me about. I can give you my email if you don't want to discuss publicly.

Conan I.
Dec 02, 2010

conani wrote:
Thanks. Would you mind letting me know what and how you worked it out? I've reviewed this long topic and didn't find it. I don't see any mention of this sell back program she called me about. I can give you my email if you don't want to discuss publicly.
It seams a shame that we all cannot get the info on how to get a buy out deal like this. Others in this blog have tried but seams like have had not success.

Rita W.

Last edited by ritaw41 on Dec 02, 2010 09:55 AM

Dec 03, 2010

deleted by user

Stacy N.

Last edited by stacyn20 on Feb 07, 2011 03:31 PM

Dec 03, 2010

deleted by user

Stacy N.

Last edited by stacyn20 on Feb 07, 2011 03:32 PM

Dec 04, 2010

stacyn20 wrote:
stevenm638, Were you involved in the class action suit referred to in earlier posts? If Mr. Sadler is available does that mean the suit was resolved? If so, can you tell us how it turned out or tell us where we can find this information? Thanks.
There is no class action to my knowledge. Mr. Sadler is offering his services to small groups of individuals. I have contacted him and he has been very helpful answering several of my questions. I'm a little hesitant to reveal all info in this forum, as this "public" forum also means Landor staff can also monitor. Recommend contacting Mr. Sadler if you have issues with Landor. His e-mail is listed in this thread. A recommendation to all Landor owners, pay close attention to your bills from them as I've been experiencing a "lag" in my balance. Payments previously made not showing up as being paid on subsequent bills...

Steve M.
Dec 28, 2010

My family and I visited Land'or in Nassau this summer. What a disgusting and poorly run facility. I feel really bad for the staff, as they suffer most from the continous complaints of the guest. While our room offered a lovely view of the Atlantis Harbor, the room was a mess. The kitchen had some kind of insect crawling all over the place. The sofa bed was like sleeping on a sack of dirty clothes. It smelled and was flithy. I had to ask for multiple sheets and blankets as well as personally cleaning it with lysokl and Myers brought from the states. The hotel charges for almost everything, has not facility for internet access to check flights and print out boarding passess.. There were a few great things:

Atlantis Casino Rose Beach outing

Why does the pool area not have Happy Hour? I'll tell you why, they want you to go upstairs to the overpriced 5 star to get them. Why no towels at the pool? And what am I paying $50 per day for?

Something has to give!

Not A.
Dec 28, 2010

LandOr has started calling my family members in another state because we are not returning their calls, my family members are calling us to make sure nothing is wrong, how embarrassing!

Kathy P.
Dec 29, 2010


John S.

Last edited by johns2184 on Sep 17, 2011 06:59 AM

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