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- Buying, Renting, and Selling Timeshares
- http://www.sellmytimesharenow.com/......
They are an upfront fee resale company. Once they get your upfront fee, you will more than likely never hear from them again. Upfront fee resale companies have no incentive to sell your timeshare since they already have your money.
Please read all the testimonials here by people who've been taken to the cleaners by upfront fee companies.
R P.
Check with Better Business regarding Sellmytimesharenow.com. It appears they have had fewer problems,(At least when I checked they did). Nevertheless, I still do not trust them. I need to sell my timeshare and because of the rip offs out there that congress has no control over, I am stuck in a rut and confused as to who to turn to.
Joyce E.
Try Redweek. Try www.mysesortnetwork.com Try a T/S licensed MLS Realtor in a state with strict rules ( Not Texas). (Not all Realtors will do timeshare...)
There is a listing on the www.tugbbs.com site of resalers and realtors who people have had good luck with.
If they ask for money up front....in most states that illegal for a licensed realtor or realty broker....but some will ask. Don't be fooled by very big advertising companies that are not realtors..or brokers. They will ask for an upfront fee to keep their upfront fees coming in via radio and TV commercials. (Not to sell anything)
How can you tell if they will even care if the sell?
Check the prices of the weeks or points they have on their site ( if they dare show it). If the prices are too good to be true (if you'd like to get that much) remember, its a crap shoot...someone might get lucky and a un educated poor family will pay the $10,000 for the same week the PPCs are selling them for on e bay for one dollar.
Oh ! The PPCs. They have the best deal (for themselves). They will sell the timeshare you own to themselves, since its worthless, anyway.
And than sell it on E Bay. So, they get $3500 from you to take YOUR T/S off your hands (MAYBE) and then list it on E Bay. You gotta sell it to them with all fees and taxes prepaid....but in some cases...very mysteriously...the maintance fees, taxes, and assessments re appear for the buyer to pay ( again)....pretty good operation? Buy stock in their company...seems it is perfectly legal.
Best part...its been reported on TUG & TS4RUMS that if the 'worthless' T/S they recieved $3500 for doesn't sell....the next year, the original owner gets billed for the maintance.
Who can you trust with timeshare? Your own due diligence. You might try to list it on e bay....or some of the other auctions. What do you have to lose by trying redweek...your here already. (Just price it to sell, and follow the extras redweek provides to make sure everything runs through right. If Marriott is still selling developer non red weeks with a 2 bed 2 bath lock outs for $1500 (includes closing)....keep this in mind when you price your unit.
If you want safety and little work, and MAYBE get some $$ back try one of those listed realtors on tug. Just brace yourself for a shock when they tell you the price they think you might get. And the commission they will need....it ain't free..but S/B honest
Kenneth K.
Do not use sellmytimesharenow. They misrepresent thier service, overstate their sales and prices and promise a quick sale. They take your money and deny what they said when you signed up. I have files a complaint with the better business bureau and will be pursuing legal action so this doesn't happen to anyone else. If you have been victimized by this group, tag on and I will help steer a class action law suit.
Patrick M.
patrickm294 wrote:Good luck with that....If you have been victimized by this group, tag on and I will help steer a class action law suit.
I have absolutely NO use for SMTN (or any of the numerous flavors of other parasites much like them), but the simple fact is that the chances of your finding an attorney willing to take on such cases is somewhere squarely between none and none at all.
In the end, you (and any and all others in your unfortunate situation) have NO documentation in which you can point and assert any specific breach of contract. You may, in fact, not even have ANY written contract AT ALL. The parasites, on the other hand, have carefully prepared, legally reviewed paperwork and likely also possess (and can readily produce) an audio tape recording of you overtly and voluntarily CHOOSING to authorize a charge to your credit card for their so-called "listing services". In short, you are NOT a "victim" --- you VOLUNTEERED! The bottom line is that you do not have a winnable case and no competent attorney is going to consider for even one moment wasting his /her time on a proposed "class action suit" that essentially lacks any merit and can't possibly be won. Sorry, but that's just how it is. Like Don Quixote, you can nonetheless choose to just "tilt at windmills" anyhow, if you wish.
Complaining to the powerless, toothless BBB, a "membership" organization with absolutely NO legal authority of ANY kind, is also a complete waste of time and energy. Filing BBB complaints may be good for "venting", but are otherwise useless and futile exercises, since parasites like this don't much care about their BBB rating anyhow. There ALWAYS seems to be someone else just waiting in line to give them money...
I sympathize with your plight, but the simple truth and fact is that you made a bad decision and that money is now forever GONE.
In my personal opinion, the only REAL solution of any substance for this ongoing problem is to drive ALL these maggots right out of business --- forever --- with FEDERAL legislation which clearly and specifically makes their business practices overtly illegal, regardless of where they operate within the USA. Until that day comes, the old saying will just be continually proven, time and time again, that "a fool and his money are soon parted". Regrettably, THAT is your "reality check".
Last edited by ken1193 on Apr 08, 2011 11:12 AM
To find a site is legit or not, you can do some methods. You can check whois lookup for a domain name. Visit the site http://www.whoisxy.com/ here you can check whois information for domain name. If the information is public and looks legit,you can note the email id, contact number of the domain name owner or administrative or technical department or else sale department. It will help you to contact them if you have any problem after using their services or buying their products. Then you can visit the site ScamAdviser.com check whether the site is trusted or not. If the result will "High Trust Rating. This Site Looks Safe To use." It is good site. Then you can visit Webutation.info here you can read users or customers reviews, ratings and feed backs about the site and their services. If they said good, you can start using the site.
Sahana N.
sahanan wrote:If they said good, you can start using the site.
I probably speak for many here when I say that it does not matter how legitimate the site is. What matters is how legitimate the company is. Of course, research about the website and its domain might yield some eye-opening results, but it's better to check out the company and its track record.
Lance C.
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