General Discussion

How to sale Marriott Vacation Club membership

May 31, 2024

I would like to sell all my Marriott Vacation Club membership w/1500pts. I have no knowledge at all. I just wanted to let go my membership as not really using it. Would like to know the whole details process (step by step) on how it work using

Below are some questions top of my head, eg. 1) How much upfront fees I need to pay? 2) What is the charges for post sales? 3) Any other charges that I need to pay for legal doc (for ownership transfer) ? 4) Do I need to liaise with MVC and buyer post selling? 5) How do I get payment from buyer? 6) How long does redweek advertise for selling? What if can't get any buyer by end of the advertisement period? Do I get any refund? 7) What is the selling price for 1500 pts? Does annual maintenance fees play a part in determine the selling price? How about my purchase date for the MVC and tenure. Does it make a difference in determine a good selling price? Will buyer see the purchase date and remaining years in the advertisement? 8) owner A has the MVC membership since year 2012, and owner B has the MVC membership since year 2020, does it make a different in determine the selling price 9) say for example the selling price is $2000, after minus all fees to be paid, is it possible that I am getting $0 post sales? Meaning the selling price just enough to cover all the processing fees. 10) can I change the selling price once its posted ? - if buyer has any question, does it get routed to me for answer or redweek will help answer? - can buyer negotiate the selling price with seller?

Appreciate someone can guide me here.

Jane L.

Last edited by janel336 on May 31, 2024 08:40 AM

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