Report Abuse - 44929

Re: Can't even give them one star

I agree 100%. Together We Stand, Divided We Fall..... That is what the HOLTS count on. We are divided and the laws are on their side. As for the United States, they only check to see that a time share is licensed to do business in the U.S. There are no laws to protect any of us. Remindes me of the vehicle LEMON LAWS. Our first step is what we are now doing....COMMUNICATING With One Another. Our next step is to get those that are now staying at Club LandOR>>>>>>to take dated pictures of the entire premises, everything. AS AN INDIVIDUAL I CANNOT ACCOMPLISH. AS A TEAM WE CAN ACCOMPLISH ANYTHING. Should we BOMBARD the NET, even FACE BOOK with our experances and disgust with being RIPPED OFF. Our politicians turn a blind eye, the Bahamian government turnes a blind eye. We need to unite, State ONLY FACTS and put it in every forum available to us:the Internet, every Time Share Site, every Travel Site, Face Book, write our pathetic politicians, the Bahamian government, even write the IRS, YES THE IRS, after all, when a company cheats ite customers it isn't long before they cheat their employees and vice versa. What have they not been paying to our goverment taxes??? Many companys that I have worked for do not show up on my Social Security statement as paying in what they deducted from me. BOTTOM LINE....Collectively we can accomplish all things. We need to research the entire Board of Directors and their Families. FOLLOW THE MONEY> MY hypothesis is this: Should I have an excellent CLUB everyone would return,however,if I had a SLUM they would GO ELSEWHERE.... THIS IS WHAT THE HOLTS/CLUB LAND'OR WANTS. MONEY>>> When WE trade to another resort, Such as Sea Club V whose maintainence fees are around$500 annualy, then Club LAND-RIP OFF-'OR only pays to them the $500, and KEEPS the rest of our annual fee. This way, if they have 72 unit then they can OVER SELL each unit for the same week. ie. 72 Units x 52 weeks=3744 x $1000=$3,744,000. Double booking =$7,488,000 Triple booking =$11,232,000. Then add the other assesment fees etc. SHALL WE UNITE??? or squat alone!