General Discussion

point rental liquidators

Jun 19, 2014

Hello...please be careful of what you post here. Because there are imposters here reading everything and posing as victims. Thanks for the updates. I'm very interested in the Facebook page for BJ I would like to have more info on that offline some how....could you provide me any info on that? I think I can figure it out from the info you have already provided...It's interesting to hear about the Vegas location. I have always been interested in going out there but probably would have been an incident to get the authorities involved. If they are physically there I don't see how they can operate this scam out in the open.

I would also be interested in knowing information on the location in Illinois. I live close and would certainly be interested in causing a scene to expose him to the authorities. They have to do something this guy is getting away with murder against all these people. It needs to be stopped. I would certainly get my money's worth out of it....please advise I am looking to hear back from you.

Eric J.
Jun 21, 2014

Are you takin ta me?

ericj165 wrote:
Hello...please be careful of what you post here. Because there are imposters here reading everything and posing as victims. Thanks for the updates. I'm very interested in the Facebook page for BJ I would like to have more info on that offline some how....could you provide me any info on that? I think I can figure it out from the info you have already provided...It's interesting to hear about the Vegas location. I have always been interested in going out there but probably would have been an incident to get the authorities involved. If they are physically there I don't see how they can operate this scam out in the open.

I would also be interested in knowing information on the location in Illinois. I live close and would certainly be interested in causing a scene to expose him to the authorities. They have to do something this guy is getting away with murder against all these people. It needs to be stopped. I would certainly get my money's worth out of it....please advise I am looking to hear back from you.

John M.
Jun 23, 2014

Sounds like a family member to me. Nobody in here has any sympathy for anyone associated with the low life scammers.

Don P.

Last edited by phyl21 on Jun 23, 2014 08:09 PM

Jun 23, 2014

Yeah I'm talking to everybody in has been proven there are frauds in here trying to learn as much as they can and trying to throw us off. I'm telling you we're getting close and when we hit them they will not see it coming...I will get my Parent's money's worth.

Eric J.

Last edited by phyl21 on Jun 23, 2014 08:08 PM

Jun 23, 2014

Hopefully we ALL can get our Monies back. Keep us posted on how it goes and if you need backup, sounds like there are thousands of us that will get behind you.

Thanks for your efforts, mb279

M Brad B.
Jun 23, 2014

and ill lead the authorities right to you.

Tim T.
Jun 23, 2014

The authorities are welcome here, I'm not hiding anything.

Excuse M.
Jun 23, 2014

Obviously there are people in here posting that are friends or relatives or even co-conspirators of the scammers trying to use emotions to distract from the facts. Please don't sink to thier level and keep your focus on taking down the scum that perpetrated this fraud on the innocent victims.

I posted a while back that it takes time to coordinate an investigation this large and I want everyone to be patient and let the authorities do their jobs. Remember it has only been about a year since the FTC formed a special unit just to deal with timeshare crimes. Anyone with information or knows a victim please contact the FTC at 1-877-382-4357.

It should be satisfying to know that we have pushed some buttons and the scammers and their associates are venting in here. As the noose gets tighter let's enjoy hearing their comments as they wonder if today is the day they get busted.

Don P.

Last edited by phyl21 on Jun 23, 2014 08:16 PM

Jun 23, 2014

another one of BJ's victims here. I'd just like to say that anyone who threatens harm upon an innocent child is a disgusting, vile human being. No one but the criminal is "fair game". How would you feel if I made threats to harm your family members because of your behavior? You're threatening to harm infants because you don't like something their parent did. You're just as much of a low life criminal as BJ.

Jorge G.

Last edited by phyl21 on Jun 23, 2014 08:22 PM

Jun 23, 2014

Go ahead and contact the authorities, maybe then we can all sit down/meet together legally and take you down. If that's what it takes to get some attention of the State and Local authorities so be it. I can even give your local law enforcement phone number (yes I do have it). I will have my State's DA file with me and the charges they have on you. Yeah...on second thought go ahead and call them.

Eric J.

Last edited by phyl21 on Jun 23, 2014 08:17 PM

Jun 23, 2014


Eric J.

Last edited by ericj165 on Jun 23, 2014 03:43 PM

Jun 23, 2014

This type of behavior may be the very reason it has taken so long for the authorities to respond to the complaints. You weaken any position of fighting for what is right by stating you will go after anyone--including innocent children. Bj Cooke and the rest make a living lying and manipulating people. People who do that don't just turn "it" off when they leave work for the day. People like that lie to everyone--including family, coworkers, friends, girlfriends, ex-wives, and children. They are victims of his lies and manipulations same as the rest of who have lost thousand of dollars. I'm not saying you should feel sorry for them--they were the ones who believed his crap. But wait--didn't the rest of us believe his crap and give him our hard earned money? We don't "own" the market on being victims of Bj Cooke.

And how hard is it, really, to find him? I found him. I know where he lives. I know where his girlfriends parents live. If I were the mother of those babies, I'd go the cops. That was a threat-- plain and simple.

Jackson J.

Last edited by phyl21 on Jun 23, 2014 08:21 PM

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