General Discussion

point rental liquidators

Jan 24, 2014

I have been reading pg 77,78,79 and 80 as I know this is the most recent posts. My parents are now involved with this exact same scam and I'm just starting to research and pursue this. It is the exact same scam through R&R (Las Vegas, NV) and Excess Property Solutions (Morris, IL) that you all have been involved with...Where are you at with your fight for a solution? Please contact me at if you are willing to discuss this further. With all these complaints it's hard to believe nothing is being done to stop's been going on for years. What is being done?

My parents are located in Wisconsin and "the scam meeting" took place there and I am trying to figure out our next move.....Lets work together to bring these guys to justice. Thank You Eric

I would be willing to speak over the phone with you about this as well...please contact me via email first.

Eric J.
Jan 30, 2014

Found this article regarding Excess Property Solutions on TUG (EPS is one of the many faces of this PRL scam).

J V.
Jan 30, 2014

I spent some time with my lawyer today, and he is surprised by the magnitude of this opration. He believes we can build a good, winnable case against them, and is seeking more input from people who have been scammed, and who might want to join a possible class action lawsuit. He cautioned me against revealing too much information on a public bulletin board such as this one, for several reasons. I am, however, willing to share some of the information I have been able to garner in privacy. As I have posted before, I can be contacted at I will respond. As a footnote, I have been informed that the FBI in Milwaukee is aware of this scam and is investigating. The problem is (according to my source) that the FBI does not aggressively pursue any scams for less than $10,000. It appears that the scammers know this and keep the amounts around or below the $10,000 level.

Larry M.

Last edited by larrym463 on Jan 30, 2014 06:59 PM

Jan 31, 2014

If you are experiencing any of the following with PRL, EPS, VSI, or any other names Robert Guy Russell DBA: GHL ( Grand Leisure Holidays) ( R&R Venture Group, R&R Venture and a host of other names) please contact your local police departments FRAUD division with a complaint or your local FBI office as there are open investigations on the company.

If you have had dealing with a B.J. Cook ( Benjamin J. Cook) be advised he is Robert Guy Russell's partner in this massive fraud.

If you did not get a balance transfer in 10 days as guaranteed If you did not receive the full amount of $13,000 or more dollars you were guaranteed at point of sale within the sic (6) months please call your local Lawenforcement fraud division or FBI NOW....file a complaint.

jayjay wrote:
jamesv145 wrote:
I have writen to AG in Las Vegas , they can not help Las Vegas Real estate - They stated they can not help BBB in Las Vegas - they have not responded RCI- no response Illinois AG-They sent a card back that they will look into the concern ILLinois Real Estate -They can not help, that was about a month ago Texas AG- No response Texas Real estate- Claimed they are working on some thing that may help Just wrote to Indiana AG- waiting for a response FederalTrade Comm.- waiting for a response. My next step ,if no one will help will be the News media , sending all info and names to TV stations. They may be interested to know that all these departments getting paid with tax money to help the american people ,will not or can not ( as they claim)-- HELP

Whatever you do, don't give up ..... sometimes it takes time for agencies to get in touch with you.

I've had 2 state attorneys general help me by getting my money returned (not related to timeshares).

It seems that there are so many complaints being filed concerning timeshare scams (and BJ Cooke in particular) that there's probably a backlog of work.

Justice can be slow.

James J.
Jan 31, 2014

Call the FBI they have an open investigation on this as well.

ericj165 wrote:
I have been reading pg 77,78,79 and 80 as I know this is the most recent posts. My parents are now involved with this exact same scam and I'm just starting to research and pursue this. It is the exact same scam through R&R (Las Vegas, NV) and Excess Property Solutions (Morris, IL) that you all have been involved with...Where are you at with your fight for a solution? Please contact me at if you are willing to discuss this further. With all these complaints it's hard to believe nothing is being done to stop's been going on for years. What is being done?

My parents are located in Wisconsin and "the scam meeting" took place there and I am trying to figure out our next move.....Lets work together to bring these guys to justice. Thank You Eric

I would be willing to speak over the phone with you about this as well...please contact me via email first.

James J.
Jan 31, 2014

His name is: Brandon J. Cooke

NOT: Benjamin J. Cook

Boobie R.
Jan 31, 2014

Google: Guy Russell Nonna See the photos of the people that own R&R Venture Group, PRL, EPS, R&R Medical Group and the partners with Brandon J. Cooke.

By ROCHEL LEAH GOLDBLATT LAS VEGAS REVIEW-JOURNAL Georgia was gone. And the family needed her.

Her owner Nonna Russell knew it. Her husband Guy knew it.

Her 6-year-old quadriplegic son, Ryan, knew it most of all.

Though never trained as a service dog, Georgia, a 50-pound, 4-year-old English bulldog, is Ryan’s companion, protector and friend.

And for almost a week, she was missing.

Georgia often warned Ryan’s family if he was having any trouble with his breathing, especially in the middle of the night.

“She notices when something is wrong. She is not a certified service dog. She’s not perfect. She is a natural service dog,” Russell said. “She jumps on the bed. … She stands post.”

When Georgia, a former breeder dog with a maternal instinct, disappeared from home Oct. 17, the Russell family didn’t panic.

Georgia knew where she lived. And though she did not have a history of wandering off, they lived in a good, close-knit neighborhood.

Russell assumed a gate was left open by someone working around the house or the horse ranch they bought for Ryan’s horse therapy.

“You should see Ryan when he rides (Romeo). He just lights up,” said the horse’s trainer, Charda Lively. “It’s amazing the connection they have.”

Georgia and Ryan also have a strong connection. They thought Georgia had just wandered off for a bit.

But, by Saturday, they were frantic.

“I really, honestly did not think she’d be gone,” Russell said. “Then Saturday came. … I didn’t know what I was going to do.”

Sunday was a hard day. In addition to Georgia’s obvious absence, they had to mourn the death of a beloved family dog, 17-year-old Howie, who had been with the family since before Ryan was born.

Monday, Russell locked herself in her room. She gave everyone the day off, unable to cope with everyday matters.

Ryan, who is in first grade, is home-schooled by a private tutor and was home all week while Georgia was not.

“We searched on foot. We searched by horse. We searched by car,” Russell said. “We had the whole neighborhood looking.”

Georgia’s dog-walker jumped at the chance to help by listing Georgia on Craigslist, asking Facebook friends to share the missing flier, and advertising the $2,500 reward. The roughly 50 people who work for and with Russell helped in any way they could.

Finally, KTNV-TV, Channel 13 featured the dog’s disappearance on its 11 p.m. news broadcast, which led to her homecoming.

“I thought if someone really wants a bulldog, I’d give them the money to get their own,” Russell said of the reward. “I honestly would have paid whatever was in my savings account” to get Georgia back.

Guy Russell said the reward was offered with guarded optimism, and anything higher would have drawn scammers and heartbreak.

Thirty minutes after the segment aired, Nonna Russell got a text that read, “I think I know where your dog is.”

“It really was unbelievable,” Guy Russell said. “It was such a miracle someone happened to watch the newscast late at night. Such a miracle.”

Wednesday morning, Russell learned that her sweet Georgia, who had two ACL knee surgeries and a bladder problem that required medicine, was sold for $800 to an acquaintance of the person who had texted Russell.

Russell and her husband brought Georgia home Wednesday afternoon.

“I didn’t want to get my hopes up,” Russell said, though she was assured it was Georgia. “I just wanted my dog back. I didn’t want to cause a ruckus.”

In a moving homecoming captured by KTNV, Ryan, a quadriplegic since surviving a near-drowning accident at 6 months old, managed to shift his arm until it was resting on Georgia. Tears streamed from his expressive eyes.

“While Georgia was gone, Ryan couldn’t sleep,” Russell said. “I didn’t realize until she was gone how much I depended on her.”

Ryan’s movement is so rare, his physical reaction to Georgia coming home was a small miracle for his parents.

“Something like this makes you count your blessings,” she said. “Some things aren’t replaceable.”

Contact reporter Rochel Leah Goldblatt at 702-383-0381 or Follow @reporterrox on Twitter.

Boobie R.
Jan 31, 2014

Is this for real?

Larry M.
Jan 31, 2014

Who is this Jamesj406 there was a Jim Jones who worked for R&R Venture but he quit when he found out it was a scam

James J.
Feb 01, 2014

Here is where everyones money went.

Boobie R.
Feb 01, 2014

Those of you that have been scammed by the Russells should email your story to the reporter above at .....

R P.

Last edited by jayjay on Feb 01, 2014 08:20 AM

Feb 01, 2014

Thanks. Very illuminating. Do you have any more information on the RCI lawsuit?

Larry M.
Feb 02, 2014

Trial date is set for I think for July 15, 2015. That was the last date I heard. Will keep everyone posted. Brandon J. Cooke & Robert Guy Russell have been served papers.

Boobie R.
Feb 02, 2014

Is that 2014 or 2015 ? July 2015 is a long way off.

Don P.
Feb 02, 2014

I will check first thing again tomorrow, but I'm sure they said 2015. I hope I'm wrong. Keep you all posted.

Boobie R.

Last edited by boobier on Feb 02, 2014 07:51 AM

Feb 02, 2014

The FBI along with a butt load of local police will arrest them before July 2015 guaranteed as they are so found of saying

boobier wrote:
Trial date is set for I think for July 15, 2015. That was the last date I heard. Will keep everyone posted. Brandon J. Cooke & Robert Guy Russell have been served papers.

James J.
Feb 02, 2014

It has been mentioned that the amount of loss can possibly be used as a write off on taxes. Can someone tell those of us who have lost money in this scam if this has been done and if so what it was listed under.

Sandra P.
Feb 03, 2014

I made that posting. I received a 5 page document from my tax preparer that specifically tells how to deduct fraud from your taxes. Type in "How to Deduct on Taxes If I'm Frauded" to a search engine. You should get a link to "How to Deduct on Taxes If I'm Frauded | eHow", which is a one page document. There are 6 steps listed, #1 of which is to File a Police Report. #3 is to download a copy of Form 4684--Casualties and Thefts from the link in Resources. The IRS form is 4 pages of "mouse" print. I have an outstanding tax preparer, and would recommend that you get help in filing also. If I learn anything more about it, I will post it.

Larry M.
Feb 03, 2014

Boobier: I would like to contact you via email. I have some information that I think you might find useful.

Larry M.

Last edited by larrym463 on Feb 03, 2014 07:27 PM

Feb 03, 2014

Thank you larrym. Appreciate the info and will do a search. We were "taken" in 2011. Will have to see how that will affect our filing. Thank you again. If we can get any benefit from doing this at least it is something. Sorta hard to swallow a 9800.00 loss.

Sandra P.

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