Report Abuse - 44886

Re: Can't even give them one star

Spoke with Landor regarding the Oct, 8 2010, 2011 Energy Surcharge/2010 Holdover Charges. Landor stated these charges were unable to be absorbed by maintenance fees and were passed on to owners as a result of increased Bahamian governmental "taxes" on the resort which as of recently were increased as high as 16%. This particular bill, however, appears suspicious at best. Landor stated (prior to reviewing my contract) that Article 8 of my contract is the basis for my requirement to pay, and then later in the conversation stated that "every Landor owner contract is different." Additionally, if you read the bill verbiage, it states "Holdover charges represent resort expenses and union benefit expenses for staff not included in annual maintenance fees as outlined in the terms and conditions of your purchase agreement." Is this not what maintenance fees are for? They have been going up every year and still not covering operating expenses? Interesting in light of the article mentioned above... Also asked about the "hurricane" special assessment as referenced earlier in this e-mail string. Landor stated insurance did not cover hurricane damage. Guess they do things different in the Bahamas... Landor also stated that renovations had been done in 2010 (unclear if still in progress or not). Landor staff seemed well prepared to answer every question fired their way. Has anyone been successful at requesting information/board mtg minutes from Landor on the basis for all of these assessments?