General Discussion

RECESSION: I need to get rid of my wyndham deeded Timeshares - how can I do it?

Mar 17, 2010

Okay, this is a tuff one. we are 3 months behind on our house mortgage due to lost of income and furloughs but we must continue to pay for these times shares that are thorns in oursides because that money can be used to pay our utility bills. We don't know what are the ramifications of not paying the timeshares. I mean the mortgage company is working with us for a possible modification but us paying timeshares ( A LUXURY) doesn't look conviencing when you cant pay your mortgage. Can some one with some concrete knowlegde tell me what can they wyndham do if we stop paying - we really can use the money. I have called to inform wyndham of the hardship and they say "well you are current so there is no assitants". Please HELP. can they come after our income or place a lien on our home? Thank you for the input.

Sabrina T.
Mar 19, 2010

Even though timeshares are a luxury, when you signed on the dotted line to buy that timeshare it's the same as if you signed a legal contract to buy your home, car, boat etc. .... stopping payments will definitely negatively affect your credit score and if you mortgaged the timeshare, that makes it even worse. I have no idea if they can put a lien on your home or income .... you might consult an attorney as to your options, if there are any.

R P.

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