General Discussion


Nov 28, 2007

If you have a question, then first (please) use the search feature at the top right hand corner of this page under "I want to ..." then click 'search', then enter the key words of your question. This can save a lot of time for all concerned. If you don't come up with your answer by using the search feature, then, by all means, ask it on the forums.

The search feature is relatively new to Redweek and it offers a wealth of information if used correctly. As an example, if you're request is info on 'Bluegreen Vacation Club', then enter that in search and it will bring forth all forum discussions on that subject. If your request is 'reputable closing companies', then enter that and all discussions will brought forth.

R P.
Nov 28, 2007

jayjay wrote:
If you have a question, then first (please) use the search feature at the top right hand corner of this page under "I want to ..." then click 'search', then enter the key words of your question. This can save a lot of time for all concerned. If you don't come up with your answer by using the search feature, then, by all means, ask it on the forums.

The search feature is relatively new to Redweek and it offers a wealth of information if used correctly. As an example, if you're request is info on 'Bluegreen Vacation Club', then enter that in search and it will bring forth all forum discussions on that subject. If your request is 'reputable closing companies', then enter that and all discussions will brought forth.

I agree that people should search first before asking questions, since answering the same questions over and over and over again certainly gets old quite fast. Groundhog Day comes to mind........

That said, however, the "search" feature on RedWeek, although relatively new, is also really quite primitive. The user must search within each individual forum, one by one --- for reasons that completely escape me. Since people so often post in inappropriate (i.e., off topic) forums, searches become an exercise in "looking for a needle in a haystack". I think a significant refinement of the RedWeek search feature is clearly in order. There really should be no need to search within each individual forum, one by none, just to find all threads on one topic. That's just plain silly, at least in in my view.


Last edited by ken1193 on Nov 28, 2007 02:01 PM

Nov 28, 2007

Ken, you don't have to search in individual forums. You can click on search 'all forums' and it will bring up any discussion of keywords on ALL the forums.

R P.
Nov 28, 2007

jayjay wrote:
Ken, you don't have to search in individual forums. You can click on search 'all forums' and it will bring up any discussion of keywords on ALL the forums.

You are right and I stand corrected. Lesson: scroll down, view options before complaining...


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