Categories for RedWeek News

Welcome to the New RedWeek!

Have you had a chance to explore the new RedWeek yet? With a sleek new look and improved functionality, the RedWeek redesign is packed with changes that we’re sure will make posting and searching for timeshares easier than ever. One of the biggest changes is one you’re bound to notice if you’re browsing RedWeek on…

Maximize Your Chances to Rent Your Week!

You have a desirable week up for rent and an attractive price, and yet you’re still having a hard time moving that week you have up for rent – sound familiar? If you’re just not seeing those inquiries roll in, we have a few tips and tricks that will help you maximize the chances of…


RedWeek’s Casting Calls Are a Success!

This past July, RedWeek debuted The Great Family Vacation Casting Call to undisputed success! The casting call offered vacationing families the chance to enjoy professional photography and RedWeek fame. Colleen, Shane and their two two teenagers were our first applicants to be selected. Hailing from Arizona, the family chose Marriott’s Ko Olina Beach Club in…