Buying, Renting, and Selling Timeshares

"The Villa Trader" is a timeshare related scam company and not affiliated in any way with Villa Trader -

Dec 24, 2008

I myself had recieved a call from The Villa Trader. I have been burnt by several different companies. They had a great sales pitch. They asked me about my El Cid property. I had owned 300000 points. They told me i could get 20000 dollars for this. So i went out on a limb and payed the 2000 dollar fee, upfront. They said i would get a check in 30-90 days. It took roughly 2 months. I recieved a money order for 20000 dollars. I am 100% satasfied with The Villa Trader. As for the rest of these posting with all bad refuses, have any of you actually tried the company or are you just making up shills??????

Orl P.

Last edited by marty8084 on Jun 09, 2011 03:30 PM

Dec 24, 2008

orlp wrote:
I myself had recieved a call from The Villa Trader. I have been burnt by several different companies. They had a great sales pitch. They asked me about my El Cid property. I had owned 300000 points. They told me i could get 20000 dollars for this. So i went out on a limb and payed the 2000 dollar fee, upfront. They said i would get a check in 30-90 days. It took roughly 2 months. I recieved a money order for 20000 dollars. I am 100% satasfied with The Villa Trader. As for the rest of these posting with all bad refuses, have any of you actually tried the company or are you just making up shills??????

Why would anyone with half a brain willingly PAY $2000 of their hard earned money to "try" an obscure, heretofore unknown, upfront fee company?

If the ownership has any value at all, it can easily be sold for ZERO owner cost on Bidshares, or for mere peanuts on eBay, RedWeek or MyResort Network.

Your assertion here apparently is that this unknown company paid you $20k, within 60 days, for a resale points timeshare in Mexico worth probably one tenth of that amount in the resale market --- AFTER you paid these miracle workers $2,000.

Just count me as a non-believer. Merry Christmas anyhow.


Last edited by ken1193 on Dec 24, 2008 12:29 PM

Dec 24, 2008

Well Ken believe it or not I have also went with The Villa Trader. You can believe what you want to. As orl had metioned, i payed the fee and i have been with several different listing companies. And if you know anything El Cid properties are on a RCI II Wyndam point system, and they are very expensive. Each point goes for around 20 cents. So for you to say a tenth of that would be untrue. I had owned a million point. Yea i also payed the $2000 fee. They told me it was to finance the buyer and what not. Anyhow it took me more than 90 days to get my money but i got it. If you dont believe why dont you try yourself. Merry Christmas!

Imthe O.
Dec 24, 2008

I myself personally have gone with listing company after listing company paid fee after fee then finally i got a call from this company called The Villa Trader i own several timeshares.But anyway they called me said they had a buyer onsite said they would need to charge a fee of $2000U.S. and they closed on my Moon Palace resort it took about 45 days from closing to receive a banks cashiers check for 100% of my proceeds which was 12.5k im very happy with there service and will be calling them for future transactions

Patrick S.
Dec 24, 2008

RE: >> If you dont believe why dont you try yourself.<< =============================================== Two reasons:

1. I have no interest in selling the few remaining timeshare weeks I currently own, use and enjoy.

2. In selling off a few previously owned weeks over the past few years, I spent about $100-$150 total to sell ALL SIX timeshare weeks on various Internet sites. I would no sooner pay someone $2000 to sell a timeshare than I would jump head first out of a sixth floor window. Both actions make just about equal sense to me, personally.

But we do agree on one point --- let people believe whatever (and whomever) they choose to believe.

Dec 24, 2008

Hey Pat, and Imtheo. Im glad to see im not the only one who has done this and was satisfied. I personally think this Ken guy works for a timeshare company himself. So its his job to make up things about other companies. There was also a guy named KC165 who posted on Phill12's posting. I have seen that he was also satisfied. For some reason his message was deleted. Idk. Anyhow us guys are living up the holidays. MERRY CHRISTMAS THANKS VILLA TRADER!

Orl P.
Dec 24, 2008

Yes i agree im glad theres a website such as this where we can all express our feelings thanx for telling me that ken works for redweek because i havent received my second check yet i googled them and found this page i was happy to see some satisfied clients i sold my El Cid resorts and i did recieve my first check for 6.5k but they said my remaining balance should be here in a month aprox but like i said they did send me my first check so they seem to be on the up an up

Shawn A.
Dec 24, 2008

I myself owned a gold member 600k points at the El Cid and the villa trader got the job done for me the reason behind all the negative comments i found on this site are because there a listing company and they will never sale your timeshare and the reason there wrighting so much crap about the villa trader is because they fax them bills of sale to refund clients money because the villa trader gets the job done and red week does not so people that work for redweek get on here wright bad stuff to talk themselves up and discourage potential clients from entering buiss with the villa trader

Harry G.
Dec 24, 2008

Frankly I think that all of you (thoroughly unconvincing) shills are now simply employing a different (and very obvious) posting strategy, one of a "group posting assault". That's certainly your prerogative, but your facts are consistently lacking and your collective vague "happy talk" is just simply not at all persuasive.

THINK about this, RedWeek readers --- what are the statistical odds of a handful of "happy Villa Trader" customers all suddenly just appearing out of thin air within a very few hours on the very same day, all happily singing the praises of a completely unknown upfront fee company, all just absolutely delighted to have paid $2k out of their pockets to (allegedly) sell an (alleged) timeshare ownership. Those odds, I respectfully submit to you readers, are VERY, VERY long indeed...

Ultimately, readers of these forums can and will assess and decide for themselves who is believable and who is not. Personally I'm not looking for a dime from ANYONE. (...let alone $2,000). Tell us --- can YOU say that?

Finally, just for the record and to be crystal clear on this point, I most certainly do NOT work for ANY company, timeshare related or otherwise. In point of fact, I am fully retired --- a former state prosecutor in a District Attorney's office. I choose to contribute to these forums for no other reason than to help (or try to help) prevent innocent and unwary people from falling prey to ANY of the ( very many) lying, thieving parasites associated with the timeshare industry. I have watched such parasites plying their fuzzy "trade" during most of my 25+ years of timeshare ownership. The supply of such parasites seems to be virtually endless. Readers here can intelligently decide for themselves whether or not they believe (as I do) that ALL of you unconvincing " Villa Trader" cheerleaders are just more parasites looking to take people's money --- and at Christmas time, no less.

Merry Christmas, RedWeek readers. Think. Be smart!


Last edited by ken1193 on Dec 24, 2008 01:11 PM

Dec 24, 2008

To me it appears that you for one have nothing else to do with your time than down others. How does anyone know what you are saying is true either? That would go with the believe it or not thing also correct? There are alot of scams out there, and you may just be trying to make other companies lose business. This is the internet and anyone can say what they want. So for you to make assumptions, isnt right on your behalf. have you ever heard the saying...Dont dog it till you've tried it? Well if you havent now you have.

Orl P.
Dec 24, 2008

well ken let me ask you this what experience do you have with trying to sell a timeshare if any.Please tell how it is that you sold your timeshare im always up for different ways of doing things and always open to suggestions if you did infact own a timeshare and you got it sold how did you do so? If you never have sold a timeshare than whatever your opinion may be it doesnt count

Harry G.
Dec 24, 2008

How did I sell my timeshares? (2) on Bidshares (cost = zero, for anyone) (1) on MyResort Network (cost = $49 for ad) (1) on RedWeek (cost of $49 for ad) (1) on TUG classifieds (cost = zero for TUG members) (1) on Craigslist (cost = zero, for anyone).

Collectively, I certainly did not any make money on these sales, nor did I ever plan or expect to do so. All were originally bought on the resale market. Two sold for a bit more than I had paid, 2 sold for a bit less than I had paid. One sold for just about exactly what I had paid. Buyers paid closing costs, just as I had when I was the buyer. On balance, no real profit, no real loss. Enjoyed them all, some certainly more than others.

This is all I have to say on this matter. People can simply choose to believe whomever they choose to believe. However, readers, be reminded that I'm NOT the one looking for anyone's "upfront money" here, am I ?

Merry Christmas.

Dec 24, 2008

orlp wrote:
Hey Pat, and Imtheo. Im glad to see im not the only one who has done this and was satisfied. I personally think this Ken guy works for a timeshare company himself. So its his job to make up things about other companies. There was also a guy named KC165 who posted on Phill12's posting. I have seen that he was also satisfied. For some reason his message was deleted. Anyhow us guys are living up the holidays. MERRY CHRISTMAS THANKS VILLA TRADER!

Until I read all these rave reviews from this group of names I gave kc165 the benifit of the doubt! Mostly doubt!

It has been stated in other post that this company is playing on words here. They are a full service resales timeshare company who handles advertising and marketing and is a for sale by owner company.

This in plain words means this company has no real estate license so they can not sell a deeded timeshare. You have to list it and owner makes the sale and this would be why there is no commission only upfront listing fee. I'm not sure of Mexico because of no ownership of property there,only RTU.

My next question on selling a RTU timeshare is if no real estate license needed then why would you need to have upfront fee?

This is the lame excuse of all these upfront companies that they can not collect commissions or money after sale because they are not realtors and have no license to sell. They are only a listing timeshare sales company!

It also seems funny that it is posted that Frances who is a expert in her field has license number of [kc3123], I guess her expert knowledge isn't in making up handles to come on these forums!

What isn't funny is that these companies need to send five or six shills on here to try and make this company sound honest.

Just today Orlp/Harryg27/Shawna134,Patrick100 and Imtheo plus Franice kc3123 or kc165 come on here for the first time couple days ago and not only find Redweek but find the post about your company. What are the odd's of this happening ?

I'm still confuse that kc 165 or Francis the company expert kc 3123 had Villa Trader sell her resort at a ridiculous over priced amount and not even know the name of the resort because I have never heard of Westgate Resort. There is the home company Westgate Resorts but to my knowledge no Westgate Resort and nothing in that price range.

So just answer Ken's question and show us the booking information for kc165's unit showing you sold it for high $24,000s.

Up till now I have to say you six people or is it just one or two using all these handles suck at being shills. Better keep your day jobs doing what ever it is you do!

Last question Orlp stated that kc165 was a guy, how does he or she know this because no where on these post is this stated by kc165 ?

Phil L.

Last edited by phill12 on Dec 26, 2008 01:59 PM

Dec 24, 2008

I believe all of the "pro" Villa Trader postings were done by the same person and that person, indeed, works for the company. If these postings continue I'll have our IT department track the IP addresses to confirm this. All of the individual accounts were created on RedWeek within an hour of each other. Not very believable. So hopefully, this person will get a clue and move on.

Merry Christmas, everyone!!


Marty F
Dec 25, 2008

It's quite obvious by the same spelling and grammatical errors that all 5 of the posters defending Villa Trader are from the same person.

R P.

Last edited by jayjay on Dec 25, 2008 06:17 AM

Dec 25, 2008

ken1193 wrote:
How did I sell my timeshares? (2) on Bidshares (cost = zero, for anyone) (1) on MyResort Network (cost = $49 for ad) (1) on RedWeek (cost of $49 for ad) (1) on TUG classifieds (cost = zero for TUG members) (1) on Craigslist (cost = zero, for anyone).

The above listing services are exactly how I sold all 9 of my timeshares myself (except I didn't use Craiglist).

I wouldn't have dreamed in a million years to use an upfront fee (in the hundreds to thousands of dollars) to list my timeshares. I had read enough to know they're all scams.

R P.
Dec 25, 2008

marty8084 wrote:
I believe all of the "pro" Villa Trader postings were done by the same person and that person, indeed, works for the company. If these postings continue I'll have our IT department track the IP addresses to confirm this. All of the individual accounts were created on RedWeek within an hour of each other. Not very believable. So hopefully, this person will get a clue and move on.

Merry Christmas, everyone!!


Marty what is strange is this person or persons isn't even bright enough to sound honest.

First the kc165 handle and Frances license number kc 3123 are just to much alike. Second knowledge by Orlp of kc165 being a man when I have not seen that information on here. Third how all these people found Redweek and this forum on same day. Fourth issue is all but one person sold El Cid Resort which is funny. Fifth is El Cid on Redweek have highest price around $13,000 and not $24,000 dollars.

What this tells me other than this person or persons not very bright but we owners must be getting the word out on upfront scam companies.

IMO any one that has to work for a scam company already has shown their not to bright when all they can do is try and scam people out of their money. For a company to spend the holiday trying something so stupid and obvious they must be hurting. We members must be helping to save many people from falling for these companies.

To all non scammers have a HAPPY HOLIDAY!


Phil L.

Last edited by phill12 on Dec 25, 2008 03:15 PM

Dec 26, 2008

Thank you all for keeping up your posts!

I received a call from a John Hawkins on 12/24/08 at 1:04 pm screaming at me regarding my postings. He did not sound joyful regarding the Christmas Holiday and did not offer me Christmas cheer.

This "John Hawkins" was asking me why I was saying so many things about his company.

I replied 1. Freedom of Speech 2. If he was such a legitimate company then send me the contract and all of the "legal" documents to secure my transaction. 3. I simply do not believe that this company does legitimate business at least not in my behalf.

He yelled at me and told me he could still charge my credit card for $2000. I replied go ahead it has been canceled, in addition I did not authorize you.

Ken this is for you-- I believe that you have 3 days to cancel a transaction?? Appreciate Kens years of experience and years of service for the public! Thanks Ken!

He was apparently very upset at this post and blamed me for all of it. I replied " You told me to look you up on the internet so I did"

I also informed this Mr Hawkins that I was on the "do not call list" for telemarketers and proceeded to hang up. Now I look at the postings and a few days later and on 12/24 there have been many posts regarding "great deals"

It is very ironic again to say the least that I received a call at my home from a "private" number on 12/24/08 at 1:04 pm and low and behold post after post comes minutes after the other stating they all have received checks.

At least to me very unbelievable. Marty if you could get a list of the accounts that would be great.

The more we work together the better we will be.

Kelley L.
Dec 26, 2008

Way to go Kelley ..... you're helping thousands that read this forum concerning your 'personal experience' with upfront fee scammer Villa Trader.

It's timeshare forums like these on the internet that's getting the word out and it's making the scammer parasites hopping mad ..... good work.

R P.
Dec 26, 2008

Ken says something about have a realestate license to sell time shares? Well timeshares are a luxery item. Not realestate. Bottom line is the only way these things sell are face to face. I trusted the villa trader. So all your jingle shills.....Frankly idk. I was satisfied. Scam or no scam it worked for me.

Imthe O.

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