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Become a RedWeek Member All benefits of Guest account, PLUS:

  • Contact owners to rent or buy timeshares
  • Rent or sell your timeshare (additional fees required)
  • Access to thousands of resort reviews
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Membership FAQs

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How do I contact a timeshare owner?

Rentals and resales are organized by resort. Just browse or search the site to view details on available units at each resort. Members will be able to quickly email owners directly from their posting pages.

Why is membership required?

It helps protect our owners against fraud that's common for online sellers. Our owners prefer serious, legitimate inquiries that are likely to lead to a sale. We do offer a 30 day moneyback guarantee for members who aren't able to reach a seller.

How do I rent or sell my timeshare?

RedWeek offers two ways for you to rent or sell your timeshare. Just go to Rent or sell my timeshare and choose the option that works best for you! Prices vary based on DIY or full-service methods.