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- ask-redweek-wyndham-ovation-help-owne...
we have several Wyndham properties. having needed to buy more to "fix" our original problem. we are currently members of Pathways hoping to dump some points so that we can afford to retire. when we bought into Pathways they simultaneously talked about Club Wyndham Access and we thought that was part of what we bought for our additional $20,000. purchase. we investigated our options and basically learned that because we self financed no one could help us: unless we would pay $5,000. up front. I did not trust anyone that I spoke with our last purchase was in Nashville October 2014 with a Count ON Me Rep. Bill
William T.
My husband passed away in February, 2016. We own 3 units at Wyndham Pagosa. I received a letter/pamphlet from Ovation saying I can transfer to immediate family at no cost. I have asked for information to give one to our grandson. Waiting for response. Margie Green
Margie G.
All smoke and mirrors, I purchased additional points with the assurance that they would rent out a portion of the points to pay maintenance fees and much to my disappointment it never happened and with the mortgage payment and increased maintenance fees I am not able to pay on my reduced income and although I attempted to contact them for assistance I was instructed that there was nothing they could do and they told me that if I stopped making payments they would not act until months had passed and then they would report some kind of statement to the IRS and I would have a tax bill as if I had gained something which the time share was a total loss to me and if I had just put the money aside I could be enjoying nice investments and going anywhere we want. Although the places are nice and the resorts are often very accommodating I would never recommend the program, the more points you purchase the higher the maintenance fees and our maintenance fees alone 6,000 dollars a year and steadily increasing; it just wasn't a good investment...
James P.
I am a new widow and have had my timeshare for 29 years and enjoyed it greatly. I am 82 years old and live in Orlando FL. I have paid maintenance for the last three years and have not used my 44 week in Fox Run #97 because of health. My adult Children will travel with me to my unit this year. I am interested in your program. I received literature in mail today and will be calling the listed number. Thank YOU for hearing the call of the elderly. Mrs. Carol Shultz
Carol S.
I am taking looking after my Grandmother's timeshare and have just contacted the ovation program, they said they need to make sure the title is free and clear and the maintenance fees are up to date. If all is in order they will send me some paper work to sign and that will be the end of it. no fees or nothing else to buy. It will take them 3 to 4 weeks to get us the paperwork. She has a fixed week deed no mortgage. I will try to give an update to let you know how it goes.
To Margie42 don't pass this burden on to anyone (unless you hate them) just get out of it.
Jason M.
I have just received my paper work to exit the program. WE have two timeshares and do not need both. I am so sick of the scammers out there!! I actually called the salesman that sold us the timeshare. HE no longer worked for Wyndham I was willing to give it to him for free. He said his mothers friend wanted it but never got back with me. Wyndham does have beautiful resorts.
Rhonda F.
We have been thinking of getting rid of our Wyndham points for a number of years. Though the resorts are very nice, we were having problems booking the desirable spots at the time we want. We even went to some outside resellers meetings to find out how to get out of it, but were not sure whether to trust these companies since they wanted some money upfront.
When we learnt about the Ovation by Wyndham we were very pleased. We decided to look into it and thought about taking the option for using the points for three years without owning the timeshare and, thus, not paying the maintenance fees.
I called them for the paper works on September 13, but have not received anything from them yet (Oct 27). I was supposed to get it within 4 weeks. Overtime I have called Ovation 6-7 times to follow up. Until today, the person on the other end told me that someone would call me. Today I was told that there is only one person (Kevin White) who is handling all the cases and he needs to talk to each applicant before sending the papers. He will call me when he has the time. There is nothing anyone else can do.
It has been a very frustration experience. I hope Wyndham gets a better handle on this soon. And, the next step of transfer (as it has been described) moves smoothly. Otherwise, it is a losing proposition - one can not use the vacation points while paying the maintenance fees and waiting for the transfer. MonikaS
Monika S.
I will call Wyndham this coming week. I have a fixed week rather than points, and I have been told (by at-resort sales people) that I needed to purchase $10,000 worth of additional points in order to convert my fixed week to points (which I declined). So I am eager to see what kind of response that I get from the Ovation program. Since my wife broke her hip, I have not been able to use (or sell or give away) my time-share ski-week. Wish me luck with this new program!
David D.
I'll be calling them Monday about our every other year week. Since this is the year fees are due, then now is when it is getting out attention, and they are due soon, so I bet there are lots of people calling in. I'll let you know how it goes.
We did own fixed weeks at a Wyndham Resort in Colorado, and were able to turn those in with not a single problem, but that was a different part of the company, since they were fixed weeks.
I'll be watching to see how things go- I really hope it works out for all of you who need to vacate ownership and the big fees involved.
Mary S.
We own a Wyndham Vacation Program. We paid cash for the program, in the amount of over $23,000. Our understanding was we would be able to use the vacation facilities with a minimal reservation notice. We are spur of the moment travelers. Since we purchased the agreement in May 2015 it did not become active until November 2015. We have tried repeatedly to use the program, getting the response "reservations are a Year in advance or more". The only place that had available space was the Dominican republic or Mexico. Been there done that! Remember we paid CASH, we not making payments. We are really interested in selling our membership as this was a total waste and not what Wyndham represented to us. We called an agent that Wyndham referred us to, they offered us $1500 for what we paid over $23,000. By the time we were able to maybe use our additional perks/points they expired.
Alice L.
sadly, misrepresentation is all too common in the timeshare sales industry we experienced ourselves, when we were told we could just rent out week and never pay maintainence fees if we did not use our time far fewer people would purchase if they actually knew what they were buying in the early days, it was a really good option, and worked very well for us, but then the corporate ownership took over, and it was so much more about the bottom line, and ceased to be a good deal for owners so sorry you were unable to use what you spent good money for
Mary S.
We are happy to see the Ovations Program through Wyndham. While we want to sell both of our timeshare contracts, we also are not interested in "giving them away" for little to nothing. We have experienced the scam of trusting a 3rd party that we thought was credible and ended up out $600 and nothing to show for it. Hence we became skeptical. We then flew to Florida in late 2006 with full intent of selling the 1 timeshare purchased in early 1996 for $6300 & instead were introduced to the point system (fairly new then) vs the bi-annual weekly program. We worked with Ron Chimchirian who upgraded our current timeshare & bought a 2nd time share (Atlantic City), paying $27,449. If you look at our history you will see that we've been doing business with Palm Aire, Fairshare Plus & Club Wyndham for many years. We have used our timeshares in a very miminal way, if at all as well and have paid in additional $20,000 over the years for Maintenance Feels. This said, we have felt there is no trust worthy way to get out from under these contracts, so like fools we just keep paying the expensive & ever increasing mtnce fees because our credit integrity is excellent and we pay our bills on time and we don't want to mess that up.
The madness and the bleeding needs to stop ASAP going into 2017.
The Mossburghs in Colorado Member #: 00010505332 email: dkmossburgh@msn.com
Deb M.
I called today (12/20/2016) to deed back of my Wyndham fixed week. It took a few minutes on phone. I was told I should expect to receive the document in 4-6 weeks, and the entire process takes 8-10 weeks. It all sounds very reasonable. After than, I called the Wyndahm financial service regarding my 2017 maintenance fee. I was told I don't need to worry about 2017 fee as long as the week is in the Ovation program. My experience so far is very smooth.
I got a different story weeks ago when I called to ask about Ovation and my 2017 fee, was told 2-3 months and I still owed the 2017 fee but this was not a fixed week, a floating every other week this might vary according to program and resort ownership We decided on using our ownership one more time, this it will be up to our son if he decided to continue on his own
However, I do believe the Ovation program will make your ownership go away.
Mary S.
My experience with Ovation thus far:
First, we have a 182,000 points TS tied to Wyndham Fairfield Plantation (Villa Rica, GA). After submitting a request to deed back the property, as my wife was diagnosed with MS in 2014 and can't travel as much anymore, I received a response directing me to a couple of trusted resellers.
When I called the Ovation number directly, I was told that this property is not in Wyndham's desirable list and they will not take it back.
We owe nothing (bought it on resale) and only pay MF.
I've got inquiries into the two resellers they directed me to, but will mostly likely not hear back as it is close to the holidays.
Mike K.
Last edited by phyl21 on Dec 23, 2016 10:49 AM