Travel Guides & Tips

RedWeek is passionate about travel — and we're equally passionate about sharing our expertise. Check out local insight, timeshare travel hacks, explainers and more.

4 Tips for Helping “Airplane Ear” Pain

When you fly to your timeshare vacation, you are choosing a mode of travel that is not only fast and convenient, but can be enjoyable as well. However, many of you might experience ear pain that is caused by a rapid change in the cabin pressure during take-offs and landings. The scientific term for this…

Timeshare Travel #TravelTuesday Photo – Iceland

Reykjavík, Iceland, taken by Agnes D., Brussels Reykjavík, the first permanent settlement in Iceland, was established around 870 C.E. The city itself was founded in 1786. It is widely considered to be among the cleanest, best organized, and safest cities in the world. Check out Europe timeshare rentals for timeshare vacations that will take you…

Timeshare Travel – Mickey Helps Kids Eat Healthy

When you take your family on a timeshare vacation to either Walt Disney World in Orlando or California’s Disneyland, you now have dining choices that ensure healthy foods for your children. The Mickey Check helps families easily find nutritious choices, part of an ongoing program that launched in 2006 with nutrition guidelines. From an udon…

Timeshare Travel – 4 Essential Child Toilet-Training Tips for Traveling

For most parents, keeping up with the toilet training process while traveling to a timeshare vacation poses a big challenge. There are many parents who have difficulty on a  family vacation because it is indeed stressful to change underpants and visit public restrooms when traveling away from home. In order to help you deal with…

Timeshare Travel – Washington, D.C. and Arlington House – An America Divided?

On your Washington, D.C. timeshare vacation explore Arlington National Cemetery, and especially Arlington House. You might be surprised at its history. The land where Arlington National Cemetery now stands, along with Arlington House, was originally owned by George Washington Parke Custis – the step-grandson of George Washington, the “Father” of the United States of America,…

Timeshare Travel #TravelTuesday Photo – Wyoming Prairie

Outside Laramie, Wyoming – submitted by Kacy Hattan, Champagne, IL. Wyoming is the least populous state in the U.S. The western two-thirds is covered in mountains and the eastern third, where Laramie is located, is high elevation prairie known as High Plains. Wyoming is a state that offers many experiences on your timeshare vacation that…

Timeshare Travel – Top 5 Clean Water Beaches in the U.S.

We’re well into the heat of the summer, and that generally means that many of you are planning a beach timeshare vacation. For the safety and enjoyment of your family, the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) has just released its 23rd annual beach water quality report. “Sewage and contaminated runoff in the water can spoil…

Timeshare Travel – 5 Tips for Shopping in Mexico

Mexico continues to be one of the top vacation destinations in the world. And from the vendors on the beach to upscale malls, shopping is part of the excitement of having a timeshare vacation in this lively country. Follow these 5 tips for a great shopping experience in Mexico: 1. Bargaining.  Generally speaking, the act…