Timeshare Companies

Marion Griffin, Thomas Verner are scammers

Mar 21, 2017


I urge everybody reading this page who has been affected, to contact the US Osceola Police department and report any information they can.

Becky I.

Last edited by beckyi7 on Mar 26, 2017 01:34 PM

Mar 22, 2017


Were you able to get your money back? I have a contact person, who is actively pursuing Marion. Please email me at jarichter15@gmail.com, and I will forward you the information. I know it has been quite a while since you lost your money, but the detective is looking for anyone that was scammed!

Julie A.
Mar 22, 2017

Hi Dave-

I have some information for you regarding Marion/Jane and her daughter. Please email me at mauimom83@gmail.com. I don't want to put the info on here, because I know that loser is watching.

Julie A.
Mar 22, 2017

Please email me at mauimom83@gmail.com. I have some new information!

Julie A.
Mar 22, 2017

ANYONE SCAMMED BY MARION, KELLY, OR WHATEVER FAKE NAMES THEY ARE USING, PLEASE, PLEASE EMAIL ME AT mauimom83@gmail.com. I have some great new information about them!

Julie A.
Mar 22, 2017

All information. Should be going to the police there involved now.. not a email.. fraud are also involved

Darren M.

Last edited by darrenm109 on Mar 22, 2017 12:14 PM

Mar 22, 2017

Hi I've been advised not to send anyone emails regarding this in case contacts and not saying you are, are connected in any way and then gain access to email. Is there any other way you can pass on this new information?

Karen T.
Mar 23, 2017

I have copies of the forms to be filled out if you were scammed. They are to be sent directly to a detective in charge. I know Marion is watching

Julie A.
Mar 23, 2017

Like we have said the police shud be contacted directly which the police have told us to do...... do not pass any details on unless its with the police

Darren M.
Mar 24, 2017

please send the forms to Jkatie568@gmail.com. Please send to me, is ok. Even Marion is watch, does not matter. This email is only using fake name. Thank you.

Joanne K.
Apr 27, 2017

Kelly Price has scammed us a family. We were due to stay at a villa at Emerald Island and she has taken our deposit of over £750. Yes she uses the name Jane too. What police department do I contact please?

Lydia C.
Apr 27, 2017


Lydia C.
Apr 27, 2017

Are you kidding me, they are still here and scamming people.....I figured they would pack up and go back to England where they belong......They are so Illegal.....why is it so hard to catch them

Tom V.
May 08, 2017

So where are they now Tom ? Kelly jumped ship from the Winter Garden property soon after they 'ceased trading' 17th March. Marion left in a hurry seven days later. Are they still somewhere in Florida ? Or back home in Essex ? They are now being sought by the police.

Why are they illegal, didn't Marion have legal status through her marriage to you ?

tomv136 wrote:
Are you kidding me, they are still here and scamming people.....I figured they would pack up and go back to England where they belong......They are so Illegal.....why is it so hard to catch them

Peter W.
May 08, 2017

Not sure where they are...hopefully back in England.....we may be married, but def not together....anyone know where they are, please post......

Tom V.
May 08, 2017

Who is Jim Bozzuto, Tom ? Is he her new man ?

Peter W.
May 09, 2017

I really don't know or care.....

Tom V.
Jun 28, 2017

Does anyone know where Marion and her crooked family is now????

Tom V.
Sep 25, 2017

Anyone know where Marion is hiding???? Who is Jim Bozzuto

Tom V.
Sep 25, 2017

This truly bizarre thread, now apparently now in its' SEVENTH year (season?) of assorted disconnected posts and email contact solicitations, few of which make much logical sense, reminds me quite a bit of an old Abbott & Costello comedy skit entitled "Who's on First?". THIS particular skit however has been conducted in a Internet discussion forum instead.

It's difficult to imagine that a few individuals, whose real names and assorted aliases are apparently very clearly known, could be successfully scamming people for over SEVEN YEARS now without being caught and prosecuted. Something just "ain't quite right" here.


Last edited by ken1193 on Sep 26, 2017 05:51 AM

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