Don’t Be a Victim of Timeshare Scams

published on June 2, 2010 by

If you are a timeshare owner, you know that timeshares offer you and your family a wonderful vacation with spacious accommodations at exciting resorts. You have the opportunity to visit your favorite location every year, and you also have the flexibility to choose different destinations and times of the year through timeshare exchange.

Most timeshare offers from retail developers are legitimate, but high-pressure, incentive-induced sales pitches can give a bad reputation to timeshare sales. They best way to avoid timeshare scams is to be informed and do your own research.

Timeshare Incentive Scams
If you are offered a prize as an incentive, either through the mail or at a resort, be skeptical. It’s up to you to read the fine print. Don’t outlay any cash for anything. A 1-900 number should also raise suspicion if you’ve been offered a free trip.

Timeshare Presentations
Never buy on the spot at a timeshare presentation. Do your research at home and take the time to properly evaluate their offer. Buying a timeshare on the retail market may have some benefits, but you will almost always pay more for those perks. Consider the timeshare resale market where timeshare owners are looking to sell their resort weeks. You can save money and often negotiate the sale price.

If the sales presentation is making you uncomfortable due to high-pressured sales tactics, just leave. You have the right to go, and with no arguments. Or, if you feel the need to diffuse the situation, simply ask for references of happy customers. If the presenter has trouble providing that, it’s a good time to leave., the largest on-line marketplace for timeshare rentals, resales and exchanges, holds the coveted A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau, and is an excellent resource for timeshare resale listings. You can also browse the resource section to answer any questions you may have about timeshares.

There are over 4 million happily timeshare owners enjoying timeshare family vacations all around the globe. Are you ready to be one of them?