Rent an Orlando Timeshare to Visit the Harry Potter Theme Park – Part 2

published on September 22, 2010 by

With summer crowds and summer heat dissipating, fall is a great time to head to Orlando, Florida. Rent an Orlando timeshare and enjoy these top must-do adventures at Universal Studios Orlando’s new Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

Our second in a two-part series focuses on the rides, and even a surprise.

  1. The Flight of The Hippogriff
    Once people saw Harry Potter soar over the lake flying with Buckbeak, Hagrid’s Hippogriff, the desire to join in the fun has been a strong one for muggles. Hippogriffs are gentle creatures so this ride is perfect for your little ones and even you if you’re coaster-challenged. It does have enough exciting runs and dips to be a great ride, and a bonus is the view you get of Hagrid’s Hut and the rest of Hogsmead.
  2. Dragon Challenge
    For more advanced wizards, and muggles who are up for it, a ride on the only dueling inverted roller coaster in the world will definitely get the heart pumping (see photo). You’ll find yourself right in the middle of a challenge between the red Chinese Fireball dragon, and the blue Hungarian Horntail. You’ll see scenes from Goblet of Fire, and a fantastic view of Hogwarts Castle, looking just like it does in the movies.
  3. Hogwarts Castle
    This famous school for wizards has been reproduced to perfection. The immense structure looms over Hogsmead just as you’d expect. Inside you’ll be in awe just as young Harry Potter was on his first time in the Castle, what with talking portraits, the foreboding Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, and even a greeting from Dumbledore in his revered office.
  4. Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey
    This is the showcase of the entire theme park and is worth the wait in line. You’ll find yourself in the middle of many action scenes from the films as you fly, fall, spiral and spin – and are nearly eaten by dragons. Whether you’re in the middle of a Quidditch match, or fighting off Dementors, you’re for sure going to get a good taste of what Harry has been going through all of these years!
  5. Bathroom Break
    And here’s the surprise we promised you – when nature calls and you go into a restroom at Hogwarts who do you expect to see? You’re right – you’ll be greeted by everyone’s favorite bathroom ghost, Moaning Myrtle!

After all of this wild wizarding, you’ll probably be glad you’re just a muggle, and that all you have to do in life is kick back and enjoy your timeshare rental – space, relaxation, and a water slide or two.

Rent an Orlando Timeshare to Visit the Harry Potter Theme Park – Part 1

(Photo credit