Mar 03, 2009

Well, nothing help so far, Royal Marketing is not clean and honest company.They have our 12weeks for "rent" with promise to rent out in 60days( was told last May, when we got scamed.) Now is March 2009 and no one even contact us. Promises, promises. We are going in PV in March. I would like to see if they still using this "rental Co to continue to scam people. Will invite myself to the presentation and will insist to have a word with the head of sales department. Will report upon our return.

Miriam L.
Mar 03, 2009

I just got off the phone with the Mayan. The Grand Mayan, Los Cabos is booked until Sept 2009, so somebody is selling vacations! They will not recommend any rental agencies due to reputations. We will have to get educated and start our own rental website. We did rent from a couple that owns in Cabo and deals their neighbors properties also. It was for the most a good experience at the Villa La Estancia. So it is possible to find honest people! Chin up!

M C.
Apr 27, 2009


Resorts International Marketing Corp.

Resort Advertising Network

Phaedra Almstead

Barbara McVay

Phaedra's ex-husband is a member if the mexican mafia, and part owner of timeshare resorts that send Phaedra her clients she scams.



Fred F.
Apr 28, 2009

I would like to join this class action suit but see no info on how to go about this. Can you offer advice? We have the same story as everyone else.

Anne F.
Apr 28, 2009

Hello, everyone, as I promissed, will put update after our trip to Mexico in March. The new information is that Royal Marketing now operate under different name Laxury resort management from Pompano Beach. Robert is still their represantative. We meat some people who wanted to buy in Mayan and was given his name. After we told them, they call back and got money back from the ""renting comapny". Need to be very alert, because all this resort hire very good salesman who will sing as canary and will liy to you with plesant smile. We visit several resorts and every where the same. If some one want to buy time share( now they are represent as "portial ownership),better to get from some one who want to sell it. Much cheeper.We have several and selling for about half of the price what they offering people..

Miriam L.
Apr 28, 2009

Me too, they have our 12weeks to rent since May 2008, but of couse never rented . I would like to joint the action suite, but how to start? Is any information?

Miriam L.
Apr 28, 2009

I just looked up the class action suit reference given by previous person. I am going to call the lawyers in Oakland and ask to be included. Their names are Boies, Chiller, and Flexmer, and their number is: (510) 874-1000. The action number to give them is: CVOM149Z. I hope others will do the same. The more of us, the better. Does anyone have any connections to getting the story on TV, like with 20/20?

Kari L.
Apr 30, 2009

karil17 wrote:
I just looked up the class action suit reference given by previous person. I am going to call the lawyers in Oakland and ask to be included. Their names are Boies, Chiller, and Flexmer, and their number is: (510) 874-1000. The action number to give them is: CVOM149Z. I hope others will do the same. The more of us, the better. Does anyone have any connections to getting the story on TV, like with 20/20?

Actually, Just spoke with Oakland office. The DC office is now handling this case. Melissa Willett's number is 202-274-1110

John M.

Last edited by johnm1460 on Apr 30, 2009 11:00 AM

May 01, 2009

Thank you for posting this information! I just left a message for Melissa Willett to see if I could provide her with the information that I have and join the suit as well. Hopefully this will go somewhere.

Amanda C.
May 01, 2009

Thank you, I also left vm for Melissa. Hopefuly, we all get sutisfaction from this suite and put this scam company out of bussines

Miriam L.
May 19, 2009

Hello, I also left vm for Melissa, but never got anything back. Did this office ever called you back?

Miriam L.
Jun 01, 2009

Too bad I didn't read this before paying the inflated 2009 cost of $399. A lifetime membership sounded good, but now their phone numbers are disconnected and no sale/rental was made. :-(

Darin O.
Jun 01, 2009

if you paid by credit card, call them and appeal for "service was not rendered" They should give you money back

Miriam L.
Jun 02, 2009

Just got finished sending complaints to every location found in these posts (Broward County Consume Affairs. Florida Consumer Services, BBB of SE Florida and the Caribbean, FTC). Also sent an email to Grupo Mayan Customer Service (with a cc to letting them know they have some responsibility for not alerting us that a company they recommended had gone out of business. Mentioned the word Class Action somewhere in the body for emphasis. I'm out $299. Wonder if the Groupo Mayan agent got kickbacks for mentioning Royal.

Valerie M.
Jun 02, 2009

Is there any way to squelch their website? It is very alive with no indication they are not doing business (

Valerie M.
Jun 15, 2009

My name is Luis San Lucas necesito que se comuniquen com migo al 562-964-6169 me urge hablar con ustedes, con relacion a la renta en Mayan palas. Gracias my email

Luis S.

Last edited by luiss30 on Jun 15, 2009 12:14 PM

Jun 16, 2009

Sent an email to Grupo Mayan Customer Service (see message dated 6/2). They wasted no time in calling me! Left 3 messages on 3 different days. They explained that they don't monitor these rental agencies and are not responsible. I indicated that this problem has been going on since last year and that this should not be the first time they were aware of it. If they were still handing out the forms with Royal Marketing Group on it, they should stop. Got no other assistance from them but think it is odd that they tried to reach me 3 times after my email. They know something or want to know something! Broward County Consumer Protection Div. said it was not within their jurisdiction since no purchase had been made. West Palm Beach BBB says they will respond within 30 days (7/3). Florida Dept. of Agriculture & Consumer Svcs. said since the firm was "no longer operating" so they could not pursue my complaint (in spite of the website). I am still awaiting a response from the FTC.

Valerie M.
Jun 30, 2009

Do not trust these people. They are scammers!

Silvian S.

Last edited by takoradi on Jul 29, 2009 10:48 AM

Jun 30, 2009

NO! NO! NO! You are very wrong. We just dealt with G&G law firm and they were extremely helpful, got our contract cancelled AND ALL of our deposit money back, in a couple of months. Anyone who was misled and wants to get out of their contract for that reason, please contact

They are not a scam. They truly want to help and they did help my family. Extremly nice people, always called when they said they would, even on the weekend. We got all of our deposit money plus any payments made. You can believe what you want.

I'm sure the message above is written by someone connected to RMG or the resort involved, but anyone can make anything up online, right? This Amber Taylor probably WAS just a cover, because you cannot put your real info up on sites like this - most people know that. But please, contact them if you feel you have been misled (not just because you want out of paying, you have to have a legit reason for doing so - and we did) Contacting them will not cost you a what have you got to lose?

Look at all the complaints against this group (RMG) and you decide who is the scam artist here.

Jaque P.
Jun 30, 2009

I am an owner at Grupo Mayan also; I have stated my story here previously. I just want to be clear: are people using G&G lawyers to cancel the Mayan contract, or the contract with Royal Marketing to rent their time? Was the idea that Mayan salespeople told you you can rent through RMG to get some of your money back?

I have found the Mayan people to be very tough to negotiate with after you sign a contract. Ours states that they do not rent your time for you, and they do not advocate that anyone will or can.

We DID have the sales people at Playa del Sol put us on the phone with Royal Marketing, who then told us they would be able to sell our Mayan timeshare for us at more than we paid for it. They were confident they could do that in six to eight weeks. We paid (and lost) a $299 fee. But more important, we would not have bought the Playa del Sol if we understood it was a scam. So could the Gonzalez guys get our money back from Playa del Sol?

Kari L.

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