Playa Grande Resort

Resort Transfer Fee Rip-off that affects resales

Sep 15, 2010

I just recently learned from another PG owner that PG has raised their resort transfer fee yet again. It used to be $250, then was raised to $500 earlier this year, and now they are apparently charging 10% of the original contract price! That means that, on average, a resale unit will have a $1,000-$2,000 "resort transfer fee" attached to it.

That severely affects your ability as an owner to resell your unit. Seems like a blatant attempt on PG's part to prevent us from selling our units and to force us to remain owners.

The Bulnes family used to be so respectable -- now they are just disgusting, money-grabbing lowlifes, IMO. How sad... I used to be proud that I was an owner at PG. Not anymore...

Donna W.
Nov 30, 2010

Has anyone actually confirmed this with the resort?

William Y.
Jun 25, 2012

Yes, many people have. It's been posted on TripAdvisor, Tug forums, etc.

If you post about it on their Facebook page, they'll delete your post and then ban you from posting on there again.

But feel free to contact the resort or yourself to confirm.

Donna W.
Jun 26, 2012

I asked the following questions while logged in at and received the following answers:

Q. Can you please email to us... the EXACT verbiage of the Resort Transfer Fee. We have heard rumors about it having been increased exponentially and we want to know EXACTLY what the Resort Transfer Fee is now, and how it is calculated.

================== A. Thank you for your email. To answer your questions:

1. First there is no exact verbiage confirming the fees. The current fees are: Broker transfer: 40% of original purchase price; and for non-broker assisted : 10% of the original purchase price.

2. I am unable to answer your question regarding how these fees were determined, as our office has no relationship to that decision.

I hope this was somewhat helpful, Jennifer Duncan, Esq. ResortCom Int'l

Donna W.
Jun 29, 2012

The boys are just money mongers, I hear #1 married an american, maybe she is high maintenance and he needs to make more money. Since we are a captive audience who better to rape with fees. If you haven't looked yet there is a whole thread on Trip Advisor.

Harold N.
Jun 29, 2012

I had decided to contact some owners who are currently trying to sell their units and have them listed on internet TS resale sites. I emailed them to inform them about the new fee. One guy got my email and then called ResortCom. ResortCom told him he would only have to pay the old $500 fee. So, I forwarded this guy's email to Ms. Jennifer Duncan (the attorney at ResortCom who is apparently now handling all inquiries on this topic) and asked her why some owners get to pay $500, but others have to pay the 10%.

She didn't respond to me via email. While I was out running errands today, she CALLED my house and asked my husband to have me call her when I returned! Perhaps her call was benign, but I don't feel comfortable carrying on a discussion over the phone with an attorney (who isn't working for me). So, I emailed her again and told her to feel free to respond to my inquiry via email.

Wonder if I've totally pissed off the Bulnes family and they're trying to shut me down? Me thinks that, whatever it is, it's not good....

Donna W.
Jul 12, 2012

The original owners may have a way out as Profeco says they can not do this.

Harold N.
Sep 26, 2012

Has anyone confirmed if the charge can or cannot be charged? As an original owner who is looking to sell I would appreciate any new information on this.

Heidi M.
Nov 12, 2012

I just spoke to the resort transfer agent and she said the transfer fees are $250 to transfer to a relative and 10% of the list price value at the time of purchase. If you paid $10K but the list price was $14k you owe $1400 as a transfer fee.

Steven O.
Apr 17, 2013

How do they know if you are transfering to a relative? Many relatives do not have the same last my two sisters have different name than me.

Cindy S.
May 25, 2015

Any new info on the selling transfer fee? for Year 2015.

Heidi M.
Nov 09, 2015

Yes, you have angered them! You will feel the wrath of the Mexican Thor...Are you serious? Are you that paranoid?

Kevin R.

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