General Discussion

point rental liquidators 2

Jun 24, 2014

I hope you can find this new forum....the last forum was closed. This will be a share info and idea's until there is justice. Thank You

Eric J.
Jul 03, 2014

Guy Russell= BOOM!!!

Larry M.
Jul 14, 2014

Ok, where is everyone? Guy Russell, Nona Russell & Brandon "BJ" Cooke = BOOM!!!

Boobie R.
Jul 14, 2014

the old forum Point Rental Liquidators was shut down so we started a continuation of it over on "2".....

Eric J.
Sep 08, 2014

Anyone have new information about this scam with B.J. Cooke? My wife and I are in a. Bad place because of this and would appreciate any update. Thanks

Tom W.
Sep 11, 2014

Ditto the last inquiry. My wife and I just completed paying off the $11k credit card bill for the one week unit at Sunset Harbor Resort. To add insult to injury we received a maintenance bill from SHR that was nearly triple the one from last month (new management of the organization claim that they are trying to "standardize" the fees across unit owners. Yeah, right). The phone rep takes the position that that scam incident involving BJ Cook is "all behind" them and that they do not bear any responsibility for what happened to us.

So we are moving toward selling the unit knowing that it will be a monumental pain in the posterior. But that leaves the question raised by tomw392: has there been any word about the Russells and BJ? I just hope that there has been some movement toward getting these people off the streets and having them moved into a state or federal timeshare of their own.

tomw392 wrote:
Anyone have new information about this scam with B.J. Cooke? My wife and I are in a. Bad place because of this and would appreciate any update. Thanks

Jeffe C.
Sep 12, 2014

boobier wrote:
Ok, where is everyone? Guy Russell, Nona Russell & Brandon "BJ" Cooke = BOOM!!!

Please explain the above post boobier .... seems this discussion has run it's course with no resolution.

R P.
Sep 15, 2014


Todd M.

Last edited by toddm300 on Sep 15, 2014 01:18 PM

Sep 17, 2014

No there is an active investigation on going just don't have all the facts yet....there will be something. Keep the posts coming to make available all information you can share. This is a new forum due to the other one closing down...this is a continuation of that one. Good things happening. Stay Tuned

Eric J.
Sep 21, 2014

Who's investigating??

Linda H.
Oct 09, 2014

My wife and I were hopeful that some resolution to this scam would be complete by this time. The 10,000 dollars we apparently lost has put us in a bad position. We are not people of great means and this may cause us to file bankruptcy. BJ, if you read this know that our lives will never be the same as a result of our relationship with you.

Tom W.
Nov 04, 2014

I wondered why I have not gotten any messages about this scam. I bought in 2012 and also got taken. BJ last that I know is living in Las Vegas with some Asian gal. Last time I was in Las Vegas my wife and I went to their call center and was asked to leave. I had spoke to AG office from Indiana about a year ago and they did state they were investigating this but it would take some time to complete .

James V.
Nov 04, 2014

Why were you asked to leave? Was the business legitimate? How many employee's were there? Did you get names and license plates of cars in the parking lot? Should have broken a car window or something where they would have to report it to law enfocement and that would make them have to report their names. I bet they wouldn't even call the police they would be too afraid of establishing a real name and address. I know there are many investigations on going and the clock is ticking. Do not give up we will all get our money back soon....hang in there!!

Eric J.
Nov 04, 2014

My wife and I are always "at the ready" to join any effort to ferret out and prosecute these low life scum.

Jeffe C.
Aug 06, 2015

My husband and I were also scammed by these people. We had a very nice "Christian" lady who sold us our deal. She even left us her cell phone number but when we tried calling her months later to find out what was going on she said she would find out and call us back. Of course we never heard from her again.

If anyone hears anything about this scam and how we can get our money back I would love to know. We are out $9000 because of this creep. With both of us retired now we can't make ends meet. My husband is having to go back to work part-time. How do people like him sleep at night??? I hope he gets his just reward and we get our money back!!!

Lonie W.
Aug 06, 2015

Hello loniew....I am sorry to hear this. This happened to my Parents and we are actively seeking justice in the State of Wisconsin. We are getting closer to them. The State Atty. General has an active case on-going. What state are you located in? There are a few of us that have been scammed in Wisconsin and have actively been involved in this. There are certain criteria that the FBI cannot get involved. I cannot understand the individual states going after these individuals to stop this activity. This is a scam and a rip off. Me and my family will pursue them and not give up. We will get our due justice even if the State Atty. General or the FBI will not get involved. We have them identified and giving our justice system a chance. If that doesn't work we will provide our own justice. It's that simple.

I would be curious to know where this happened to you. Be careful of what you share on here as these people involved actively monitor this site.

loniew wrote:
My husband and I were also scammed by these people. We had a very nice "Christian" lady who sold us our deal. She even left us her cell phone number but when we tried calling her months later to find out what was going on she said she would find out and call us back. Of course we never heard from her again.

If anyone hears anything about this scam and how we can get our money back I would love to know. We are out $9000 because of this creep. With both of us retired now we can't make ends meet. My husband is having to go back to work part-time. How do people like him sleep at night??? I hope he gets his just reward and we get our money back!!!

Eric J.
Nov 03, 2015

We were scammed into buying a time share at Sunset Harbor by PRL. Then earlier this year we were told that SHR was splitting from RCI. This was going to cost us several thousand dollars to accomplish and then another $1100. to join a new trading group. I see this as another scam. I just sat on my hands and did nothing, thinking at least I still had my time share and I wasn't going to pay any money to leave. But now I get a maintenance bill for $365. when in the past it's been $95. Has anyone else been exposed to this? How are you responding? I'm thinking of just walking away. No sense throwing good money after bad. Warren

Warren S.
Jul 13, 2024

Hi Tom. Unfortunately B. J. Cooke thinks this is behind him because the statute of limitations is up. From my understanding, Nevada law freezes the statue when the criminal can’t be found.

Susan A.
Jul 13, 2024

Hi Eric,

What justice can we get ourselves? I have found his current place of employment, do we show up?

Susan A.

Last edited by susana850 on Jul 13, 2024 11:10 AM

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