Travel Guides & Tips

RedWeek is passionate about travel — and we're equally passionate about sharing our expertise. Check out local insight, timeshare travel hacks, explainers and more.

Timeshare Rentals are the Best Kept Secret for Amazing Vacation Deals

Do you want to know one of the best kept secrets for a great Vacation Deal? Rent a timeshare for your family vacation. Many people are unaware of the advantages of renting a timeshare for a budget-friendly family vacation. Timeshare rentals typically cost up to 50% less than hotel rooms, especially when rented directly from…

What’s the Story on All of These Timeshare Exchange Companies?

July’s “Ask The Timeshare Crusader” question to Lisa Ann Schreier comes from Tiffany: I bought my timeshare from what I thought was an Interval International resort but I keep reading about a company called RCI and other people have told me about other exchange companies. What’s the story?  Lisa Ann’s Answer: The vast majority of resorts…

Timeshare Travel – California’s Hearst Castle, Showy and Sumptuous

While it’s true that Europe offers a plethora of palaces and castles which trace royal origins back many centuries, the U.S. has a “castle” that can rival the opulence of any in Europe – and visiting it is perfect for a timeshare vacation right here in this country. Publishing magnet William Randolph Hearst built what…

Timeshare Travel #TravelTuesday – Versailles

Marie Antoinette cottage at Versailles, France. Submitted by Mike Swenson, Utah.  This is one of 12 cottages commissioned by Marie Antoinette in 1783 for her rustic Haneau de la Reine (The Queen’s Hamlet) built in the park of Versailles. This particular cottage is surrounded by vineyards. Submit your photo to #TravelTuesday! Just send it via…

Are You Up-To-Date on Your Vaccinations for Your Summer Timeshare Vacation?

With timeshare rentals available all around the world, you might find yourself planning a summer timeshare vacation in a country where you’ll need to also plan for vaccinations. Dr. Vivien Brown, international speaker on health prevention and wellness, offers this timely information: 1. Up to date tetanus and pertussis (whooping cough). A national survey found…

3 Top Aquariums for a Cool Summer Timeshare Vacation

Stay cool this summer with a trip to one of the top aquariums in the world. A timeshare vacation and exploring the watery domain of fascinating creatures is one way to chill out and beat the summer heat. 1. Monterey Bay Aquarium. Located on the site of the former Cannery Row sardine factory, the Monetery…

8 Simple Tips for Traveling with Kids to your Summer Timeshare Vacation

Traveling with kids is definitely a challenging responsibility. The process of keeping them seated and relaxed can be quite daunting. Keep in mind that if you are prepared for all possibilities then your stress will surely be reduced. Things to consider when traveling with kids: 1. Planning. Let your kids join in the travel planning….

Happy Fourth of July! From Washington, DC

Hands down Washington, DC is the best place in all of America to celebrate the Fourth of July. It’s easy to plan a timeshare vacation to our Nation’s Captial for our Nation’s Birthday. An all-day event, Independence Day sparkles and shines from morning ‘till night. It begins with a Patriotic blow-out of a parade up…

Timeshare Travel #TravelTuesday – For the Fourth!

For the Fourth of July – Fireworks in Silverton, CO, in the San Juan Mountains where “behind the fireworks the stars are as big as goose eggs.” Submitted by Malcolm P of Colorado. Submit your photo to #TravelTuesday! Just send it via email to us at: learnmore (at) redweek (dot) com. Let us know your…