General Discussion

Preston Green

Jun 25, 2008

Has anyone had contact with this guy? Good/bad/ugly? He replyed to my add, and I have bad vibes.

Randall E.
Jun 25, 2008

Well, other than the fact that he insisted on calling my cell phone after I told him I seldom carry it and preferred he use the land line, I'd have to say he gave renting my week the old college try. Unfortunately, the person he was trying to rent it to was someone with whom I had already agreed to disagree. MD

Mary D.
Jun 26, 2008

randy95 wrote:
Has anyone had contact with this guy? Good/bad/ugly? He replyed to my add, and I have bad vibes.
============================================ I had (involuntary) contact with this individual a year or so ago; I emphatically state that I shared your reaction. My "gut" told me to have nothing to do with him and I certainly followed those instincts. To each his / her own...

P.S. If you do a "search" (select "search all forums") entering this individual's name, I believe you'll find dozens of posts in which he has surfaced previously. You can evaluate those old posts for yourself and draw your own individual conclusions.


Last edited by ken1193 on Jun 26, 2008 03:51 PM

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