The Manhattan Club

Manhattan Club Lawsuit

Nov 02, 2015

I "sold" my timeshare back to TMC in June of 2014...was waiting for the papers to be recorded when the AG officially launched their investigation and stopped any further transactions /sales from going through. So I haven't gotten the $100 they were going to give me, but I no longer have to pay the fees, but its not a done deal yet-its in limbo. I have another timeshare (both inherited) and I have been paying the fees, making reservations a year in advance and using and enjoying it. I would also like to be rid of this one for myriad reasons that have been discussed in this forum.

Nov 02, 2015

Your kids do not have to accept TMC in your estate. We were told that by an attorney at the REDWEEK meeting a few months ago. Be sure to let them know that.

deborahn127 wrote:
Has anyone used Time Share Exit Team? I am at the point where I just want out and don't want to leave this piece of crap for my kids to deal with. Thanks.

Dennis D.
Nov 02, 2015

We signed on with TimeShareExitTeam a few months ago and have faith that they will legally get us out of this contract. It can take from 3-9 months, so we have to be patient. They have a local office and we were very skeptical, but after much thought, research and talking to some of their current clients, we decided to take chance. They offer 100% money back guarantee....time will tell.

Sherylbaron B.
Nov 03, 2015

Re: not accepting the timeshares as part of the estate as an inheritor, I did ask my lawyers, I had one in VA where my mother died and one in NY, who I had to hire to go through ancillary probate in NY, solely because of these timeshares and I was told I could not refuse to inherit them...I was told I could accept everything I inherited or nothing, but I couldn't just opt out of accepting the timeshares. My third attorney who did our estate planning in MA, said to get rid of these, that they will cause a nightmare for family that we have named to inherit. Who to believe?

Nov 03, 2015

I'm not a lawyer, but I believe that Inheritance is governed by state law. That means you need to consult an attorney licensed to practice in the state where the timeshare is located. Good luck!

Nathan Z.
Nov 04, 2015

I don't think you understood my comment...I did hire an attorney in NY specifically to deal with these timeshares as I was required to by the state of NY (because of these timeshares my Mom owned-she had no other dealings/property in NY). I had to go through ancillary probate, which is a 2nd probate besides the one I went through in VA where my mother lived and died. I live in MA so I hired a lawyer to do our estate planning and she said to get rid of these or they will be a nightmare for whoever inherits from us. As long as you own these, I have been told, (by NY lawyers) TMC can continue to attempt to collect fees from your estate after you die. I have no interest or time to get into a debate about this...I am simply sharing my experience as an inheritor and it has been a costly nightmare...with one timeshare being in limbo and not totally gone and the other timeshare there is nothing I can do anything about until this investigation lifts the order banning TMC from further sales. I wouldn't even try selling it on the open market because who would buy and TMC gets first right of refusal, anyway.

Nov 04, 2015

I want to follow up on my comment above as I neglected to mention an important fact and that is if you own timeshares w/ TMC, you only have to go through ancillary probate in NY if the estate is valued at a certain amount. Each person's circumstances can have a bearing on what you may or may not have to do legally or probate wise. Regardless, if you own a MC timeshare, you own deeded property and in theory, TMC can continue to try to collect fees, from your estate, after your death.This is what I have been told by 3 lawyers.

Nov 04, 2015

Perhaps I did miss your point. So good luck to you.

deborahs528 wrote:
I don't think you understood my comment...I did hire an attorney in NY specifically to deal with these timeshares as I was required to by the state of NY (because of these timeshares my Mom owned-she had no other dealings/property in NY). I had to go through ancillary probate, which is a 2nd probate besides the one I went through in VA where my mother lived and died. I live in MA so I hired a lawyer to do our estate planning and she said to get rid of these or they will be a nightmare for whoever inherits from us. As long as you own these, I have been told, (by NY lawyers) TMC can continue to attempt to collect fees from your estate after you die. I have no interest or time to get into a debate about this...I am simply sharing my experience as an inheritor and it has been a costly nightmare...with one timeshare being in limbo and not totally gone and the other timeshare there is nothing I can do anything about until this investigation lifts the order banning TMC from further sales. I wouldn't even try selling it on the open market because who would buy and TMC gets first right of refusal, anyway.

Nathan Z.
Nov 04, 2015

nathanz2 wrote:

i believe we've all entered into the "totally pissed-off" and insensitive-to-each-others' unique issues, stage. we seem to be pokeing (ever so gently) at each other due to lack of information, direction and overall assistance from a new york state public official, the NYSAG, eric schneiderman. i'm not placing any blame on him for the predicament we're in, but i vigorously implore him to TALK TO US AND TELL US WHERE WE CURRENTLY STAND, AND GIVE US, AT LEAST, AN IDEA OF WHAT OUR FUTURE OUTLOOK MIGHT BE CONCERNING THIS FRAUD/SHAM OF A TIMESHARE. he should definitely give us some hints concerning the progress of his case against THE MANHATTAN CLUB..................but, to this moment...........nothing. our aggravation is showing through the impatience we're all displaying here in this forum and, no doubt personally. i sent an application form for a PRESENTATION REQUEST that the NYSAG could act on, perhaps having him or a staff member address us MANHATTAN SHAREOWNERS at this presentaton. i requested that this form (directly from eric schneiderman's website) be presented in this forum. we would need creative ideas to determine when and where schneiderman's . presentation could take place (a obvious requirement on the request form.) in addition to , i sent a copy of it to jeff weir. to date, i have not seen my PRESENTATION REQUEST information posted here; perhaps i missed it; i doubt it.

forging slowly (hopefully) and positively ahead,

your fellow fraud victim, chrisv126

please keep in touch. ask redweek. com customer svce about THE NYSAG'S PRESENTATION REQUEST FORM. Perhaps I did miss your point. So good luck to you.

deborahs528 wrote:
I don't think you understood my comment...I did hire an attorney in NY specifically to deal with these timeshares as I was required to by the state of NY (because of these timeshares my Mom owned-she had no other dealings/property in NY). I had to go through ancillary probate, which is a 2nd probate besides the one I went through in VA where my mother lived and died. I live in MA so I hired a lawyer to do our estate planning and she said to get rid of these or they will be a nightmare for whoever inherits from us. As long as you own these, I have been told, (by NY lawyers) TMC can continue to attempt to collect fees from your estate after you die. I have no interest or time to get into a debate about this...I am simply sharing my experience as an inheritor and it has been a costly nightmare...with one timeshare being in limbo and not totally gone and the other timeshare there is nothing I can do anything about until this investigation lifts the order banning TMC from further sales. I wouldn't even try selling it on the open market because who would buy and TMC gets first right of refusal, anyway.

Chris V.
Nov 05, 2015

Why don't we all change our wills and trusts to leave our Manhattan Club holdings to Eric Schneiderman? Once he's an owner, that will guarantee that his investigation will move at the speed of light.

deborahs528 wrote:
I don't think you understood my comment...I did hire an attorney in NY specifically to deal with these timeshares as I was required to by the state of NY (because of these timeshares my Mom owned-she had no other dealings/property in NY). I had to go through ancillary probate, which is a 2nd probate besides the one I went through in VA where my mother lived and died. I live in MA so I hired a lawyer to do our estate planning and she said to get rid of these or they will be a nightmare for whoever inherits from us. As long as you own these, I have been told, (by NY lawyers) TMC can continue to attempt to collect fees from your estate after you die. I have no interest or time to get into a debate about this...I am simply sharing my experience as an inheritor and it has been a costly nightmare...with one timeshare being in limbo and not totally gone and the other timeshare there is nothing I can do anything about until this investigation lifts the order banning TMC from further sales. I wouldn't even try selling it on the open market because who would buy and TMC gets first right of refusal, anyway.

Enid D.
Nov 05, 2015

Last suggestion was very interesting. A variant might be to change wills to leave the times shares at TMC to the State of New York with the proviso that if the state can clean up this mess, they can be taken off the hands of the state and restored to the owners after a new management system and personnel have been established and ensured by NYS. James 687

James G.
Nov 05, 2015

I like this idea of willing timeshares to the NY State AG. Here's a related thought: Can anyone who wants to be done with the Manhattan Club simply gift their timeshare to the State of New York?

Don S.
Nov 06, 2015

We learned at the Redweek meeting in August that no one has to accept anything left to them in a will. Let's stop being silly.

melody517 wrote:
Why don't we all change our wills and trusts to leave our Manhattan Club holdings to Eric Schneiderman? Once he's an owner, that will guarantee that his investigation will move at the speed of light.

deborahs528 wrote:
I don't think you understood my comment...I did hire an attorney in NY specifically to deal with these timeshares as I was required to by the state of NY (because of these timeshares my Mom owned-she had no other dealings/property in NY). I had to go through ancillary probate, which is a 2nd probate besides the one I went through in VA where my mother lived and died. I live in MA so I hired a lawyer to do our estate planning and she said to get rid of these or they will be a nightmare for whoever inherits from us. As long as you own these, I have been told, (by NY lawyers) TMC can continue to attempt to collect fees from your estate after you die. I have no interest or time to get into a debate about this...I am simply sharing my experience as an inheritor and it has been a costly nightmare...with one timeshare being in limbo and not totally gone and the other timeshare there is nothing I can do anything about until this investigation lifts the order banning TMC from further sales. I wouldn't even try selling it on the open market because who would buy and TMC gets first right of refusal, anyway.

Dennis D.
Nov 06, 2015

Somebody wrote that they had a very different experience and couldn't just refuse to accept the timeshare.

"Re: not accepting the timeshares as part of the estate as an inheritor, I did ask my lawyers, I had one in VA where my mother died and one in NY, who I had to hire to go through ancillary probate in NY, solely because of these timeshares and I was told I could not refuse to inherit them...I was told I could accept everything I inherited or nothing, but I couldn't just opt out of accepting the timeshares. My third attorney who did our estate planning in MA, said to get rid of these, that they will cause a nightmare for family that we have named to inherit. Who to believe?"

dennisd273 wrote:
We learned at the Redweek meeting in August that no one has to accept anything left to them in a will. Let's stop being silly.

melody517 wrote:
Why don't we all change our wills and trusts to leave our Manhattan Club holdings to Eric Schneiderman? Once he's an owner, that will guarantee that his investigation will move at the speed of light.

deborahs528 wrote:
I don't think you understood my comment...I did hire an attorney in NY specifically to deal with these timeshares as I was required to by the state of NY (because of these timeshares my Mom owned-she had no other dealings/property in NY). I had to go through ancillary probate, which is a 2nd probate besides the one I went through in VA where my mother lived and died. I live in MA so I hired a lawyer to do our estate planning and she said to get rid of these or they will be a nightmare for whoever inherits from us. As long as you own these, I have been told, (by NY lawyers) TMC can continue to attempt to collect fees from your estate after you die. I have no interest or time to get into a debate about this...I am simply sharing my experience as an inheritor and it has been a costly nightmare...with one timeshare being in limbo and not totally gone and the other timeshare there is nothing I can do anything about until this investigation lifts the order banning TMC from further sales. I wouldn't even try selling it on the open market because who would buy and TMC gets first right of refusal, anyway.

Enid D.
Nov 07, 2015

what's really happening here in this MANHATTAN CLUB LAWSUIT forum? we're beginning to pick on and contracict each other..........rather than to creatively vent our dissatisfaction and direct it to where it belongs: EICHNER AND GANG, and to an extent, the NYSAG......for keeping us in the dark about the legal proceedings of the suit.

keep in touch.

chrisv126 ps: i haven't seen any comments about the NYSAG'S PRESENTATION REQUEST..........form that asks him or a deputy to present information to us at a time and venue convenient to all.

Chris V.
Nov 08, 2015

Hi Chris,

I completely agree with you. We are beginning to nit pick and fight with each other. Let's keep our eyes on the real enemy, The Manhattan Club. There are predatory law firms out there who file class action suits for sometimes small things. How can we interest one or more of these firms, who make their fortunes on class actions suits, into mounting an action against TMC? Always keep in mind the New York AG is working for the State of New York not Manhattan Club owners. That is why we are being kept in the dark. We are only relevant to the AG to the extent we bolster the State's case against TMC. Our interests as owners does not matter to the New York Attorney General. The one time I talked in person to Serwat Farooq, from the New York AG's office, that is what she basically told me. The New York AG is not our savior. We have to be proactive and save ourselves.

Irene S.
Nov 08, 2015

hi irene, long time. i understand that a class action lawsuit by us vs THE MANHATTAN CLUB can't take place until schniederman's case is adjudicated and complete. ergo we play the waiting game. regardless of where mc shareowners live--- in ny, another state or a foreign country, we're all entitled to financial benefits and relief if schneiderman wins his we saw from madoff's guilt; his clients were from all over the world, and many are reaping at least some of their financial losses due to madoff's greed/fraud/sham.

also, no one has picked up on schneiderman's REQUEST FOR PRESENTATION that i brought to's attention. it's a request form (from the NYSAG'S WEB POSTING OF HIS "VICTORIES") for us to complete to have schneiderman or his deputy/representative present his MC case findings and up-to-date info about the legal proceedings. we obviously need complete coordination on this issue........the form obviously requests a time and place for a presentation to take place (if the request is affirmative anyway!) i even sent a copy of my information to jeff weir hoping he would help with the coordination of the arrangements. look for my post made about one week ago. COMMENTS REGARDING THIS ISSUE ARE EMPHATICALLY REQUESTED!!

enjoy the last day of this weekend.


Chris V.
Nov 09, 2015

I am a MC owner interesting in getting out from under this financial drain. I am also a Connecticut resident. I could use some direction in how to join this class action suit and/or how to simply get rid of my timeshare obligation. Please Help!

Roger S.
Nov 09, 2015

Does anyone know anything about Are they legitimate or just another timeshare scam?

Roger S.
Nov 09, 2015

not sure about this, but from my experience. most agencies/services like this one are frauds and thieves. 2 yrs ago, i stupidly sent $1,000 up front to a "realtor" (read fraudster/scamster) to sell my mc penthouse timeshare. i called a few times and they said many clients are very interested, and to be patient. my patience lasted until the next phone call to them, only to get an operator telling me that "the number you dialed is no longer in service." i'll be damned if i'm going to pay any agency or service to literally take away my hard-earned assets. and this is a reasonable assumption: if a service can help us give away our property, why then can't we just do it ourselves and at least make a dollar on the deal...............rather than pay this service to do it for us? THAT'S A REASONABLE ASSUMPTION, RIGHT? YES, IT'S RIGHT!

also, i have a major concern: whyl are so many of us shareowners so willing to GIVE AWAY our assets (read our ownership and deeds to new your city property). i empathize with those who are financially strapped, but that's not true for most of us. yes, we're paying WAY TOO MUCH for the exorbitant maintenance fees but realistically, this financial burden is not breaking most of us. HOLD ON AS LONG AS YOU CAN TO YOUR PRECIOUS OWNERSHIP OF THIS PRIME PROPERTY. PUT MORE EMPHASIS ON USING IT RATHER THAN GIVING IT AWAY. taking a wait and see attitude regarding how scheiderman's law suit might benefit us all. however, i temper this last remark: schneiderman should be giving us some information NOW about the progress of the suit, and how winning or losing the case would affect us owners. WE HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW THIS, AND HE HAS A RESPONSIBILITY AS THE NYSAG TO DISSEMINATE AS MUCH INFORMATION AS POSSIBLE TO ASSIST US IN SAFEGUARDING OUR INVESTMENT IN THE MANHATTAN CLUB (obviously located in NEW YORK STATE.) keep in mind that some relief was gained by some of those people defrauded by BERNIE MADOFF after his trial and sentencing. true, many but not all, were granted some of their financial losses via the results of madoff's conviction.

hang in there folks.

keep in touch.


rogers298 wrote:
Does anyone know anything about Are they legitimate or just another timeshare scam?

Chris V.

Last edited by phyl21 on Nov 09, 2015 04:10 PM

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