Travel Guides & Tips

RedWeek is passionate about travel — and we're equally passionate about sharing our expertise. Check out local insight, timeshare travel hacks, explainers and more.

Happy Birthday Mr. Washington!

Did you know that February 22 isn’t really George Washington’s birthday? The man who would become the father of our country was actually born on February 11 in 1731, based on the Julian calendar that was in use at that time. In 1752 when Britain and its colonies adopted the Gregorian calendar that we all…


Timeshare Travel #TravelTuesday – California

Rancho Bernardo Winery near San Diego, California, submitted by Sue G, British Columbia Submit your photo to #TravelTuesday! Just send it via email to us at: learnmore (at) redweek (dot) com. Let us know your name, where you are from, and where the photo was taken.

RedWeek Members Travel Lighter with VIP Luggage Delivery

RedWeek has expanded its list of member benefits with the addition of VIP Luggage Delivery, Powered By Bags. VIP Luggage Delivery saves you the hassle of airport baggage claim, and is offering RedWeek members 15% off its standard service rate. VIP Luggage Delivery eliminates the need to wait for luggage at the airport carousel. Instead,…

Timeshare Scammers Impersonating RCI – Warning from The Timeshare Crusader

From RedWeek’s February Newsletter – February’s “Ask The Timeshare Crusader” question comes from Odin: I recently received a letter from the president of RCI warning me against attending an “RCI Update” meeting in my area. Apparently these meetings are not sanctioned by RCI, but are a scam. Have you heard about this? Lisa Ann Schreier’s…

4 Items to Help Speed Up the TSA Security Screening Process

TSA security screening at American airports is never fun. Long lines, surly agents, invasive procedures, and fumbling to get all our possessions through the x-ray machine can make for a stressful experience. After many early morning runs through the TSA security screening checkpoints, I have learned what works well in order to get me through…

Top American Cities for a Warm Timeshare Winter Vacation Part 5

Travel and Leisure has released its list of the top American Cities to escape winter’s chill and enjoy sunshine and warmth, as voted on by their readers. In a 5-Part series we’ll look at 5 of the top American cities on the list that also make great timeshare rental winter vacation destinations. 5. San Juan….

Timeshare Travel #TravelTuesday – Cabo San Lucas

Just in time for a winter timeshare rental getaway – Beach in Cabo San Lucas. Submitted by Paula L of Reno, NV. Submit your photo to #TravelTuesday! Just send it via email to us at: learnmore (at) redweek (dot) com. Let us know your name, where you are from, and where the photo was taken.

Top American Cities for a Warm Timeshare Winter Vacation Part 4

Travel and Leisure has released its list of the top American Cities to escape winter’s chill and enjoy sunshine and warmth, as voted on by their readers. In a 5-Part series we’ll look at 5 of the top American cities on the list that also make great timeshare rental winter vacation destinations. 4. San Diego….

Top American Cities for a Warm Timeshare Winter Vacation – Part 3

Travel and Leisure has released its list of the top American Cities to escape winter’s chill and enjoy sunshine and warmth, as voted on by their readers. In a 5-Part series we’ll look at 5 of the top American cities on the list that also make great timeshare rental winter vacation destinations. 3. Phoenix. This…