The Manhattan Club

Manhattan Club Lawsuit

Oct 21, 2015

chrisv126 wrote:
leos45 wrote:
An owner has just responded to my request for email contact. I think you will be interested in what she has to say. It is information that I believe few, if any of us, have had.

"I'm tired of hearing everyone moan about being a victim as I will never be one.  People need to know the roles and limits of elected officials (like the AG).  The AG is responsible for representing the State of New York, not individuals.  Everyone keeps talking about a settlement-That's not his function.  It could happen, but in all probability won't.  If he obtains a conviction on a criminal violation then the owners could sue individually or as a class for redress.  These investigations can last for years!!  No law enforcement body will ever release information on an ongoing case.  Quite simply it can harm the outcome of the case.  The AG also is not in office to provide legal advice to anyone either.  Also, I am continuing to pay all fees and taxes.  I would be concerned if I didn't that TMC would negatively impact my Credit Bureau scores.  People may say they can't do that.  Well, maybe they shouldn't, but if they do then it's done and you know who has to get it corrected."


All of you bought this to enjoy time in New York didn't you? TMC is still a really nice place. Pay the fees and use it. Why risk that this might not go well? I had a settlement from a fraud once. First I had to.return all the money I had received. Then a settlement was made. You could have to pay the unpaid fees in order to participate in the settlement, but you would have missed all the fun in NYC!

Dennis D.
Oct 22, 2015

Add my name to your list of unhappy owners. I provided the NYAG office with copies of my purchase contract and deed. In August 2014 I received a number for my complaint and indicated that the NYAG office would contact me in the future. I suggest that all TMC owners do the same. Herb Bessen

leos45 wrote:
Regarding the post below, I am not talking about getting any list of owners from the AG, TMC or anyone else. All I am requesting is that, for starters, anyone reading this post email me at This Redweek website is adequate but real direct contact with even one other could expand the conversation and perhaps find ways to contact stranded owners not heard from. If my suggestion sounds useless, so be it. Thanks.

Leo Seligsohn

Perhaps because others have been attempting to get email addresses of owners for over a year (the yahoo group and others...including Redweek and perhaps the various FACEBOOK groups )... AND significantly, the NYSAG. TMC is the only possible source of contact info of the 18,000??? Involved people/owners.

Elaine B.
Oct 22, 2015

vibhavarys. i have 2 weeks: one 1 bedroom and one BIG MISTAKE penthouse (near$3.100 in maintenance.) paid taxes on both....specified in my check to TMC. paid maintenance on only the 1 bedroom. now the animals are charging usurious late and interest fees on the unpaid penthouse maintenance.

so, to answer your question about fee payment, i'll await the results of the NYSAG'S lawsuit, which, it appears, may last well into the 21 century..................if schneiderman gets re-elected. so far, he doesn't have my vote as a new yorker.

keep in touch.


vibhavarys wrote:
I am one of those angry owner .my email I am thinking of not paying common charges this year . Anyone can give me some input about that pl . Thank you

Chris V.
Oct 23, 2015

I have owned a week in a metro suite split over two years for 9 years now and have been quite pleased. As the owner of a timeshare with Hilton Grand Vacations Club as well, I have always been attuned to the fact that one must plan well in advance to reserve the time one prefers and that this is particularly true for the Manhattan Club after Labor Day. That being said, I have never had a problem booking during this time when the six month lead point occurs. Obviously, if everyone who has legitimately bought a timeshare with the Manhattan club is looking to book during the holidays, there simply are not enough rooms to accommodate. However, I don't think anyone wants to go back to the inflexible timeshare model of purchasing a specific room for a specific calendar week. This lawsuit has come as a surprise to me and may or may not have merit. I do know, however, that if many owners start refusing to pay their maintenance fees, the ones who continue to do so will be screwed.

W. S.
Oct 23, 2015

Cameras are on every floor and elevator. When I go to MC I tried talking to other people. A lot of them dont know what is going on or ignore me.

David H.
Oct 23, 2015

Have you read the AGs transcript? Sounds like you have not. There is corruption going on within TMC management. Our high maintenance fees is going into a bogus account funneled to the Eichners. Perhaps this does not bother you, but it does to most on this forum. I too own other TS properties but my maintenance fees never went from $500 in 10 yrs to $2500 . Those complaining they can't get reservations are upset that TMC is also set up as a hotel being marketed on many online sites more than 11 mos. in advance. Just last week I got an email from SFX offering TMC for $271 per nite. Others have seen bus loads pull up to TMC so tour operators are also being offered deals. So read the AGs transcript so you are made aware of this case.

Elaine F.
Oct 23, 2015

My husband and I bought our week at TMC as the result of bald-faced lies and promises, then found out we couldn't easily book our week, yet were presented with egregious HOA fees all of which the AG's office has confirmed on their own. It seems we have been duped by a Real Estate fraud team at TMC. TMC has been selling and operating their business unchecked for years and fortunately have been caught. Now, I don't know how the AG lawsuit will end, but if TMC is found guilty of real estate fraud, then hopefully our contracts are in breach, possibly null and void, and some sort of restitution will be forthcoming. Time will tell.

Beth C.
Oct 24, 2015

For the benefit of you recent arrivals to this forum....

In their most recent July, 2015 filing with the NY court, the Attorney General itemizes a remarkable list of allegations of civil and criminal conduct on the part of The Manhattan Club. In reading through the filing, one can't help but be struck by the enormity of the fraud which the Eichners, The Manhattan Club, and related companies have carried on for years. Here is the link to this most recent AG filing. This document is a MUST READ. You may have to cut and paste this link into your browser.

Based on these most recent allegations by the NY AG, my wife and I have decided to stop paying the mortgage loan on our unit as well as the annual maintenance fees. We have decided not to continue to fund The Manhattan Club's fraudulent, and possibly criminal enterprise.

Bob Biello

Robert B.
Oct 25, 2015

bad idea, better to put the money into an escrow account. They then can never come back at you, with a forclosure notice. find out from the attorney general office, or any agency involved, or ask your financial advisor.

Charles K.
Oct 25, 2015

i wouldn't bank on any answers or direction from the AG or from his staff/office in general. he wants to win the case against the manhattan club, but he seems not to be interested in US, THOSE DIRECTLY AFFECTED BY THE CLUB'S SCAMS AND OTHER MISDEEDS.............THE SHAREOWNERS. look at mr schneiderman's website where he places his victorious legal outcomes for all to see. it appears that most of his cases affect and assist his constituents; many of THE MANHATTAN CLUB owners are not new yorkers (i am) or constituents. that appears to be rather telling.

charles671 wrote:
bad idea, better to put the money into an escrow account. They then can never come back at you, with a forclosure notice. find out from the attorney general office, or any agency involved, or ask your financial advisor.

Chris V.
Oct 28, 2015

I advice people to read my story under 'Royal Holiday is a scam'.

I'm aware that these cases are not the same kind, but there might be something interest people generally. My official language is not English though, hopefully people get interested the content and the point Im trying to say.

There's similarities... Principals.

I hope someone reads. Its crazy one too, but I guess many ugly things are possible in this world.

Sari P.
Oct 28, 2015

I do not have any advice but do have the same question about paying 2016 dues. Did you get any helpful replies?


Kay S.
Oct 28, 2015

owners that know they have an a responsible to pay there MTFs. will pay, owners that's looking for any excuse not to pay wont, that been said , the AG case againsd TMC is for bait and switch and contempt of court for taking money from accounts after a Judge told TMC not to do, on the face of it these are just allegations, I am 69 yrs old retired and really cant afford to pay the high MTFs that TMC is charging , but I try and sacrifice and pay them as I am the one that went there and bought TMC timeshare yes I was told that they was almost sold out in 2001 and that as soon as they were sold out they would be setting up a rental and resale department to rent out owners units for owners that would not be using there units and would like to rent them out, or sell, I was also told that MTFs. would not increase by more that $20 to $25 per. year, I pay my fees and try to rent my units on redweek and tug2 to help with my MTFs. and is hoping for some relief if the AG wins his case againsed TMC so my thing is that any owner that can afford to pay there MTFs. should, let the AG do his thing and owners enjoy TMC. its still a hell of place in NYC, by not paying MTFs. owners are only hurting them self's

Howard B.
Oct 28, 2015

I just got a phone call from someone saying she was with ARDA and there was going to be a meeting for timeshare owners who were victims of fraudulent activities. She invited me to attend and said my husband and I would get a free meal at a nice restaurant and then be able to ask questions regarding our timeshare. I know that ARDA is a legitimate company so I tentatively scheduled our free dinner and meeting for next Tuesday and then went to the ARDA website to see if this was real.

Sure enough, there is a Consumer warning from ARDA that says this is a scam and the meeting is all about scare tactics. These people illegally use ARDA's name and offer to buy back the timeshares with huge upfront fees. Needless to say, I will not be attending the dinner/meeting and just wanted to warn anyone on this forum about this scam.

You can read about this scam on the link below.

Lena P.
Oct 29, 2015

Kays165: I never got any helpful replies.. Just read my story. I continue responding if anyone likes under that Royal Holiday is a scam -topic.

These frauds just makes me so pissed.. And I really was surprised any American Hotel as TMC would scam as well.

Sari P.
Oct 29, 2015

howardb21 wrote:
owners that know they have an a responsible to pay there MTFs. will pay, owners that's looking for any excuse not to pay wont, that been said , the AG case againsd TMC is for bait and switch and contempt of court for taking money from accounts after a Judge told TMC not to do, on the face of it these are just allegations, I am 69 yrs old retired and really cant afford to pay the high MTFs that TMC is charging , but I try and sacrifice and pay them as I am the one that went there and bought TMC timeshare yes I was told that they was almost sold out in 2001 and that as soon as they were sold out they would be setting up a rental and resale department to rent out owners units for owners that would not be using there units and would like to rent them out, or sell, I was also told that MTFs. would not increase by more that $20 to $25 per. year, I pay my fees and try to rent my units on redweek and tug2 to help with my MTFs. and is hoping for some relief if the AG wins his case againsed TMC so my thing is that any owner that can afford to pay there MTFs. should, let the AG do his thing and owners enjoy TMC. its still a hell of place in NYC, by not paying MTFs. owners are only hurting them self's

You are sensible. It is foolish to quit when our side appears to be winning. Call the attorney recommended by Irene Smalls.

Dennis D.
Oct 30, 2015

dennisd273 wrote:
"It is foolish to quit when our side appears to be winning." where did you get this "winning" information from? it appears to me that shareowners legal/financial position with THE MANHATTAN CLUB is still stagnant, static and status quo. very little, if any, helpful information has come from the NYSAG, eric schneiderman's office in a long time.........i believe believe that the last communication from mr schneiderman was when he asked some of us shareowners to complete a survey for his case in reference to THE MANHATTAN CLUB. from there, nothing else, nada..... to help us make useful finanical and legal decisions about our current ownership in THE MANHATTAN CLUB..................that seems to leave us NOWHERE at least up to now.


howardb21 wrote:
owners that know they have an a responsible to pay there MTFs. will pay, owners that's looking for any excuse not to pay wont, that been said , the AG case againsd TMC is for bait and switch and contempt of court for taking money from accounts after a Judge told TMC not to do, on the face of it these are just allegations, I am 69 yrs old retired and really cant afford to pay the high MTFs that TMC is charging , but I try and sacrifice and pay them as I am the one that went there and bought TMC timeshare yes I was told that they was almost sold out in 2001 and that as soon as they were sold out they would be setting up a rental and resale department to rent out owners units for owners that would not be using there units and would like to rent them out, or sell, I was also told that MTFs. would not increase by more that $20 to $25 per. year, I pay my fees and try to rent my units on redweek and tug2 to help with my MTFs. and is hoping for some relief if the AG wins his case againsed TMC so my thing is that any owner that can afford to pay there MTFs. should, let the AG do his thing and owners enjoy TMC. its still a hell of place in NYC, by not paying MTFs. owners are only hurting them self's

You are sensible. It is foolish to quit when our side appears to be winning. Call the attorney recommended by Irene Smalls.

Chris V.
Nov 01, 2015

Has anyone used Time Share Exit Team? I am at the point where I just want out and don't want to leave this piece of crap for my kids to deal with. Thanks.

Deborah N.
Nov 01, 2015

Hi, I am no longer a member of the MC because after I bought in around 2001-2001, I was never able to get a reservation. I got in a few times and after that, nothing! After years of going through this and paying high maintenance fees, I could no longer afford to keep paying. I stopped paying and after much harassment and threats of a lawsuit, I was contacted by their association and told that they would buy it back from me. I was given $100 for the sale. I know that this was a real monetary loss, but I really just wanted out. It was a very stressful time in my life.

Because I am no longer a member, I probably cannot be involved in the lawsuit, but I would be glad to be of assistance in any way to get these crooks prosecuted or fined.

Eileen Miller

Tamara E M.
Nov 01, 2015

About a year or two ago I tried to sell back my timeshare to the Manhattan Club. They said they were not buying any weeks back, but we're referring owners to SellMYTimeshareNow. I stupidly listed my week with SellMyTimeShare Now and (again) stupidly paid an up front fee for them to market the week. I've called them a number of times over the year or so and NOTHING. I am beginning to think the MC is referring owners for a kickback from SellMyTimeShare Now. As the lawsuit continues unresolved, the value of the weeks has turned to a negative since they can't be sold and the maintenance is still due. If the AG isn't going to resolve this problem for the owners, is there a higher authority we can go to for help????

deborahn127 wrote:
Has anyone used Time Share Exit Team? I am at the point where I just want out and don't want to leave this piece of crap for my kids to deal with. Thanks.

Stephen H.

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