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point rental liquidators

Dec 13, 2013

I just tried to call the telephone number (305-802-8406) that you gave for Mary Leslie Smith. Got a message that the telephone number was no longer in service.

Did you mis-type the number?

Never mind, I found the phone number on their website (305-482-8406). She has sent me her address and I am sending copies of all of my documents relating to this scam.

John M.

Last edited by johnm2748 on Dec 13, 2013 08:57 AM

Dec 13, 2013

You are correct--I did mis-type the phone number. The one you gave is the correct one. Thank you for contacting her, and I hope you have some geat information for her. Another encouraging note--I just received a letter from the Wisconsin Dept. of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection. After thanking me for contacting them, they go on to say: "A recent investigation into the business practices of R & R Venture Group has been forwarded by our bureau to the Wisconsin Department of Justice for further action. Your complaint will also be forwarded as part of that investigation." They say the process could take several months, so be patient. Again, I strongly encourage EVERYONE who has been scammed to keep filing complaints and stay on these crooks. We will get them.

Larry M.
Dec 15, 2013

Shayne Lowe, Patrick Thompson, and Trevor Alonzo are in California for two weeks pulling the "Timeshare Enhancement and Relief Project" scam. Three more members of the "chin-beard" gang in action.

John M.
Dec 16, 2013

johnm: I don't know where you get your information from, but If it is reliable and accurate, can't some agency be alerted to their possible activities in the area? If you know the names of these guys, and know where they are operating and when they are doing it, someone should be able to get them. I just spoke with Leslie Smith, and she thought the (California) attorney general's office might be a place to start if your information is reliable. Update on VSI and Joshua Fazenbaker: the lawsuit against VSI & JF was in essence dismissed on September 27, 2013 by virtue of a Permanent Injunction by Consent Order. VSI and its emplyees are permanently restrained from using any RCI marks or references, etc., that create a false impression of affiliation or association with with RCI. HOWEVER, the remainder of the lawsuit citing R&R and Brandon J. Cooke as defendants is ongoing. Acccording to Leslie, this is a civil matter; not a criminal one, and therefore no arrest warrants can be issued. She should be receiving our documents early this week.

Larry M.
Dec 17, 2013

LarryM: Many of the "chin-beard gang" like to share their travels on various social media. None of them will ever answer a question about what their jobs are. There was a time whan many of these guys stated the companies that they worked for (eg. EPS, TERP, etc). Since the RCI lawsuit has been filed, they have removed these company names from their information. But there is still enough information to figure out what is going on.

As far as sending someone to "get them", we do not know where in the various areas or restaurants where they are meeting with the people they want to scam. No police department is going to go on a wild goose chase.

I shipped my paperwork to Ms. Smith this morning. Just for your information. It contained documentation that Excess Property Solutions actually did have a physical office at the Morris Business and Technology Center in Morris, Illinois. That documentation includes prints from the MB&TC's website months ago listing EPS as a tenent in Suite 403. It also has two photographs that I took of the office window and front door with the Excess Property Solution name and telephone number displayed.

John M.

Last edited by johnm2748 on Dec 17, 2013 11:43 AM

Dec 19, 2013

mb279 Interesting to see your posting in nov. about Rodger Louie. He is the person who called us saying he was from Sunset Harbor and calling in regards to our overdue maintenance fees. (Which we had already paid @ the initial sign up w/BJ Cooke-2/29/12 and had proof of payment-thank God) Now I see in your post that he was working w/the BJ Crooks. These crooks have to be stopped.

Eunice D.

Last edited by euniced6 on Dec 19, 2013 12:01 PM

Dec 19, 2013

Did you get Rodger Louie's phone number? I would love to talk with him!!!

mbradb7 / mb279

M Brad B.
Dec 19, 2013

The last I heard is that Rodger Louie is living in Asia somewhere. ( Not working for B.J. Cooke ) The final days of the law suit from RCI is coming to a end. They are going after B.J. Cooke and will put him in jail for a very long time ... unless he comes clean about the master mind behind it all ( Robert Guy Russell & Nonna Russell) to save his hide. More to come.

Boobie R.
Dec 20, 2013

According to the RCI lawyers, this is a civil lawsuit, not a criminal lawsuit. How does that translate into BJ Cooke going to jail?

John M.
Dec 20, 2013

Good question. I would like to know also. I will posting more info below.

Larry M.
Dec 20, 2013

Some updated information regarding my complaint with the Cincinnati BBB against Joshua Fazenbaker and VSI: As noted earlier, JF responded by saying that the RCI lawsuit had been dismissed in September, and had no merit. JF has supposedly mailed me a check for $346 as a refund of my VSI membership fee. As a result of this magnanimous gesture, the BBB has removed my complaint from their site, considering the issue resolved. When (or if) I receive the check, I will be taking it to my lawyer to investigate. I will be posting a lot more information later.

Larry M.

Last edited by larrym463 on Dec 20, 2013 10:58 AM

Dec 20, 2013

More information: I got a call a few days ago from Vivian of Timeshare Solutions, which I had never heard of. The caller ID came from Mercer, PA, and the number was 724-300-1380. They wanted to "help me out" with my timeshare. I asked how they got my name & phone number, and why they were calling me. They told me there is a "National Data Base of Timeshare Owners" that can be accessed by typing that URL into Google, Yahoo, or any other search engine. I was stunned to see that the names, addresses, phone numbers, etc., of MILLIONS of timeshare owners are available from these databases! The resorts apparently sell the list of their owners to various "enterprises." And I thought we had privacy policies! If anyone else has been contacted by, or knows anything about this "Timeshares Solutions" outfit, please post it. The new phone number for R & R is 877-572-2090. It is still being answered by Lisa or Sarah. They answer the phone, but will not give you any information or connect you with someone else. They pretend to be "sending the information" along to someone else that you never hear from. I will be calling them regularly and reminding them that they are involved in an interstate fraud that is a federal crime, and demanding a return of my money. I suggest others try the same. They are getting a little "testy." Some of you may not be aware that losses of these kinds can be deducted from your income taxes. There are some guidelines as to how much, and what circumstances merit the deductions. My tax accountant is researching it right now, and I'll post anything I find out. You won't retrieve your full loss, but it might take some of the "sting" out of your losses at tax time.

Larry M.

Last edited by larrym463 on Dec 20, 2013 12:04 PM

Dec 20, 2013

As of today 12/20/2013 the RCI lawsuit is still going forward.


I spoke to the lawyers at RCI today and they have NO plans in stopping this from going to court. This information is being put out there from Joshua Fazenbaker, B.J. Cooke, Robert Guy Russell & Nonna Russell. IT IS NOT TRUE

Boobie R.

Last edited by boobier on Dec 22, 2013 04:49 AM

Dec 21, 2013

Thanks for the update. And, HOORAY!

Jeffe C.
Jan 04, 2014

About a week ago I received a check from VSI, signed by Joshua Fazenbaker himself for the mount of $346 as a refund of my exchange enrollment fee. Of course I never paid him any such amount, and he has no proof that I did. I will be taking the check to my lawyer, and requesting from JF an accounting of how he got any such fee, who sent it to him, where the money came from, etc., and to provide documentation of same. If he is unable to provide an accounting proof, I plan to request an IRS audit of his company's finances. I think we have been reporting him to some ineffective agencies, but if the IRS goes after him, he will be in deep doo doo. I also recommend that EVERYONE who has been scammed into enrolling with VSI under false pretenses request a refund of their enrollment fees from JF, no matter how long ago it happened.

Larry M.

Last edited by larrym463 on Jan 04, 2014 10:36 AM

Jan 05, 2014


I am surprised that you "contract paperwork" doesn't tell you where your money was sent. The fee that went to VSI came from R&R or the named closing company that is a part of R&R. They also sent $498 to EPS. You can bet that Fazenbaker will have "correct" accounting records for all his income and expenses. He will continue to assert that he cannot help how R&R and EPS operate. That is not his problem.

John M.

Last edited by johnm2748 on Jan 05, 2014 10:03 AM

Jan 05, 2014

My paper work (2 cancelled checks) DOES tell me where the money went--to R&R and EPS. What it DOESN'T tell me is how JF and VSI got it, or how much of it he got, or what it was for, or where the rest of it went. Somebody will have to account for the money trail if the IRS gets involved. One might also ask why he so readily "refunded" the amount to me when I didn't even ask for it! Furtheremore, I would assume that my membership had therefore been cancelled, yet I still receive advertisements from them every few days via email.

Larry M.

Last edited by larrym463 on Jan 05, 2014 08:30 PM

Jan 06, 2014

You mean that you do not have a paper contract that explains what you are getting for writing the two checks?

John M.

Last edited by johnm2748 on Jan 06, 2014 05:57 AM

Jan 06, 2014

There is no RCI pending lawsuit on this company I checked today 01/06/2014. This sounds like a person disgruntled.

The company has been in business 10+ years according to evades records one would think if they were illegal so ethi g would have been done by now.

Facts not rumor.

boobier wrote:
As of today 12/20/2013 the RCI lawsuit is still going forward.


I spoke to the lawyers at RCI today and they have NO plans in stopping this from going to court. This information is being put out there from Joshua Fazenbaker, B.J. Cooke, Robert Guy Russell & Nonna Russell. IT IS NOT TRUE

James J.
Jan 06, 2014


Take a look at this and see if you change your mind.

John M.

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