Although traveling alone can sometimes receive a bad rep, here at RedWeek we believe that there is no wrong way to travel. To the contrary, solo travel can be a deeply fulfilling experience which can boost confidence levels and leave you feeling more well-rounded than before you left home. Still not convinced? Here are 10 benefits of traveling alone that might inspire you to book a solo-trip:
1. It gets you outside your comfort zone.

Chances are, the mere act of booking a flight and making plans to travel on your own is already a pretty big step outside your comfort zone. So, bravo! When you are actually in the throes of a solo adventure, you might be surprised at how well you think on your feet and adapt to changing surroundings. Although travel hiccups are often difficult and frustrating in the moment, these impromptu mishaps can help develop valuable problem-solving skills. You will feel proud of yourself after you navigate an unfamiliar countryside, enlist the help of a stranger despite a language barrier, or manage to get back on route without any cell service for miles!
2. Freedom: You don’t have to abide by anyone elses itinerary but your own.

Imagine waking up in your beautiful vacation rental in Maui and having the whole day entirely to yourself! When traveling solo, both your time and your choices are completely your own. You can spend as long as you want lying on the beach, take a day trip wherever your heart desires, or make dinner reservations without thinking about anyone’s food preferences other than your own. This kind of freedom makes for the most luxurious vacation imaginable.
3.It’s easier to keep travel costs low.

The substantial amount of cash you will save on flights and lodging aside, traveling alone is much easier on your wallet for a multitude of reasons. All meals, activities, and shopping expenses are exponentially reduced when you are shopping for one. Bonus: this means you may be able to let go of the purse strings a little and splurge on decadent luxuries!
4. You will likely be more open to new experiences.

Because you won’t have any travel companions to confer with when making plans during the trip, you might find yourself being much more open to accepting an invite to a party in a hip urban area, explore a beach bike path, or tag along to a spur of the moment Hawaiian hiking trip with a group of friendly locals. By being open to new experiences, you will likely see more of your destination’s terrain and culture than ever before!
5. You make new friends.

When traveling with your family, as a couple, or with a group of friends, you are naturally less approachable in the eyes of those around you. As a solo traveler, however, you are more likely to attract the attention and curiosity of both locals and fellow travelers. Being on your own enables you to be more sociable and inviting, since you are not concerned with your present company and/or any previous time commitments you might have with them. Traveling solo is quite possibly the best way to meet new friends across the world. Who knows, maybe you will even meet your future significant other during your time abroad!
6. You may be more mindful in each moment.

With plenty of space for yourself and all the peace and quiet you could possibly want, you may find yourself being more mindful and present during your solo vacation. A vacation by yourself should not be lonely in the least. To the contrary, you are likely to feel fully present and content in each precious moment of your trip.
7. Rest without feeling like you need to tend to your family.

No matter how low-key your family may be, it is probably safe to say that none of us are exempt from a healthy dose of family drama. And that’s okay, because we love our families dearly. However, a vacation to yourself is the perfect time to seriously relax and let go of all worries surrounding your family’s dynamics. This is an especially valuable vacation for any busy moms out there who need a break!
8. Get inspired by your surroundings and let your creative juices flow.

Sometimes when we travel to a gorgeous vacation destination, we become somewhat numbed by the beauty of our surroundings. We have so many items to check off our vacation bucket list, and such a small window of time in which to do so! When you are alone and free from strict itineraries, you are able to simply relax into the environment and soak in the natural beauty of the area. Traveling alone is a prime time for artsy types to delve into their creative outlets and be inspired by the lush extravagance of the area.
9. Possibly improve your language skills.

Studies have shown that the quickest and most effective way to learn a new language is to be fully submerged in a culture where there is no other option than to adapt. When you travel alone, you do not have the luxury of relying on your travel companion(s) to help navigate, order food, and solve problems. You only have yourself, local residents, and perhaps a travel guide book at your disposal. Because of this need to sink or swim, you will be more inclined to practice your Italian when traveling in Rome, or hone your French during that Paris vacation. To both your own surprise and delight, you may find yourself speaking fluently in no time at all!
10. It boosts your confidence.

Taking an adventure completely solo is possibly one of the best ways to challenge your fears. When you travel alone, you are placing all of your trust in yourself. There will be no one else to reroute if you get lost in a new town, no one to decide where to eat, no one to talk you out of scuba diving or skydiving. There will only be you, and that notion is both profoundly challenging and confidence boosting. When you are finished with your solo adventure, you will undoubtedly feel on top of the world!
Ready to book your next solo adventure? Browse our amazing vacation rentals and exercise that spontaneity muscle!