

Jun 10, 2020

Will Branson fail as a resort destination if the shows are only 10% opened to capacity?

Steve Padget
Jun 10, 2020

When will bush gardens in Virginia open

Gina J.
Jun 10, 2020

What about Hawaii! You have a condo there of mine

Brenda S.
Jun 10, 2020

Branson, like Vegas, depends on shows to attract travelers. Since it is obvious that social distancing will not be easy to achieve in a crowded theater or football stadium, shows and major sporting events are expected to be the last activities to resume normal operations. Branson has other charms, however, and resorts there will focus on those benefits to bring back customers.

Jeffrey W.
Jun 10, 2020

No timetable set, yet, for Busch Gardens Virginia to reopen. But seven of the firm's other theme parks are scheduled to reopen this month. Check the COVID-19 update link on the website for Busch Gardens for timely updates.

Jeffrey W.
Jun 10, 2020

Hawaii resorts are open but operating under very tight restrictions, including a 14-day, state-ordered quarantine for travelers from the states and overseas. Contact your resort directly for specific information. Plane travel also operating under new rules that are designed to safeguard passengers.

Jeffrey W.
Jun 10, 2020

" . . . a 14-day, state-ordered quarantine . . . " Jeff, If I go to Hawaii for two weeks, does that mean that I have to spend all my time behind doors at my resort? If so, not much of a vacay!

Thomas C.
Jun 16, 2020

Hawaii quarantine rules are strict. After arrivals, guests must stay in their room for first 14 days. No beach walks. Concierge will arrange shopping services to deliver food to your room. Make sure you bring a few e-books for your first two weeks in Hawaii.

Jeffrey W.
Jun 16, 2020

Why on earth would anyone go there under those restrictions ?

Don P.
Jun 28, 2020

How do I write a review on RedWeek?

Rebecca W.

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