Buying, Renting, and Selling Timeshares

"The Villa Trader" is a timeshare related scam company and not affiliated in any way with Villa Trader -

Dec 26, 2008

And i have another question for this Kelley? you said they called you did you try them? If not then why give bad refuses. All you people act like you know so much, I for 1 am a lawyer in the state of Florida. I am 45 yrs old. I opened my own office 15 yrs ago. I told the villa trader if they were to scam i was gonna persue legal actions. So all of you that have replied to this forum, let me know if you have actually used this company, and if you havent, then basically you guys are harrasing this company in losing business. Like i said im satasfied. I would be glad to go to court for the villa trader. So all the negativity isnt called for.

Imthe O.
Dec 26, 2008


Re: >> Ken this is for you-- I believe that you have 3 days to cancel a transaction?? Appreciate Kens years of experience and years of service for the public! Thanks Ken!<< ==================================================

Allowed purchase contract rescission time period is a matter of individual state law. I do not claim to know the time period for all 50 individual states without some research, but I do know just off the top of my head that most states allow 5-7 days. The longest rescission time period by far is 15 days (Alaska), but that is highly unusual. The shortest rescission time period is 3 days (e.g. Indiana, Ohio). In Florida, it's either seven or ten calendar days (can't quite recall, just now).

Re: >> I also informed this Mr Hawkins that I was on the "do not call list"....<<

Unfortunately, as a matter of law, the "do not call" prohibition generally does not apply to any entity with whom someone has had a prior business contact. You initially indicated here that you provided a credit card number to these folks, then later reportedly cancelled the credit card. While these parasites may be an annoyance, their calls to you are not necessarily unlawful, simply because of the prior (however brief) "business relationship" you have had with them.

Re: >> At least to me very unbelievable <<.

I cannot honestly say that I share your disbelief, but our respective backgrounds are likely quite a bit different. Parasites like these have been around for many years. They will be around for years to come, until and unless restrictive federal legislation is created to curtail their deceptive practices. With the current and future economic crisis in this country, such federal legislation will certainly not be a high priority --- there are just too many "bigger fish to fry". Unfortunately, these types of parasites tend to proliferate and become more aggresive and brazen in inverse proportion to times of economic difficulty. Stated a bit differently, these types worms crawl out of their little holes in greater numbers when times are toughest.

The most effective manner in which to combat thieving parasites like these is simply to try to be a smart consumer, consistently refusing to pay ANY hard earned money to ANY obscure, unknown entity of dubious integrity and /or whose (supposed) "results" cannot be easily and independently confirmed and verified. I don't wish to appear unsympathetic, but as I've said many times before in these forums and elsewhere, those who freely and willingly give their money to these types of worthless parasites are not victims --- they are volunteers.


Last edited by ken1193 on Dec 26, 2008 10:52 AM

Dec 26, 2008

I repect that Ken. I have heard of these scams. I have went through a few different companies. And they burned me. I took them to court and got my money. I told the villa trader the same thing. And in Florida there is a 10 day recession period for the buyer. I see all these shills and alot may be from the company. Idk. Like i said it did in fact work for me. I would be glad to represent any family in court that got scammed and i will be keeping up with these post, so let me know. Ty guys Merry Christmas!

Imthe O.
Dec 26, 2008

imtheo wrote:
Ken says something about have a realestate license to sell time shares? Well timeshares are a luxery item. Not realestate. Bottom line is the only way these things sell are face to face. I trusted the villa trader. So all your jingle shills.....Frankly idk. I was satisfied. Scam or no scam it worked for me.

I have to disagree with you on this point!

We own two weeks in Lake Tahoe and have ownership and deed to our resort. We also each year pay State Tax on our property in Nevada.

We also deduct this tax each year on our tax just like our house.

If your talking only Mexico then unless things have changed since we sold you never own anything because a timeshare in Mexico is RTU only! Your really only buying time and nothing more.

If you are a real owner and not a shill can you explain how all of you showed up same day to Redweek to talk about this posting only? Did all of you just meet in a cab in Mexico and decide to go on line and found Redweek and then be surprised that there was a posting on Villa Trader and their upfront company who just seems to call people out of thin air. LMAO


Phil L.
Dec 26, 2008

imtheo incorrecly states: >>Ken says something about have a realestate license to sell time shares?<<

For the record, Ken never said any such thing at any time. You are evidently attributing that statement (if it was ever made at all) to the wrong person entirely.

Re: >>Well timeshares are a luxery item. Not realestate. Bottom line is the only way these things sell are face to face <<

Timeshares are a luxury; on that much we can agree. However, most timeshares certainly ARE real estate. The only exceptions, which are a statistical minority by far, are the odd club memberships, all Mexican RTU's (right to use), "points only" packages such as those available from Wyndham, et al). Far more often, deeds are prepared and recorded just exactly as they are for any other real estate transaction --- since they ARE real estate.

Re: >> Bottom line is the only way these things sell are face to face.<<

That's just complete and utter nonsense. During the past few years, I sold off SIX of my excess timeshare weeks --- all through various inexpensive, Internet avenues (already individually itemized in a separate post the other day). I NEVER met even ONE of those separate and unrelated buyers. Face to face only? That's just plain nonsense. Furthermore, with the use of a professional third party closing company handling all details of the transaction for both buyer and seller, it's VERY rare indeed that buyer and seller would ever have occasion to even meet one another --- often not even have so much as a phone conversation.

Are you the sole remaining shill for "The Villa Trader"? I ask because you are now just talking sheer nonsense and frankly, you are actually beginning to embarrass yourself.


Last edited by ken1193 on Dec 26, 2008 04:49 PM

Dec 26, 2008

Ok like i said you cannot own a timeshare in mexico, there is no deed. How all these people showed up idk. I had to pay a fee every year but that was a maintence fee not taxes. Do some research then tell me know know something. All the things i have seen you write are the same things over and over again. Bottom line.

Imthe O.
Dec 26, 2008

Ok Ken when i say face to face it means the company you go through sells the property. Not myself face to face. I didnt buy my time share on a website i took the get aways package and the 90 min tour then bought the timeshare. Thats what i mean face to face.

Imthe O.
Dec 26, 2008

imtheo babbles on, in unconvincing desperation: >> Do some research then tell me know know something. All the things i have seen you write are the same things over and over again. Bottom line.<< ==============================================

With 25 years of timeshare ownership and quite a few more years than that in the legal profession, I don't need to do much "research" to know EXACTLY what I am talking about in this particular arena. Moreover, I have placed HUNDREDS of factual, accurate, informative posts in these forums over several years, trying to help people in matters pertaining to timeshare. I stand by the accuracy and the integrity of every single word I have ever posted here. Can you truthfully make ANY of those same statements?

I'm not going to flatter your ongoing, semi-literate drivel with one more moment of my time. RedWeek readers can (and will) decide for themselves who has credibility and who does not. Frankly, I suspect you'll come up quite a bit "short" in ANY such comparative analysis and assessment.


Last edited by ken1193 on Dec 26, 2008 04:51 PM

Dec 26, 2008

Quite frankly you are right. The readers will believe what they want. I dont need short assesments. I voiced my opinion as well as everyone else did. Anyways i have to be in court but I will be getting with you guys later.

Imthe O.
Dec 26, 2008

And i have another question for this Kelley?

No contract, no paperwork, no money! If the company is legitimate that would be happy to do business with them. Again no paperwork, no signatures no protections.

I am voicing my experience and am alerting others

Kelley L.
Dec 26, 2008

imtheo wrote:
Ken says something about have a realestate license to sell time shares? Well timeshares are a luxery item. Not realestate.

Imtheo, I believe you are wrong about Ken saying anything about the real estate license! I said that to sell a deeded timeshare requires a real estate license and this is the lame excuse these upfront companies use.

These companies excuse for charging upfront is because they can not charge after sale{commission] because they have no license to sell real estate. They are nothing more than a scam listing company that takes what ever money they can get people to send and thats about it.

Also just for the record as one of the lively five said about Ken working for Redweek," WRONG" !

I"ll take the credit or blame for my own statements!


Phil L.
Dec 26, 2008

imtheo wrote:
Anyways i have to be in court but I will be getting with you guys later.

Only IF the judge has mercy on him...[ROTFLMAO]

Bruce Z.
Dec 27, 2008

bruce727 wrote:
imtheo wrote:
Anyways i have to be in court but I will be getting with you guys later.

Only IF the judge has mercy on him...[ROTFLMAO]

Exactly what I thought to myself upon seeing that (...hopefully final) message. No individual so inarticulate could ever successfully make his way through law school --- or a state bar exam. If any RedWeek readers believe that "imtheo" is really an attorney, they may also choose to believe that I am actually the Queen of England, sending out royal "Seasons Greetings" to all by computer from within Buckingham Palace. Cheerio!.....


Last edited by ken1193 on Dec 27, 2008 12:43 PM

Dec 29, 2008

listen guys whether or not this company is a scam or not what you guys are doing is harrasment and you are scaring away customers which is[if i need to remind you illegal]do any of you have anything better to do than post shills all day

Garry S.
Dec 29, 2008

garrys27 brilliantly observes in part: >>...what you guys are doing is harrasment and you are scaring away customers which is[if i need to remind you illegal]<< ================================================

Thank you for those words of positive reinforcement. Keeping innocent, unwary people from being separated from their hard earned money for no good reason and to no productive end to a scamming "business" operation is just EXACTLY what I routinely attempt to do here. I will continue to do so; I could not possibly care any less whether or not you personally approve of those voluntary efforts. Those who disapprove of (or disbelieve) any of the input offered here (by you, me, or anyone else) are absolutely free to assess such input for themselves and then willingly make their own decisions and choices.

Thank you also for the unsolicited (even if blatantly incorrect) legal advice, although my firm belief is that you are entirely unqualified to offer any such input. On the other hand, it's no guess at all and quite indisputable that stating personal opinion, accurate facts, and making completely truthful statements is neither "harassment" nor "illegal" anywhere at any time (not in the USA, anyhow). Those who don't like exposure to the harsh sunlight of truth should perhaps just stay in the shade instead; too much bright sunlight may very well get you "burned".....


Last edited by ken1193 on Dec 29, 2008 04:37 PM

Dec 29, 2008

I agree with Ken.

Upfront Charging Scam Artists are the SCUM OF THE EARTH! If a company is LEGITIMATE they will get paid for their work AFTER they find a Buyer. What motivation do they have to do ANYTHING after they have collected $2,000.00 OR ? - Answer: None!


Joe L.
Dec 29, 2008

garrys27 wrote:
You are scaring away customers

Gosh, I hope so!

What many of us on these timeshare forums are doing is warning honest timeshare owners not to get scammed by these upfront companys.

I just started hearing this Villa Traders name last few months because of owners who listen to their spiel and fell for it. They gave their money to these parasites and now can not even get them on the phone.

Phil L.
Dec 30, 2008

garrys27 wrote:
listen guys whether or not this company is a scam or not what you guys are doing is harrasment and you are scaring away customers which is[if i need to remind you illegal]do any of you have anything better to do than post shills all day

And you're not harrassing people by getting their telephone numbers and calling them numerous times with your upfront fee scam? What you're doing should be illegal and I hope one day it will be. You skirt the law by calling yourselves a 'timeshare marketing company' but in reality you (and all other upfront fee companies) are timeshare thievery companies.

R P.
Jan 01, 2009

Are we NOT SURPRISED that yet another first time poster appears with similar grammatical errors?

Bruce Z.

Last edited by bruce727 on Jan 01, 2009 08:55 PM

Jan 02, 2009

I am Most Thankful to be nearly 4800km from Florida. On a 'Bad Luck Day' someone THERE is likely to 'employ' the "professional services" of [imtheo]..... Pity! (IMNSHO)

Donald D.

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