General Discussion

RCI Class Action Lawsuit

Jun 22, 2012

I know your frustration, we recently got talked into buying four weeks with the promise of rental return from the resort etc, being able to trade in our other timeshare of ten years (points)etc. Long story short we now have all this time and too have had a hard time. Up to this point we have not been able to exchange far in advance. due to not knowing when we could go, Recently we can and again have been told that the reason RCI does not have inventory because owners deposits have not been made yet. (BS) I understand to a point, but like alot of us waiting a year, having an ongoing search and still coming up with little. From what I have read too that owners put there time in one and two years in advance, so there should be more, but as others say they pull the good ones.

Also very little five star resorts, used to be alot more. Have been looking at going to Thailand in Feb 2013. Very little avail, may be a bit late, have found resorts on the extra vacation for rent for less than what I would pay to exchange fees and joining fees to be able to book it.

Cambodia it says 35 resorts avail on the extra vacation, but on the regular inventory, none come up. Not much avail when I want them, but if you want to travel in the hot and humid season which is most of the year extra vacations have some for Cambodia.

What we are trying to do is rent out a couple of the weeks we do have to cover our maintence costs, use the other timeshare that they were unable to transfer, but gave us credit towards the weeks timeshare. Having weeks and points is helpful since points we can book a few days and try to use the week where we can. I guess, being willing to try differant places makes it work sometimes.

We book places like Whistler BC ( alot of trades and beautiful area) Also Banif BC. We live in AB, so try to do somethng, but not always what we want. The Oregon Coast area is very hard to get. I was told that there were not many and most owners use them themselves, the same for other popular destinations. As far as the kids go for passing it on, if there name is not on it, they have the right to refuse to accept it and is turned over to the state. If they accept it they will take ownership of it. So, check the laws in your area, as we live in Canada. We made the mistake of being encouraged to put our adults sons on the recent one and how much more convient it is for them to use etc. Luckly it is not deeded and hopefully we should be able to use it for twenty years or so more and then they will only have ten years left.

Like people have said hopefully you have a timeshare that you like to go to and makes it easier to only deal with RCI if you are trying to go somewhere else. Were all in the same boat and have lots of company.

Carol S.
Nov 15, 2012

I want RCI to restore the RED WEEKS to what was originally agreed upon at purchase. Red Weeks have the best trading power and when banked they NEVER lose trading power. If not used in three years they were lost.

C G.
Feb 20, 2013

vsi is trying to sell me the RCI points system for 12000 is this legal?

Thomas R.
Feb 20, 2013

thomasr344 wrote:
vsi is trying to sell me the RCI points system for 12000 is this legal?

Have you not read this entire thread concerning PRL and VSI .... no, it's not legal, but for some reason they are still setting up meetings with prospective buyers but have not YET been caught ..... unbelievable.

R P.
May 15, 2013

Was not aware of lawsuit. However, I usually have no problem exchanging my Wyndham points, especially in off-season when I prefer to travel. As with anything, it depends on availability. This is on the RCI website, how many units are available and dates of availability. I have also purchased weeks vacations fro RCI. I am very pleased with my Wyndham timeshare, however, I bought most of my points on e-bay. No problem using them with Wyndham.

E R.
May 15, 2013

Perhaps they have insurance? The point is, EVERY business does this. It's called balancing the books. Income must meet expenses, and in the case of a for profit company, there must also be a profit on top of expenses. (Or why be in business?) I am certainly not defending RCI, but why state the obvious? Isn't this lawsuit over with anyway? I believe I received my paltry settlement sometime ago. Why not move on to more relevant topics and not beat a dead horse?

jayjay wrote:
As I have mentioned before, the only people benefitting from this lawsuit will be the attorneys involved. RCI defense costs in this lawsuit will be passed onto RCI members via a rise in all RCI fees in order to cover that defense.

Jeanne M.
Jan 05, 2014

Not surprised. The sales person told us we purchased 2 one bedroom room side by side units, the sales person and his manager told us he would give us 4 weeks of exchange power, they showed us the RCI book and told us we could exchange our weeks anywhere in this book any time we wanted and to have the very best accomidations anywhere, showing us page after page of beautiful resorts. Facts are that none of that was true. We didn't even get the week we were told we would get at the resort we purchased. We purchased a red weeks(we were told all weeks in Florida were red) and as of now can't find a resort anywhere from Texas, around to South Carolina. Seems to me there are many many others that were told the same thing, there should be something we can do . Our timeshare is paid for and all of our fees are up to date. Can anything be done. Pete

Peter B.
Jan 05, 2014

Yes -- you can deed it back. Unfortunately, the timeshare industry is full of disreputable companies. I deeded mine back at another disreputable timeshare and am glad I did.

John B.
Jan 06, 2014

johnb2353 wrote:
Yes -- you can deed it back. Unfortunately, the timeshare industry is full of disreputable companies. I deeded mine back at another disreputable timeshare and am glad I did.

One can't deed a timeshare back to a resort unless the resort agrees to take it back, period.

R P.
Apr 28, 2016

I hope people read my story of rhc! Its criminal what these clubs are capable! My case might be hard to believe, hoped though English was my language. Anyway, I was stolen... Yes, STOLEN money by Royal Holiday Club! Its criminal! Hope someone reads my story

Sari P.
Dec 10, 2020

Sari P. So where can I find your post re RHC ? Thanks

Perry K.
Dec 13, 2020

I agree with you. That was a very rude response. I was actually a little taken aback.

Jeanne M.
Jan 26, 2021

Thanks for informed us.

Jennie Miller

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