Timeshare Companies

Marion Griffin, Thomas Verner are scammers

Mar 16, 2017

I am a property manager in Davenport and have been scammed by 'Jane', putting people in my homes but not paying more than a deposit. I am interested to hear what you have to say. I am in contact with the local police investigation.

David R.
Mar 18, 2017

Love reading this...... all there scams posts etc are all over facebook aswel.... they even been watched on gumtree aswel kelly's latest post was 4 days ago regarding villa's. Its not long now till they are tracked down... simple check of there ip address were the posts are coming from..... so if its boredon essex or chelmsford..... or even in florida the gap is closing on u....

Darren M.

Last edited by darrenm109 on Mar 18, 2017 06:13 AM

Mar 18, 2017

How do you find them on Facebook, their names or is there something else I should look at? I am not sure what gumtree is, but perhaps I should look at that as well.

darrenm109 wrote:
Love reading this...... all there scams posts etc are all over facebook aswel.... they even been watched on gumtree aswel kelly's latest post was 4 days ago regarding villa's. Its not long now till they are tracked down... simple check of there ip address were the posts are coming from..... so if its boredon essex or chelmsford..... or even in florida the gap is closing on u....

Margaret B.
Mar 18, 2017

Theres a facebook group called orlando time theres quiet afew memvers on theres thats been scammed by kelly price... shes now disabled her facebook psge... gumtree is like a selling site..... theres afew villa's on facebook that pointed out kelly price and someone called james was advertising someone elses villa's

Darren M.
Mar 18, 2017

OK Marion. ...legit? Really.....Kelly price promised me a seven bedroom villa with heated pool for the price of any bed in a fantastic area of emerald island..' la isla' drive to be precise. When the company Disney area villas sent me a confirmation email, it was the most unprofessional letter I have ever had, with spelling mistakes,wrong dates etc. I then called direct to emerald island as I couldn't get a response from Kelly, to be told that the villa or the company didn't exist! The person was able to tell me that I may have been scammed by Kelly and to seek further advice. My deposit money was then traced to abother company with nothing to do with villas!! I don't know how you ladies sleep at night taking hard earned money from families that save every penny for a once in a lifetime trip! I'm glad I realised the scam before arriving in florida to nothing! ! Go get a real job or enjoy your imprisonment!

marionv9 wrote:
I am replying to these latest bouts of accusations. First of all Kelly Price has nothing whatsoever to do with any past dealings on this Forum. Her name has been brought in over and over again and she has been completely innocent in anything to do with this. Kelly has had a totally legitimate business which she had worked extremely hard at. As Kelly’s name has been on the Business and the Advertising and marketing, dealings taking place involved in the running including myself people thought they were always dealing with her, which was not the case. As again with all businesses, some very Bad choices were made by people involved in the running of the business, again including myself. which Kelly was not aware of or party to where her name was used and she had no involvement or knowledge of the transactions taking place.

Certain issues arose, as all businesses face, especially when other parties have let you down which you have no control over. The sudden devaluation of the Pound against the dollar when Brexit hit meant losing almost of third of the value of agreed contracts in place in Pounds needing to be honored against the outgoing costs required to be paid out in dollars to perform them now at a third more than received in. This had a big impact on the business and rather than understanding and working with the fact that these were just business situations which affected so many in the Industry that multi companies closed down, people took this as a personal attack on Kelly with the belief anything that went wrong in the business was her personally trying to defraud them when Kelly was not even the person involved in transactions taking place.

By being able to track her name back to connections to this Forum even though she had no direct involvement in anything to do with it people directed accusations that she personally set out to scam them. As has happened on this Forum. People with their own Agenda used this information to make false, misleading and fake posts on Trip Advisor many accusing her or the business of wrong doing who have never had any involvement with the business or her, as they had on this Forum simply to Cyber Bully or cause and spread Social Media Defamity.. They have also illegally made up fake Facebook pages and emails using the Company Logo and information to set up a Business Facebook in the name of the Company. If this can be done what other fake and false posts have been made on Forums and sites. There is a proven track record of 100s of guests having great villa stays and receiving ticket orders. Each customer is sent direct references of past guests who have stayed in the villa before they book to check out before parting with any money. However, it is portrayed that the website was set up simply to take people’s money and scam them, this is not the case. Where the company has been let down by third parties on ticket orders , there is a proven track record of working to replace or reimburse and it takes time to recover from such loses. Unfortunately, people will read a few remarks which are not true or misleading and take that as 100% truth.

Most of the Trip Advisor negative posts started when a post was made by a party claiming they never received their tickets and was permitted to duplicate this post on several pages. You may wonder why you cannot see any replies from the Company in defending this, the reason being Trip Advisor blocked every attempt made, along with blocking and removing positive posts made by parties who had great stays. However, if rather than reading all the negative posts from people who had no direct dealings and look at all the posts, you will see that the Company who sent her the tickets, which she indeed received and used at the Parks posted a message on the Forum directly asking her why she was misleading people accusing of Kelly scamming her while she in fact had received her tickets and used them. Trip Advisor are well aware of this, as they have had the proof that shows her ticket numbers and her use of them at the Parks, yet refuse to remove the negative libelous claims by yet another person making false accusations making numerous posts to do so aiming them directly as a Personal attack on her.

This is why there is a massive Class action against Trip advisor for not only doing this to the Company, also to 1000s of other individuals and Companies who have been subjected to Social Media Defamation and Cyber Bullying as they run what is supposed to be an independent Forum from a non-interested party, when they are indeed behind most of the major Travel Companies and their Destination Experts go on to Forums to write negative and defamity against a business that is not part of the Trip Advisors paid programs. It is just odd why after already having had references from past guests, checked them out to be true and valid, then go on to make posts on Trip Advisor acting as if they had not already spoken or had validated proof people had genuinely booked with the Company and had great stays, perhaps this is a complete set up to begin with. Whilst there are some genuine claims which were brought about when things had gone wrong, show a business where everything goes right 100% of the time. The small percentage affected when things did go wrong have and are being worked on as all businesses do and one by one being settled. It does not mean that the 95% where things have gone right did not have a great stay. If you look on Trip Advisor you may see many posts removed by them. We have the screen shots of these by people who did post positive things and were removed after, otherwise it could have reflected the fact that whilst there were some affected a vast majority had a genuine good experience.

This is a long email and irrespective of what is written in here people will always want to believe the bad, then looking further and finding the good.

Kelly passed the business over some time ago for it to be run. She has no involvement in the day to running of it. She never has and never will scam people.

Elaine R.
Mar 18, 2017

Kelly Price you are scammer!!!!!!! All this bull that you are writing on here how you had nothing to do with this if that's the case why did you request all the moneys. Trust me I will persue this matter further there will be justice. My family is 4.5k down due to you needing to scam us from our money and holidays. if you are not guilty why deactivate your facebook account and hide yourself???? This is the email we received this morning:

From: accounts@disneyareavillasllc.com Date: 18 March 2017 at 12:18:09 GMT To: me Subject: Notice of Cease of Trading of Business Dear Irma Stevens It is with great regret that we have to inform you that Disney Area Villas LLC is in serious financial difficulties and at this stage cannot fulfil your booking/cannot pay the monies rightfully owed to you. Various factors have contributed to this position, most notably the change in the dollar to pound exchange rate and being let down by third party suppliers We have taken professional advice on the next course of action, but the company has ceased trading as of 17th March, 2017 and will take no further bookings. Please send any claims and notices to our Registered Agents within the next 120 days:- LEGALCORP SOLUTIONS, LLC 3440 W HOLLYWOOD BLVD. SUITE 415 HOLLYWOOD, FL 33021 We sincerely apologize for the negative implications this has for you and your family/company. Offices of Disney Area Villas LLC

Irma S.
Mar 18, 2017

Kelly Price you are a vile piece of ** who should not be allowed to breath the air on this planet, how you can sleep at night knowing that you are stealing peoples hard earned cash that they have worked very hard for while you sit on you big ** is a joke.

I have 4 children who were looking forward to a holiday of a life time

They say karma is a ***** as I'm my eyes you are just robbing from people, and what makes this worse is that you have children of your own.

I'm sure there is a lot of people of this forum that will agree with me and this needs to be put to a stop.

You will be found eventually as nobody can hide for to long.

Tony B.

Last edited by phyl21 on Mar 18, 2017 01:21 PM

Mar 18, 2017

Kelly price has closed down her Facebook page but has now opened a new page Kelly-Anne Miles Price.

Tony B.
Mar 18, 2017

I'm going to give you the benefit of over twenty five years of experience in law enforcement. If you have been a victim of these people I advise everyone to file criminal charges with the state where you were victimized. These are felonies that you have described and they will pursue charges if you file them.

They can follow the money. There should be accounts where the money was sent and received . There is also the facebook and internet posts. IP addresses can be traced . It's up to everyone to do their part and aggressively pursue their cases .

Let the authorities know that there are numerous victims in several states and countries. This allows them to upgrade the charges to racketeering . Those are federal charges and you have more law enforcement available to track them down .

It's up to you to be persistent and not wait for someone else to go after them for you. If it was me that got ripped off by them I would make it my priority to go after them and I would not give up until they are convicted and sentenced to prison.

Stop complaining in public forums and do what has to be done to put them in jail where they belong .

Don P.
Mar 18, 2017

I can confirm that Marion Barnes Griffin Verner is the same person. Kelly Price is her daughter and I have physically met the daughter, her husband and Kelly's son. When she showed us a home she was Marion Verner.

The latest address is a UPS post box located on 192 in Kissimmee. The address previous in Windermere is also a UPS store. I attempted to send numerous items to Windermere however she quit picking up mail there some time ago.

The reality is that although numerous complaints have been made to the authorities they do not act unless you are in Florida. They may take a report and file it however you need to file a complaint with the local authorities and agree to prosecute. I filed something with the attorney generals office and later was told it was referred to another office. No correspondence from the other office was ever received.

Selling timeshares requires a real estate license. Could not find one under any of these names. Renting timeshares for a short period of time may require a travel agency authorization. No license for this either.. Florida department of Professional Regulation would have these forms.

Do not give any of these people money and if possible contact the authorities in person using the county in which the property is located.

Donp referred to follow the money however they are pretty good at avoiding a paper trail. Checks we gave her were immediately cashed. She insisted they be payable to her not a business.

I agree with Don that this needs to get off these sites and into court. I am happy to pursue.

Julie N.
Mar 18, 2017


This is an online company which processes LLC's filings. They have nothing to do directly with any of the principals in this case. They just process filings for a fee. This is no different than Legal Zoom.

Under no circumstances will you get your money back from these people!

Julie N.
Mar 19, 2017

You have scammed everyone I am £15000.00 out of pocket because of your crooked dealings that address you sent had better be how to get monies back all you are giving is lame excuse each time your whole family were involved I have spoken to villa owners the police will catch up with you make it easier just had your self into Osceola police station as they are dealing with it I don't know how you sleep at night

Sheila S.
Mar 19, 2017


I am in contact will many people too, globally. If you would like to contact me, let me know.

Becky I.
Mar 19, 2017

I urge everybody reading this page who has been affected, to contact the US Osceola Police department and report any information they can.

Becky I.

Last edited by beckyi7 on Mar 26, 2017 01:35 PM

Mar 19, 2017

I urge everybody reading this page who has been affected, to contact the US Osceola Police department and report any information they can.

Becky I.

Last edited by beckyi7 on Mar 26, 2017 01:36 PM

Mar 19, 2017

I was one of the few who actually got all my money back because I had paid Marion Verner my deposit and then final balance via Paypal using a credit card. She is smart but even though too much time had elapsed between the two transactions for Paypal to recoup the money for me, my credit card company considered the two transactions related so refunded all of my money after I submitted all of my documentation. Because of Marion, I now check the backgrounds of all people I rent condos or timeshares from, even calling the condo or resort to make sure they have a right to rent the facility. I will be happy to send my story and necessary paperwork to help your case to get this scammer and her associated family in jail so she doesn't get away with this. I don't know how they can look themselves in the mirror every morning.

Margaret B.
Mar 19, 2017

Why don't you set her up . Make contact with her to rent a villa or condo and string her along until you notify the authorities that you have her on the hook and they can grab her. She's so greedy that she won't know that she's being set up . We took down many scammers that way .

Once you have her account information all they have to do is sit and wait . When she walks into the bank to cash her check or tries to get the money from her account they have her and they can finally bring her down .

Don P.

Last edited by donp196 on Mar 19, 2017 04:35 PM

Mar 20, 2017

We have also just been scammed by Kelly Price. Her and her family used to live in our local village so we had great character reference from many of her friends before parting with our money. As you can imagine they are devastated to find out that their friend and local villager in a small village is a big time crook!!! To say Kelly is not involved is utter crap. Kelly spoke to us on the phone, knowingly taking our money for an upgraded house in emerald island, which she knowingly does not own as we have tracked down the actual people who do own the house, took money to hire us a car with dollar, which she never did as dollar confirmed no such booking and bought us 8 Disney tickets in a group booking which she never purchased. To say she is not involved is a false statement. She is involved and knew exactly what she was doing for her mother who claims she is being blackmailed and this is where our money is! We have reported our case to action fraud squad and are currently trying to book somewhere as we are due to fly in 9 days, our only saving grace is that we didn't let her book our flights! Good luck everyone else hopefully between us we will get her!

Karen T.
Mar 21, 2017

Becky I will send you an email as the reporter in the uk is collating a list of names I have the details for making a complaint from the police in the US which need to be completed

Sheila S.
Mar 21, 2017

Is there someone in the uk I should also contact to give them our details too, who is already dealing with this? There is myself and two other families who it has also happened to who I am in contact with through Facebook since this happened at the weekend?

Karen T.

Last edited by karenf685 on Mar 21, 2017 01:23 PM

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