Report Abuse - 45137

Re: Can't even give them one star

Just found this link, lots to read, so I'm just a guest now. Has anyone been contacted by Land'Or about a buy out program? Someone claiming to be from Land'Or called, with an unsolicited offer to let me buy out my remaining 4 years for $4875, essentially the price of the present year's maintenance fee applied over the remaining four years. There's a "release and settlement agreement" as part of the deal showing I'm free of all obligations. This seems like a good way to get out of a bad deal - saves annual increases in maintenance fee, surcharges, special assessments. I'm sick every time I think about this poor decision to get involved with Land'Or, but am willing to pay to get out. My concerns are, is it legit (it was unsolicited) and might I have some bargaining room on the price. I bet they're trying to scrape up cash now, based on info in this link, so may be open to negotiating. Anyone had a similar call, or know of such a program there? Thanks.