General Discussion

point rental liquidators

Jan 06, 2014

Jamesj406 is a shill. He's posted numerous times in here supporting the scammers. Ignore him. He's sweating waiting for the hammer to fall on him when they finally bust the scammers.

Don P.
Jan 06, 2014

Just a quick note for jamesj406, Spoke with RCI on Saturday Jan. 04, 2014 @ 11:08am and once again I was told that the suit is still going very hard forward against them. They are waiting on finalizing one last deposition. My wife and I will be there when all this comes to a end, hope to see you there. So, why don't you just sit back and wait to see.

Boobie R.
Jan 06, 2014

Yessss!! And, please extend a one-finger salute to BJ should you see him.

Jeffe C.
Jan 07, 2014

Give him #1sign for me too.

Scarlett M.
Jan 14, 2014

As I has posted previously, the Illinois Attorney Generals office has told me that my complaint about the scam being run by R&R Venture Group, Excess Property Solutions, and VSI was the only one they have received.

If anyone reading this site/post has filed a compalint with the Illinois AG, please acknowledge here that you have done so.

I find it hard to believe that mine was the only complaint, and so does one of the lawyers working on the RCI trade infringement lawsuit against these companies.

John M.
Jan 14, 2014

I filed in Wisconsin, but not in Illinois. If it will help, I will file in Illinois also.

Larry M.
Jan 15, 2014

Instead of giving them the finger. How can we get our Monies back.???? How can we Dig deep into his pocket and get what belongs to us? mbradb7

M Brad B.
Jan 17, 2014

Okay, based on the responses, I must be the only one who has filed a complaint with the Illinois AG. Let's take this one step further.

What if I told you that I have found a law firm that would start and pursue a federal class action lawsuit against the R&R Venture Group, Excess Property Solutions, Vaction Services International fraud gang? How many of you out there would be willing to join that class action lawsuit?

This could involve some money out of your pockets to travel for depositions and to testify at various times. You will need to have all of your ducks in a row and be able to completely and accurately testify to what how you were approached, where you met the scammers, what was said, provide copies of all docucments involved in the process, and be able to identify all the scammers that you dealt with.

Who is going to raise their hands.

John M.
Jan 17, 2014

I have filed with the OK and NV Att Gen's as well as the Federal Trade Commission. Have heard nothing back from any of these.

M Brad B.
Jan 17, 2014

I have not been on this sight for at least 6 months. We were scammed in Jan. 2012. I have filed with the Illinois AG among others and was told they could do nothing, same with other AG . I was told by Wisconsin and Indiana connections to their AG office that they are investigating the matter however it does take a long time to gather info. If anyone is putting together a class action law suit I am very interested.

James V.
Jan 18, 2014

Both of my hands are up! I'll do whatever it takes to bring these bastards down. My lawyer has already sent a letter to Fazenbaker asking for a complete refund of our money, or a lawsuit seeking treble damages plus legal fees will be filed in Milwaukee. I was able to cash the $346 refund check VSI sent me, and got the cash for it. As far as I am concerned, the fact that I got the refund and cashed the check is an admission of guilt on Fazenbaker's part. If anyone wants to communicate with me outside of the public postings, feel free to do so. My email address is:

Larry M.

Last edited by larrym463 on Jan 18, 2014 10:43 AM

Jan 21, 2014

We will be filing a complaint with the IL Attorney General's office shortly on behalf of my parents who were scammed out of almost $10K. Disgusting people who prey on elderly...

Kim F.
Jan 21, 2014

ANY UPDATES on EPS? Trying to find out about the Timeshare Enhancement and Relief Project. Thanks!

jamesj406 wrote:
PRL ( Point Rental Liquadators) is now know as EPS ( Excess Property Solutions) B.J. Cook is the owner of this company when the heat gets to hot on the rental side he renames it so when people check on the bogus rental scam they won't find the real name and his sales representatives deny knowing anything about PRL. I am sure when EPS gets to much heat he will change the name again after all what's in a name?

It is a rumor and rumor only that Robert "Guy" Russell has lost his merchant account and has ordered his sales teams to take checks (cash) because his company cannot run Master Card or Discover anymore and can only run small amounts on Visa through Bejing and Hong Kong China if that is the case it would appear his company is on the decline.

Word is Guy Russell and B.J. Cook are not paying the sales people and most or a least the smart ones are bailing out for jobs that do pay but then that is rumor we wouldn't want to report some half truths after all these two fine stand up men surely intend to pay those that have been spreading so much happiness these past few years across America with their Ponzi scheme.

More as we receive it.

Time share news

Mp D.
Jan 21, 2014

ANY UPDATES on EPS? Trying to find out about the Timeshare Enhancement and Relief Project scam. Check written in June 2013. Thanks!

boobier wrote:
To everyone who needs to get to the right department at Bank of America (BOA). Disputes Department: 800-457-3693 _______________________ This number is for the card holder ONLY to call, they won't talk to anyone else (kids of parents, friends etc.) _______________________ For all General questions at BOA: 888-884-4950 BOA knows that the timeshare part of the purchase is legal, It's the PRL part that is NOT. (services never received) _______________________ PS: Call the AG in the state that you live in and file a complaint. When this all goes down you will need to be on the list.... Good luck and I wish everyone the BEST.

Mp D.
Jan 21, 2014

I've been calling them too...and testy is a nice word. Any success in getting closer to your money that was promised?

larrym463 wrote:
More information: I got a call a few days ago from Vivian of Timeshare Solutions, which I had never heard of. The caller ID came from Mercer, PA, and the number was 724-300-1380. They wanted to "help me out" with my timeshare. I asked how they got my name & phone number, and why they were calling me. They told me there is a "National Data Base of Timeshare Owners" that can be accessed by typing that URL into Google, Yahoo, or any other search engine. I was stunned to see that the names, addresses, phone numbers, etc., of MILLIONS of timeshare owners are available from these databases! The resorts apparently sell the list of their owners to various "enterprises." And I thought we had privacy policies! If anyone else has been contacted by, or knows anything about this "Timeshares Solutions" outfit, please post it. The new phone number for R & R is 877-572-2090. It is still being answered by Lisa or Sarah. They answer the phone, but will not give you any information or connect you with someone else. They pretend to be "sending the information" along to someone else that you never hear from. I will be calling them regularly and reminding them that they are involved in an interstate fraud that is a federal crime, and demanding a return of my money. I suggest others try the same. They are getting a little "testy." Some of you may not be aware that losses of these kinds can be deducted from your income taxes. There are some guidelines as to how much, and what circumstances merit the deductions. My tax accountant is researching it right now, and I'll post anything I find out. You won't retrieve your full loss, but it might take some of the "sting" out of your losses at tax time.

Mp D.
Jan 21, 2014

mpd I'm sorry to tell you but your money is gone. If you are a senior citizen you could file fraud charges with your local police dept since you gave them a check and it was less than a year ago, There are special laws to prtect seniors. No one has had any luck chasing them down through the attorney general's office. File a complaint with your state Attorney General and the Federal Trade Commission. The more complaints they receive the better the chance they might get off their lazy butts and go after these scammers.

Don P.

Last edited by donp196 on Jan 21, 2014 03:06 PM

Jan 23, 2014

New to this website and thread. Wish I had found it a year ago when we were scammed! Have not yet read through all 80 pages but it looks like we are not the only ones that have been taken by R & R Venture Group. I've yet to see Cody Christensen's name mentioned yet but he sure sold us on a deal that sounded to good to be true and we should have known better. We attended a presentation in Virginia in January 2013 and tried many times to get answers from R & R. Of course, Cody never returns calls and the office staff was of no help. EPS blew us off on payment for our point by saying we would not be paid until January 2014. Now there is no answere at EPS, just a nice message stating that Crystal Jensen's mailbox has not been set up! Not sure what my next course of action will be. Checked with my original Timeshare company that we thought we had deposited our week from last year and it went to waste, we now own a unit at Leigh Acres in Fl, and I also get calls offering to sell my RCI bonus weeks (for a fee, of course). I will be reading through the rest of the thread to see what I should do. Other than the paperwork for the RCI Participation Agreement, none of the other paperwork mentions RCI so I don't think that would help RCI in their lawsuit. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Sean B.
Jan 23, 2014

Did you pay them with a credit card? Visa and MasterCard allow for you to dispute a charge 120 days from the expected date of service (up to 540 days). Discover also extended their 120 day chargeback limit to 540 days as well. If you have something in writing that states your expected date of service is January 2014 then you could contact your credit card company to pursue the funds that way. Amex has different chargeback policies, but they're usually pretty helpful (Unless it's a Canadian issued Amex, they have a very strict 90 day policy).

If it was a check though I would recommend following the directions of the previous posters and file complaints with the Attorney General and other state/federal agencies.

seanb136 wrote:
New to this website and thread. Wish I had found it a year ago when we were scammed! Have not yet read through all 80 pages but it looks like we are not the only ones that have been taken by R & R Venture Group. I've yet to see Cody Christensen's name mentioned yet but he sure sold us on a deal that sounded to good to be true and we should have known better. We attended a presentation in Virginia in January 2013 and tried many times to get answers from R & R. Of course, Cody never returns calls and the office staff was of no help. EPS blew us off on payment for our point by saying we would not be paid until January 2014. Now there is no answere at EPS, just a nice message stating that Crystal Jensen's mailbox has not been set up! Not sure what my next course of action will be. Checked with my original Timeshare company that we thought we had deposited our week from last year and it went to waste, we now own a unit at Leigh Acres in Fl, and I also get calls offering to sell my RCI bonus weeks (for a fee, of course). I will be reading through the rest of the thread to see what I should do. Other than the paperwork for the RCI Participation Agreement, none of the other paperwork mentions RCI so I don't think that would help RCI in their lawsuit. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

J V.
Jan 24, 2014

So I've managed to read back about a dozen pages and not sure what I should do now! We attended a presentation on 29 Jan in Virginia by R & R Venture Group. I have paperwork from VSI, EPS, Lehigh Resort Club, and RCI. At the end of the presentation, since we were not able to take notes, Cody Christensen (Regional Director R&R Venture Group) assured me he would explain the program as to how all the different companies work to be able to exchange my original fixed week timeshare unit to points that could then in turn be converted to cash (check). Over the past year, phone calls messages and emails are never responded to, Sarah in the R&R Office has given me the run around a few times, and I finally talked to a Tyler at EPS back in Jul 2013 and he told me I would not receive a check for another six months. This is the timeframe we were told we would receive a check from EPS by Tyler and have not received anything! Started calling back to R&R and EPS with no results. At R&R a receptionist named Cacy that knows nobody's names that work at R&R but will have someone call back in 24 hours (no one calls back) and calls to EPS are not answered now just a mail box for a Crystal Jensen that states that it's not set up. For this past year I thought we were under contract with EPS, that we had given them our fixed week at our original timeshare for cash. When I checked with my original timeshare, the week in question was not used and went to waste! So here I am. Over this year, was 99% sure we were scammed and this site has pretty much confirmed it. What do I do now? Any suggestions? What do I do about this second timeshare at Lehigh Resort Club that we have title to now and the RCI membership that we didn't even need? Are these Timeshare resorts completely in the blind when they are receiving these contracts from R&R? Is there a one stop point of contact to start the complaint process (e.g. Attorney General, FTC, FBI)?

Sean B.

Last edited by seanb136 on Jan 24, 2014 01:06 PM

Jan 24, 2014

Today, I mailed my completed complaint form with attachments to the IL AG office. It was mailed "Return Receipt Requested" to assure it's delivery. I had previously made formal complaints to the TN AG and the FTC. I am hoping that a representative from any or all of these offices takes note and some kind of action.

Jeffe C.

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