Jul 01, 2009

To cancel Mayan contract, if you feel you have a legitimate reason to do so. As for RMG, if you charged to a credit card, you can contact your cc company and tell them you were charged for services not rendered. They will investigate and you can receive a refund if they agree you were wronged- we did. You can include the complaints about RMG you have seen on these sites. EVERYONE should do this at least and get those sleazy scam artists (RMG)out of business. Although I have read on other forums that they go by many names or start up new businesses all the time.

I will say that the Mayan Resorts are beautiful, food and service spectacular, and I applaud all those out there who have made the most of their vacations their. We loved it the two times we visited, we really did. We just became so disillusioned with the lies and empty promises that we had to do something about it.

I would strongly urge you to contact G&G. Don't know how else to convince you or others that they are working for you, but trust me, they will. I am NOT connected to them in any way. Just a satisfied customer wanting to spread the good news.

Jaque P.
Jul 01, 2009

We would really appreciate if you give us the opportunity to contact you and clarify your issues with our firm, as the personnel for Gonzalez & Gonzalez is highly trained and supervised; and we can assure you that none of our customers have been attacked in any way. Looking through the files and data base of our company we do not show any record under the name of ¨Diane Jersey¨. After 15 years of experience we knew some day this will happen, being conscious of this we back up ourselves by recording every incoming and outgoing telephone call. In case of the existence of a recorded conversation with you under another name, we would like to expose it to the internet community to prove the opposite of the complaints made on June 30th against Gonzalez & Gonzalez to discard the fact that the post was exposed by our competitors or from the timeshare developers full of frustration by our advocacy and success on the resolution of the cases handled at Gonzalez & Gonzalez. Also, Gonzalez and Gonzalez has never charged such exaggerated retainer fees, we have a long list of satisfied customers who support our firm, with identifications to validate their existence and able to show their satisfaction by the success in the resolution of their cases. Gonzalez & Gonzalez counts with ample evidence, to show the Internet community and guarantee that there is no existence of this type of situation in our firm. Respectfully, Jose Gonzalez

Gonzalez G.
Jul 01, 2009

Good luck with them!!!

Silvian S.

Last edited by takoradi on Mar 18, 2010 05:55 PM

Jul 01, 2009

We would like to know how to contact Gonzalez y Gonzalez again. We were scammed by Playa del Sol in Nuevo Vallarta last year, being put in touch with a Royal Marketing Group person directly on their cell phone, making a promise he could get more for our Mayan timeshare than we paid for it, because he had "European buyers" waiting and ready to make big offers. If there is a way to get our money back from Playa del Sol, it would be a miracle!

Kari L.
Jul 02, 2009


Jaque P.
Jul 02, 2009

Your outcome will be a positive one, I promise you that. It is nice to know that there are some good people out there who truly want to help, as I'm sure you now understand after speaking to them.

Good luck to you.

Jaque P.
Sep 14, 2009

Good luck with them

Silvian S.

Last edited by takoradi on Mar 18, 2010 05:54 PM

Oct 26, 2009

Hi takoradi,

Just curious on how you found the satisfied client? Did G&G give you the reference?

Gail R.
Oct 26, 2009

Here is follow up to our case. Gonzalez and Gonzalez are working on our case with Playa del Sol, and they are making some progress. If anyone else was scammed by Playa del Sol, I urge you to contact them. The people who come forward, the more pressure we can apply to the whole industry for the unfair tactics they use. Sell us your lovely properties, but not your lies!

Royal Marketing Group is just as bad, but they didn't take as much money from us as Playa del Sol.

Kari L.
Nov 04, 2009

I fell for a marketing company called Condolink Worldwide and paid their fee for renting my Mayan 3 years ago. They took my money and have never rented anything for me. They were on the list of companies the Mayan gave me when I bought with them. So just a warning for you all out there!!!

Kat D.
Nov 09, 2009

Does anyone have any update regarding the suit against RMG. I just called a Mayan Palace sales rep in Puerto Vallerta today for current info on RMG and that person gave me the old telephone numbers and claims he wasn't aware that RMG's numbers are disconnected and have failed to provide service to many people, including myself. I can't believe Mayan Palace still has RMG on their list after reading all of these complaints that go back a year and a half. I would like to join the suit if there is one. Please advise


Flavia R.
Nov 09, 2009

Haven't seen anything against RMG. The last time I checked they still had a website up and running. Mayan Palace claims they don't monitor the list they hand out. They should, since they're more than willing to indicate their preference of whom you should contact from the list in the sales pitch. Makes you wonder what they're getting in return. I would certainly be part of a class action against RMG but have tried, unsuccessfully, to find out who's responsible for their continuing to be in business. I'm out $300 for "lifetime" rental service.

Valerie M.
Nov 17, 2009

mike1536 wrote:
patricias379 wrote:
After being scammed by Royal Marketing Group, I get a call from Meridian Media Group. Has anyone had any experience with them?
They are connected with timeshareadvisormagazine.com. If they are asking for upfront money to sell or rent your TS, just say NO THANKS.

Jim C.
Dec 03, 2009

I had a similar experience. Got talked into buying a time share in Cabo San Lucas at the Cabo Golf resort and paid $699 to royal marketing group, only to get home and find it doesn't even exist.

Beth F.
Dec 03, 2009

You can contact the law firm Gonzalez y Gonzalez. They are working on exposing RMG and a few other scams.

Kari L.
Dec 03, 2009

bethf76 wrote:
I had a similar experience. Got talked into buying a time share in Cabo San Lucas at the Cabo Golf resort and paid $699 to royal marketing group, only to get home and find it doesn't even exist.

get your entire contract, promises, both written and implied to a law firm. i am agnostic, have honestly spoken with someone at gonzalez, but couldn't provide anything substantial.

tell your tourist friends, tell your senator and complain to your timeshare companies that this must stop NOW.

John M.

Last edited by johnm1460 on Dec 03, 2009 11:43 PM

Jan 16, 2010

We "enlisted" Royal Marketing Group, in 2007, to rent our timeshare. Contacted them once, after about a year. Their claim for not renting was that the rental business was slow. mmm... and there was a big golf conference at the Grand Mayan, with no renters? I have been trying to fax a letter to them, but the line is constantly busy. From the past comments on this topic it looks like no one has been able to make contact with this company since last Nov. I am sure we are out our $299 lifetime listing fee. But I agree, the Mayan Group needs to remove scam names from their resale/rental lists. MLB299

Laurie B.
Jan 16, 2010

We are engaged with a Mexican law firm to file a law suit against one of the resorts that uses deception and exaggeration and also promotes Royal Marketing Group. If you are interested in what is going on, contact them at this address: gonzalezgonzalezlawfirm@hotmail.com

The work this firm is doing is soley to stop the kinds of tactics at Mexican resorts that are ultimately very damaging to the important tourism industry in their country. They have English-speaking staff, and while a little gets confusing in translation, they seem to be passionate about the cause. There are several resorts that they are working on, in addition to Royal Marketing Group. Join in... there is strength in numbers, and you might even get your money back.

Kari L.
Jan 17, 2010

I was told by the law firm that they could not do anything for me. I paid $299 for lifetime rentals though RMG only to find out they took my money and ran! Grand Mayan still had them listed on the paperwork they were passing out to new purchasers! They claimed they were not responsible and indicated they would remove them.

Valerie M.
Jan 17, 2010

Have you contacted Gonzalez law firm? Tell them your story: gonzalezgonzalezlawfirm@hotmail.com

Kari L.

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