Categories for Holiday Travel

New TSA Policies in Time for Your Thanksgiving Timeshare Travel

As you head to your timeshare for a Thanksgiving vacation, you are joining millions of other travelers for the most heavily traveled holiday of the year. If you’re flying, you’ll want to take note of new TSA (Transportation Security Administration) policies. 1. Children. As we mentioned in our recent article 7 Tips for Braving Airline…

How to Visit 10 Cities in One Night on New Year’s Eve

If you’re looking for a really fun but really different way of celebrating New Year’s Eve, rent a timeshare and head to Washington, D.C. Things To Do® DC (TTD) produces “original events that enrich your social and cultural experiences,” and they’re pulling out all the stops for New Year’s Eve. TTD has worked with several…

Top Places to Ring in New Years Eve

Are you wondering where in the world a good place would be to ring in the New Year? The BootsnAll travel information web site posted an article by Adam Seper addressing just that question. His “10 Places You Should Celebrate New Year’s Eve at Least Once” list includes Sidney, Australia, where you’ll welcome in the…

5 Sea World Orlando Christmas Vacation Ideas

Much is made of the Christmas extravaganza that awaits adults and children alike at Walt Disney World each year. And rightly so, of course. But remember that there are other places in Orlando where you can enjoy spectacular Christmas activities as well. Rent an Orlando timeshare, and check out these 5 fun Christmas activities at…

5 Timeshare Destinations for Big City Christmas Celebrations

Family Vacation is a highly rated web site that offers reviews, advice and suggestions with the mission to assist families in having fun and memorable travel experiences. For December they have compiled some “awesome” destinations for big city Christmas spectaculars. Following are 5 cities that made their list and that not only offer extravagant…


10 Holiday Travel Tips from the Twittersphere

Are you headed out and about this holiday season? Perhaps you’ll be renting a timeshare at a dream Christmas vacation destination. ‘Tis the season to be jolly – or at least try to be – which can be a challenge if you’ll be part of the busy holiday travel scene. Well, here’s some help. US…

Top 3 Places to Travel this Holiday

Do you love holiday travel? Those in the industry know where people want to go this year and the top 3 places most requested US destinations (per travel agents and tourism trend specialists) is listed below: Las Vegas – Las Vegas ranks as #1 and no wonder, it has it all! Elaborate shows, concerts, great…

Hidden Airline Fees Cost the Equivalent of 12 Million Turkeys

Americans will pay the equivalent of 12 million turkeys in hidden airline fees while traveling over this Thanksgiving holiday, says the Consumer Travel Alliance (CTA), a non-profit organization promoting consumer interests on travel policy issues. The CTA just released an estimate showing the impact of these fees will be on travelers’ pocketbooks over the busy…

Holiday Airline Travel Tips

Many of you are planning timeshare vacations for the Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years holidays, so the article “Holiday Travel 2010: What You Need to Know” is very timely. Written by travel journalist Ed Hewitt, and published on on October 25, 2010, the article offers salient advice on how to navigate holiday airline travel….