Marriott's Kauai Beach Club

March 9 th flooding on first floor, beach erosion, muddy pool, lobby leaking

Mar 12, 2012

can you spell special assessments?

John B.
May 10, 2012

What is the history of special assessments at the Kauai beach club? I am thinking of buying there, but cant afford thousands extra. Are there ongoing problems? This flooding report doesnt sound good.

Susan S.
May 12, 2012

We had special assessments in 2006, 2007,and 2008 if I have it right. Special costs were added to our maintenance fees and were between $200 and $755 per year per unit. At a recent meeting, costs were going to rise an estimated 7.75 percent per year which has been about right.

Do not know about any special costs this year for 2012 flooding yet.

Hopes this helps.r

John B.
Jan 19, 2013

Our maintenance fees for 2013 actually went down from 2012 and the special assesments have been over and gone for a number of years now. Have owned since 1998. Love this resort - multiple year owner and go every year.

Kathy W.
Feb 01, 2013

We have owned multiple weeks here for the past twelve years. I believe that the subject items fit within the normal maintenance program.

"flooding on first floor" - The lower floor of the Wai Ale' Ale' building has experienced some water issues during extremely heavy rain. The staff created a swale leading to the storm drain which seems to have resolved it.

"beach erosion" - Major rains create drainage tracks across the beach. Marriott routinely grooms the beach to remove debris and rakes the sand to restore the surface. Sand does not leave the site, so there is actually no erosion.

"muddy pool" - I do not believe that this has happened since the major storm system was rebuilt six years ago.

"lobby leaking" - Roof leaks do sometimes happen. Their repair is normal maintenance.

Bob T.

Last edited by bob1725 on Feb 01, 2013 05:54 PM

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