Buying, Renting, and Selling Timeshares


Oct 04, 2012

What is a Sunpak or Seapak or Holiday Week package?

Nancy W.
Jan 22, 2013

The vida vacations was created to force owners in to upgrade, every time you attend a members update, they find a problem about your current contract and thats why :


If you read on your contract cover page clausule number 5 it sais that:

5.-I understand that Company and/or its affiliates have developed (and may develop in the future) other resort brands, real state developments, entertainment venues, tourist attractions and/or other developments, alone or in conjunction with independent companies. This contract relates only to the resort identified in Recital IV of the contract , obligates only the Company that is a party to the contract and does not confer on Member any rights with respect to any such other developments. The contract does not impose on such affiliates or on any independent companies (or their affiliates) any obligation to Member. I hereby confirm that no representations or promises have been made to me with respect to any such other developments and my decision to enter into this contract has not been induced or influence in any way by any expectations regarding any such developments.

In other words, you purchase a contract ( Mayan Palace, Grand Mayan; Grand Luxxe, Etc) but you are only tittle to that it doesnt matter if you have a real state ademdum, becouse MAYAN ISLAND IS A INDEPENDENT COMPANY THAT THE ONE YOU PURCHASE FROM. Even the new Santuario (Santuary) if the company wants to charge you for attendint their shows...they can do it.

If any vida vacation owner is interested in getting 100% of the money back i can help you do it, i work directly with The Registry Collection and The Mexican Federal Goverment. The Only Thing that i will need its your permision to proceed and attached another "lie to" member in the Law Suit Hold Agaings Vida Vacations.

No money is neccesary, no cost or obligation to any person.

Ivan C.
Jan 23, 2013

I have been an owner for several years. My experience is very different from ivanc above. As long as I apply as soon as possible for time at my home location I always 'got in' (four years) . I also never had trouble trading for another location if I applied as soon as possible. With regard to renting my units, the company made it clear from the beginning and put it in the written contract that they will not rent a member's timeshare weeks. Yes, it is hard to rent them on your own but so are most timeshares. With regard to receiving a real estate statement, most Grand Luxxe owners do not have a fee interest so , of course , they do not get a real estate statement. Most of us own a right to use for a 100 years but do not own the property. However,I have been told that very recently fee interests are being sold and I would think those owners have a deed. The problem at the Grand Luxxe in Nuevo Vallarta has been construction noise near some units and that has be frustrating for those unit occupiers. That should be near an end within twelve months and we need to recognize it has resulted in a more atractive and useable property. I do not see how working with the Registry Collection can get someone who purchased time or fee his/her money back. The Mexican Government of course has rules with which the Grand Luxxe management must comply. Our contracts also have arbitration provisions to use if we do not get satisfaction after complaining to management about any breach of the written contract.

Paul C.

Last edited by westwinds3 on Feb 26, 2013 09:02 AM

Jan 23, 2013

It's a scam. They claim they can get your money back with no upfront fee. Then down the road the claim you need to pay a " govt tax " or a " transfer fee " or something that has to be paid before they complete the deal. It's just another way of getting money from you. They will continue to come up with new " fees " that need to be paid until they bleed you dry. They then will have someone else contact you later stating they can get this other money back for you. It's the new Nigerian lottery scam.Once they have you on the " sucker list " they sell your name to ther scammers.

Don P.
Mar 31, 2013

Hey Mike...sally/max here...long time no hear! 5 days ago we upgraded to a 2 bed luxxe su....the deal was 2 residence weeks for 100 years at 1 half m-fee every 10 years 10 month booking... with another registered week for 10 years at 12 month booking then just the two residence weeks...should we threaten to recind unless they make sure one of the residence weeks carry the benefits of the 12 month booking priveledge of the registered week?will we eventually find out after 10 years we are unable to book luuxxe in the winter?are not ressidence weeks just vf weeks without the no winter book restriction???of course all weeks have the 16 round free golf 2 free massage as well as no fee unless used and the realestate please...we can not even get a hold of these folks on our 5th day,being easter and all ...does this count as your 5th day??...running out of time (I think)SOS!! HELP!!!please...

michaelk397 wrote:
adahiscout wrote:
It sounds like one has to buy into an new resort group every time Grupo Maya builds a new building! MD

They would like you to. Realistically, no need to, particularly not if one is a GM member. I believe that they do plan on phasing out the Sea Gardens.

i originally bought a resale but did upgrade to the Grand Bliss with lots of nice amenities for doing so. I will not move into the Luxxe brand.


Bb S.
Mar 31, 2013

bbs5 wrote:
Hey Mike...sally/max here...long time no hear! 5 days ago we upgraded to a 2 bed luxxe su....the deal was 2 residence weeks for 100 years at 1 half m-fee every 10 years 10 month booking... with another registered week for 10 years at 12 month booking then just the two residence weeks...should we threaten to recind unless they make sure one of the residence weeks carry the benefits of the 12 month booking priveledge of the registered week?will we eventually find out after 10 years we are unable to book luuxxe in the winter?are not ressidence weeks just vf weeks without the no winter book restriction???of course all weeks have the 16 round free golf 2 free massage as well as no fee unless used and the realestate please...we can not even get a hold of these folks on our 5th day,being easter and all ...does this count as your 5th day??...running out of time (I think)SOS!! HELP!!!please...

michaelk397 wrote:
adahiscout wrote:
It sounds like one has to buy into an new resort group every time Grupo Maya builds a new building! MD

Don't just threaten to rescind. Do it! It does not matter if you can get a hold of them or not. In order to rescind, you have to mail in your rescission letter. It should say that in your contract what the rescission instructions are.

Don't delay. Get on it immediately!

Lance C.
Apr 01, 2013

bbs5 wrote:
Hey Mike...sally/max here...long time no hear! 5 days ago we upgraded to a 2 bed luxxe su....the deal was 2 residence weeks for 100 years at 1 half m-fee every 10 years 10 month booking... with another registered week for 10 years at 12 month booking then just the two residence weeks...should we threaten to recind unless they make sure one of the residence weeks carry the benefits of the 12 month booking priveledge of the registered week?will we eventually find out after 10 years we are unable to book luuxxe in the winter?are not ressidence weeks just vf weeks without the no winter book restriction???of course all weeks have the 16 round free golf 2 free massage as well as no fee unless used and the realestate please...we can not even get a hold of these folks on our 5th day,being easter and all ...does this count as your 5th day??...running out of time (I think)SOS!! HELP!!!please...

Is all the above included in your contract? If not, then it probably won't hold up in a court of law no matter what the salesperson told you verbally = old mantra for the timeshare educated .... "if a timeshare salesperson moves their lips they're lying".

I believe the rescission period in MX is 5 days .... if so it may be too late to rescind .... in the USA it's termed 'working days' in order to send in your rescission .... I would imagine 'working days' would exclude Sun in MX also as there is no postal service on that day.

You do not have to 'get a hold' of anyone concerning the possible rescission .... if you're within your rescission period then all you have to do is send a brief note telling them that you are rescinding .... you don't have to include an explanation of why .... send it USPS certified mail with return receipt = they have to sign that they received it .... it's the date stamped by the USPS that counts .... not when they received it.

R P.

Last edited by jayjay on Apr 01, 2013 08:26 AM

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