General Discussion

Royal HOliday is a scam

May 17, 2015

Wyndham Resorts / Worldmark Class Action Lawsuit The terms and conditions of the proposed Settlement are set forth in the parties’ Settlement Agreement and Release, which has been filed with the Court. On August 5, the court approved the settlement, which will lower credit values at certain resorts, cancel certain Vacation Credits held by Wyndham as unsold developer credits, remove underutilized units from the WorldMark system, and make other changes to the WorldMark time-share plan that may require consent of the WorldMark Board and approval from various regulatory authorities. Wyndham has notified regulatory authorities of the settlement, and will periodically report to Class Counsel regarding the status of efforts to obtain regulatory approval.

If you would like more information, please read the Frequently Asked Questions below. If you have additional questions which are not answered below you may contact Plaintiffs’ counsel by sending an email to Worldmark Class Action Attorney or by calling us toll-free at 866-981-4800.

Questions about the Worldmark Class Action Settlement?

If you would like more information, please read the Frequently Asked Questions below. If you have additional questions which are not answered below you may contact Plaintiffs’ counsel by sending an email to Worldmark Class Action Attorney or by calling us toll-free at 866-981-4800.

Wyndham Resorts and WorldMark Class Action Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why did I receive a Notice of Pendency of Class Action Settlement?

2. What is the lawsuit and settlement about?

3. How does the settlement benefit WorldMark members?

4. Who represents the class?

5. How can I tell the Court what I think about the settlement?

6. How can I exclude myself from the class?

7. When and where will the Court hold a hearing on the fairness of the settlement?

8. Do I have to attend the fairness hearing? Can I speak at the fairness hearing?

9. What happens if I do nothing at all?

10. Where can I get more information?

1. Why did I receive a Notice of Pendency of Class Action Settlement? The Notice was sent to you because you are a WorldMark member. The Notice is to inform you that there has been an agreement to settle a lawsuit.

The proposed settlement described in the Notice provides certain benefits that will be made available to WorldMark members if the settlement receives court approval. The Notice also contains important information about your options and legal rights.

2. What is the lawsuit and settlement about? This is a class action lawsuit filed in federal court in San Francisco, California. The Plaintiffs in the lawsuit are five WorldMark members, who filed suit on behalf of the WorldMark membership. Plaintiffs argued, among other things, that Wyndham was violating the WorldMark Governing Documents with respect to: the pricing of certain new resorts; the implementation of the FunTime portion of the Wyndham TravelShare program and its impact on WorldMark's "first-come, first-served" reservation system; the number of weeks of usage that Wyndham was selling at each new resort; and Wyndham's use of the WorldMark resort properties for its own marketing and sales purposes.

The lawsuit was first filed in April 2007. In 2010, after more than three years of litigation, the parties agreed to resolve the litigation before trial with a proposed settlement.

Wyndham has denied all allegations of wrongdoing. Wyndham has agreed to settle the lawsuit to avoid the cost, delay and risk of continued litigation.

Plaintiffs have agreed to the settlement given the benefits it will provide to WorldMark and WorldMark members, as weighed against the cost, delay and risk of continued litigation.

3. How does the settlement benefit WorldMark members?

Linda L.

Last edited by phyl21 on May 19, 2015 09:29 PM

May 17, 2015

Yes Lindal179, I get the point. Something need to figure out. From here not easy to do anything though.

Sari P.

Last edited by sarip2 on May 18, 2015 07:00 AM

May 18, 2015

I wish I could help all the people who signed in the states, the Bahamas, DR, Mexico or Timbuckto....who had to sign a waiver saying they resided somewhere other than their homeland in a Scandinavian country....its mind boggling how this continues. Taking advantage of single Mom's, the elderly and folk who just want to walk away is criminal. I was told to " come back tomorrow, we'll fix the issues"....only to be the authorized personal is NOT available. We never had the opportunity to cancel due to the fact that in 2001 pre Mr. Garcia's acknowledgement via all the negative televised exposure it DID NOT exist.....more info to come...stay safe!

Linda L.
May 20, 2015


Sari P.

Last edited by sarip2 on May 31, 2016 10:23 AM

May 22, 2015

Does anyone know ResortComInternational? I sent a message to them and afterwards my laptop went 'out of order'. I found this name in RHC's resort book.

I also know this particular RCI (resort com international) is fntc nowadays! Ridiculous.. All this!

Sari P.

Last edited by sarip2 on Sep 04, 2015 05:16 AM

May 22, 2015

What makes me feel very strange but American authorities do not protect their citizens from such companies like Royal Holiday. Try to contact Attorney General or Federal Trade Commission and others. Yes, they accept your complain but at the end they forward you response from Royal Holiday saying that company works with customer to resolve the issue. End of case. What other ways to protect ourselves and our money from Royal Holiday. Please share your experience. I'm just curious if someone knows how many members are from North America? My wife and I can't book anything with Royal Holiday for almost a year. Price with Royal Holiday always 37-53% more expensive than from other major vacation providers like Expedia or Applevacation and etc. Plus Royal Holiday customer service doesn't bother to return your requests or calls. Consider cost of your contract per year plus annual membership. You will feel that they rob you. When I brought this fact to Royal Holiday management over the phone they replied to me that Royal Holiday never promised any savings to their members. It's a pure lie. The only reason why Royal Holiday recruit new members because they promise SAVINGS on vacations. Now we stop paying annual dues until they provide us with acceptable price for vacation. Today is end of May we still didn't get any competitive offers from the Club. But we get monthly bill with interest for annual dues. It's a dirty business.

Klim G.
May 22, 2015

Hello klimg, we’re sorry to hear of your frustration. We’d like to learn more about your experience and determine how we can help resolve the situation. Please send your member ID to We look forward to hearing from you. Thank you!

Royal H.
May 22, 2015

They want you to contact them so they can sell you a more expensive package with more empty promises.

Don P.
May 22, 2015


Sari P.

Last edited by sarip2 on May 31, 2016 10:24 AM

May 22, 2015

Taken from ABC News Web-Site

If you think buying a timeshare in Mexico sounds like more trouble than it's worth, the Royal Holiday Vacation Club has a deal for you. It offers something completely different -- let's call it the un-timeshare.

A promotional video produced by the company says, "Welcome to the exciting world of Royal Holiday … a great way to have luxury vacations without breaking the bank."

Based in Mexico, Royal Holiday is doing a booming business signing up vacationers at busy sales offices around the Caribbean. It isn't selling property; it's selling points and promises. A typical member pays roughly $11,000 to join the club, plus a yearly fee of about $465. For that, a member gets points that the club says can be used to book luxury vacations.

Royal Holiday calls its Vacations for Life plan an alternative to the complaint-riddled timeshare business. But a "20/20" hidden camera investigation inside the club's sales operation in Cancun raised troubling questions about how Royal Holiday sells memberships and delivers on its promises. According to angry complaints placed both in the United States and in Mexico, hundreds upon hundreds of the club's members wish they weren't.

Linda L.

Last edited by lindal179 on May 22, 2015 10:43 AM

May 22, 2015

Or...try to extort more money another way that I am not at liberty to say at the moment. I've contacted 2 law firms, one of which handled the Wyndham Bahamas mess. This CANNOT go on any longer....

Linda L.
May 23, 2015

So, RHC is able to threaten to you guys?

It's dirty business.

RHC had many years time to make it right with me. They never did.

It was 2009 when I travelled to Caribbean/Bahamas with my children for the first time.. I was just a stupid blue eyed Finnish lady who trusted people. And that trip cost me a year salary. Only thing I got from there was a nightmare.. I never could even have imagined anything near this was possible to happen. Such beautiful places are spoiled with this business. It's a big shame. In my case its not even legal what they did. Still no refund. Over 14.000,00 for one lunch and a lost of my precious time (with children) in Bahamas. No trips, nothing.

What surprised me the most was the dishonesty over there. I have never faced anything like that. And some businessmen take advantage of that dishonesty.. Totally different world! Shame those who spoil tourism in those otherwise lovely countries. I have started to appreciate Europe so much!

Sari P.

Last edited by sarip2 on Sep 12, 2015 01:21 AM

May 23, 2015


Sari P.

Last edited by sarip2 on May 31, 2016 10:26 AM

May 23, 2015

Sari..there is nothing humorous about this! I wish you could start a group in Finland for RHC members that are fed up. There must be hundreds throughout Scandinavia and Europe that have been ripped off and have no where to vent. Karma will get them do they sleep at night? Thieves! What about going to the Consulate? I'm in it for the long haul....meaning Im not giving up!

Linda L.
May 23, 2015

Klimg....are you from the states? Where did your nightmare begin?...

Linda L.
May 23, 2015

Lindal.. That's also a scam that there's members over here. They only seem to run it from here (Isle of Man, Switzerland). I wish there was some help, nothing so far.

I did that too, contacted many years ago Finland' s Mexico Embassy. If I understood your comment right.. Only the fact that Im divorced mother would have been reason big enough.. I believe its against the rules everywhere to sell divorced mothers.. Besides .. they scammed me as European/Scandinavian because my contract was made to Americans!

Sari P.

Last edited by sarip2 on Sep 12, 2015 01:23 AM

May 23, 2015

All the tricks they used on my contract. It's sick! I was so tired, also because different language.. At the time they scammed me in Bahamas Wyndham Nassau that I didn't read my contract through.. I admit I made a huge mistake. But they made a crime. I'm happy to show all those details... That's why I know that they were not allowed to sell Scandinavians (EU)!

Still no apolozy, full payment refunds.. Nothing.

Sari P.

Last edited by sarip2 on May 31, 2016 10:28 AM

May 23, 2015


Sari P.

Last edited by sarip2 on Feb 25, 2018 04:04 AM

May 25, 2015


Sari P.

Last edited by sarip2 on Mar 03, 2018 08:17 AM

May 25, 2015


Sari P.

Last edited by sarip2 on Mar 03, 2018 08:17 AM

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