Report Abuse - 45188

Re: Can't even give them one star

[Q=stacyn20] stevenm638, Were you involved in the class action suit referred to in earlier posts? If Mr. Sadler is available does that mean the suit was resolved? If so, can you tell us how it turned out or tell us where we can find this information? Thanks.[/Q] There is no class action to my knowledge. Mr. Sadler is offering his services to small groups of individuals. I have contacted him and he has been very helpful answering several of my questions. I'm a little hesitant to reveal all info in this forum, as this "public" forum also means Landor staff can also monitor. Recommend contacting Mr. Sadler if you have issues with Landor. His e-mail is listed in this thread. A recommendation to all Landor owners, pay close attention to your bills from them as I've been experiencing a "lag" in my balance. Payments previously made not showing up as being paid on subsequent bills...