The Manhattan Club

Manhattan Club Lawsuit

Nov 10, 2015

Hi Chris,

Good work! Please post the link to the New York AG's Request for Presentation form and I will blast it out there to fellow TMC owners.

Irene Smalls

Irene S.
Nov 10, 2015

You are another wise person. We need to hear from more like you.

chrisv126 wrote:
not sure about this, but from my experience. most agencies/services like this one are frauds and thieves. 2 yrs ago, i stupidly sent $1,000 up front to a "realtor" (read fraudster/scamster) to sell my mc penthouse timeshare. i called a few times and they said many clients are very interested, and to be patient. my patience lasted until the next phone call to them, only to get an operator telling me that "the number you dialed is no longer in service." i'll be damned if i'm going to pay any agency or service to literally take away my hard-earned assets. and this is a reasonable assumption: if a service can help us give away our property, why then can't we just do it ourselves and at least make a dollar on the deal...............rather than pay this service to do it for us? THAT'S A REASONABLE ASSUMPTION, RIGHT? YES, IT'S RIGHT!

also, i have a major concern: whyl are so many of us shareowners so willing to GIVE AWAY our assets (read our ownership and deeds to new your city property). i empathize with those who are financially strapped, but that's not true for most of us. yes, we're paying WAY TOO MUCH for the exorbitant maintenance fees but realistically, this financial burden is not breaking most of us. HOLD ON AS LONG AS YOU CAN TO YOUR PRECIOUS OWNERSHIP OF THIS PRIME PROPERTY. PUT MORE EMPHASIS ON USING IT RATHER THAN GIVING IT AWAY. taking a wait and see attitude regarding how scheiderman's law suit might benefit us all. however, i temper this last remark: schneiderman should be giving us some information NOW about the progress of the suit, and how winning or losing the case would affect us owners. WE HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW THIS, AND HE HAS A RESPONSIBILITY AS THE NYSAG TO DISSEMINATE AS MUCH INFORMATION AS POSSIBLE TO ASSIST US IN SAFEGUARDING OUR INVESTMENT IN THE MANHATTAN CLUB (obviously located in NEW YORK STATE.) keep in mind that some relief was gained by some of those people defrauded by BERNIE MADOFF after his trial and sentencing. true, many but not all, were granted some of their financial losses via the results of madoff's conviction.

hang in there folks.

keep in touch.


rogers298 wrote:
Does anyone know anything about Are they legitimate or just another timeshare scam?

Dennis D.
Nov 11, 2015

Please add us to the list.

Jim and Jo Ann Trembath 15363 Robin anne Ln Monte Sereno, CA 95030

alexc100 wrote:
MC owners opened a lawsuite / class action in regards to the MC resrvations.

Everyone who is inerested to join the class action please contact me at

You will be asked to fill out the Survey and send it or email the lawyer's office. It is urgent! Regards, Alex

Jo Ann O. trembath
Nov 11, 2015

I live in California. My Estate Planner, who deals only with estates, has told me this already, and I just want to concur. If we die and have a timeshare, no matter where, your estate can be pinched for maintenance fees.

I have told my children to sell everything on eBay for $1.and get rid of them all, and we have quite a few.

Jo Ann

Jo Ann O. trembath
Nov 11, 2015

alexc100, could you please post more information regarding the Class Action lawsuit you mention in this post. Thank you.

Jacqueline D.
Nov 11, 2015

I agree. Please post more specific information--are there costs involved, etc.? Thanks

Kay S.
Nov 11, 2015

Here is the latest update on the request for the NY AG to present to TMC Owners.. A TMC owner and attorney who has been following the case posted the following comment: And I quote her directly. I see from the docket sheet that a hearing on the AG's motion and on Eichner's motion has been scheduled in early December by the Judge. I think it is highly unlikely that any lawyer involved in an investigation or in a law suit would make a presentation or even talk about the case while it is ongoing."

Irene Smalls

Irene S.
Nov 12, 2015

Next New York Attorney General/ Manhattan Club Court Hearing December 1 at 2:30pm in Judge Eileen Rakower's court located at 71 Thomas St., NYC. Part 15, Room 205. New York City Bruce Eichner is asking to be personally removed from the case. The AG's office is requesting Eichner and his family continue to be held personally liable financially for the scam. Interested Manhattan Club Owners should attend the hearing.

Irene Smalls

Irene S.
Nov 12, 2015

I guess the AG is too busy shutting down gambling on fantasy football in New York as it keeps him more visible than say TMC issues. Also what happened to the Red Week rep and the attorney some TMC members hired to keep them up to date etc.?

John C.
Nov 12, 2015

Has anyone looked into a law firm to be released from their contract

johnc300 wrote:
I guess the AG is too busy shutting down gambling on fantasy football in New York as it keeps him more visible than say TMC issues. Also what happened to the Red Week rep and the attorney some TMC members hired to keep them up to date etc.?

Sybil A.
Nov 12, 2015

Yes - Not sure what the fee is. I am hoping someone out there has checked and can let us know.

Sybil A.
Nov 12, 2015

Next New York Attorney General/ Manhattan Club Court Hearing December 1 at 2:30pm in Judge Eileen Rakower's court located at 71 Thomas St., NYC. Part 15, Room 205. New York City Bruce Eichner is asking to be personally removed from the case. The AG's office is requesting Eichner and his family continue to be held personally liable financially for the scam. Interested Manhattan Club Owners should attend the hearing.

I called the AG's office and spoke to an Alisha Rogers 212 416-6044. I said that I plan to attend the TMC hearing and wanted to confirm the details of time and location. She said she would call me back to confirm. I will let the group know when she calls back.

Irene Smalls

Irene S.
Nov 12, 2015

irene, i thought more about your email concerning the hearing date of dec 1 (ag vs mc): my take on the reason for this hearing is only to deal with eichner's request to be personally removed from the case, and the nysag's response to this request. that being said, and only for this reason, i don't see the value/necessity of shareowners to be present. if this were a situation where the case is being brought to trial with the prosecution and defense attorneys in court arguing guilt, et al, then mc's shareowners' presence would be invaluable for support. at this juncture i don't see the point. please add your usually clear comments on my statement above.


irenes93 wrote:
Next New York Attorney General/ Manhattan Club Court Hearing December 1 at 2:30pm in Judge Eileen Rakower's court located at 71 Thomas St., NYC. Part 15, Room 205. New York City Bruce Eichner is asking to be personally removed from the case. The AG's office is requesting Eichner and his family continue to be held personally liable financially for the scam. Interested Manhattan Club Owners should attend the hearing.

Irene Smalls

Chris V.
Nov 13, 2015

Chris, Eichner stated he has made 400 million dollars off The Manhattan Club. Part of that money has come from our purchases of TMC timeshares and our maintenance fees. If the Eichners are not held personally, financially liable for the Tmc scam how fast do you think their slick lawyers, which TMC owners are paying for, won't have a bankrupt Tmc entity assume all financial liability we end up with nothing and nobody to sue. If the Eichner's are in court I plan to be there.

chrisv126 wrote:
irene, i thought more about your email concerning the hearing date of dec 1 (ag vs mc): my take on the reason for this hearing is only to deal with eichner's request to be personally removed from the case, and the nysag's response to this request. that being said, and only for this reason, i don't see the value/necessity of shareowners to be present. if this were a situation where the case is being brought to trial with the prosecution and defense attorneys in court arguing guilt, et al, then mc's shareowners' presence would be invaluable for support. at this juncture i don't see the point. please add your usually clear comments on my statement above.


irenes93 wrote:
Next New York Attorney General/ Manhattan Club Court Hearing December 1 at 2:30pm in Judge Eileen Rakower's court located at 71 Thomas St., NYC. Part 15, Room 205. New York City Bruce Eichner is asking to be personally removed from the case. The AG's office is requesting Eichner and his family continue to be held personally liable financially for the scam. Interested Manhattan Club Owners should attend the hearing.

Irene Smalls

Irene S.
Nov 13, 2015

it might not be prudent, at this time, to consider giving away your mc deed/share. think about awaiting the results of the NYSAG's lawsuit before your make such a financially drastic move. it might prove to be to your and all of our financial benefit to do so. think of it this way: you're going to give some attorney a fee to delete (for want of a better word) your mc deed from your financial portfolio. you're literally paying someone to say you no longer own a piece of extremely valuable nyc property, a prime one, top-of-the-line, at opinion: NOT A GOOD IDEA AT THIS TIME, unless you're in such a financial bind (i hope not!) that you absolutely can't keep this valuable asset.

at the conclusion of the AG's law suit, the results may or may not be in the shareowners' favor................then would be the opportune time to make such a financial decision about mc deed ownership.

just a piece of hopefully sound advice from an owner with absolutely no legal expertise...........just a bit of a wait-and-see attitude.

keep in touch.


sybila4 wrote:
Yes - Not sure what the fee is. I am hoping someone out there has checked and can let us know.

Chris V.
Nov 13, 2015

i have two key words concerning EICHNER AND HIS CADRE OF OFFICERS and their fate at the long-awaited conclusion of this trial:



Chris V.
Nov 14, 2015

We bought in 2008. We live on the west coast we have a every three year contract. Although the fees are high we have never not been able to use our timeshare. Are the problems with east coast owners who want 2-3 days?

Charlotte W.
Nov 15, 2015

We gave back one of two timeshares I inherited. In the midst of that transaction, the investigation was launched and the AG prohibited any further sales transactions from moving forward. We no longer have to pay the yearly fees, but its not a done deal yet, the final papers have not been recorded and until the investigation is over, we are in limbo. To give the one timeshare back to TMC, we did not have to pay an attorney or any associated fees, TMC was covering that, and why not, they are getting a timeshare back for free or rather for the $100 they were going to give us. In our estate planning, TMC timeshares are not specifically listed. There are a couple of lines referring to any real estate we may own on our deaths, so in our case there would be no necessity to pay an attorney to remove the timeshares from our time and before our deaths, we hope to divest ourselves of these timeshares, so that, in theory, TMC can't come after our estate for the fees. It's a wait and see game and hopefully, in time, the result will be an advantageous one for TMC owners.

Nov 15, 2015

How do you make $400 million dollars off of 286 rooms in 15 years? If anyone is interested I have a bridge in Brooklyn for sale. Bernie Madoff was held personally liable for his scam. Bruce Eichner and his family should be held personally liable for their scam. One TMC Owner without knowing it vacationed with an Eichner relative who complained bitterly how the NY AG is unfairly investigating one of their family's companies.

Irene S.
Nov 16, 2015

how do you "reverse sell" the timeshare?

Jolene C.

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