General Discussion

point rental liquidators

Nov 16, 2013


Josh Fazenbaker, the President of VSI, can rant and fume all he wants to. The actual facts are that he has allowed these scammers to include his company in their scam, he has allowed them to misrepresent what his company can do for the people getting scammed and how his company actually operates, and he has accepted the membeership fees that R&R has sent to him. The VSI logo is all over the materials used in the presentation and on the actual contract that is signed.

Fazenbaker and his company have also been included as defendents in the RCI Trade Infringement lawsuit that has been filed in federal court.

There are several old adages that apply to Fazenbaker. "If you lay down with dogs that have fleas, you are probably going to have fleas as well" and "If you jump into a pond that is covered with scum, you too will be covered in scum."

He will find out in the near future that the contracts the "chin-beard" gang uses claims that VSI received $9000+ dollars of what the people who were scammed paid for the contract. He is going to be flooded with demand letters from attorneys requesting return of that money. When he pulls his "liar and libel" stand up act with them, he will find himself standing in criminal court alongside the other companies and names that are on the contract that they are all failing to fulfil. And trust me, none of these scam artists want to find themselves in a courtroom. The don't answer the phones any more because they are hoping we all go away. Are they is for a rude awakening.

John M.

Last edited by johnm2748 on Nov 16, 2013 08:12 AM

Nov 16, 2013

A new RED ALERT! My complaint to the Cincinnati BBB was responded to by Joshua Fazenbaker, President, accusing me of filing a false and erroneous complaint. He actually admitted to working with R&R for over 2 years, and is continuing to do so. He supplied the BBB with 3 bogus phone numbers. One goes to "Sarah Rutten," and the other 2 go to answering devices for "Cornerstone Processing". Looks like we have a new name for an old scam. If you have been scammed by VSI, or convinced to purchase their timeshare relief strategy, PLEASE inform the Cincinnati BBB, and read my postings.

Larry M.
Nov 16, 2013

Joshua Fazenbaker & Sarah Rutten have known each other for more then 5 years that I know of. VSI paper work has been apart of R&R Venture Group from the beginning. The teams were told they had to sale VSI on EVERY CONTRACT as per Guy Russell and Brandon BJ Cooke. And RCI legal has all the emails from Guy & BJ backing this up. This will be proven in court. Sarah Rutten was hired to get people in the contract for 6 months so they could not cancel it. She is also the main person that told people how great VSI was just to keep them happy. Her job was to take the bullet for Guy Russell and BJ Cooke.

Boobie R.
Nov 16, 2013

Wow. Is there any way I (or anyone else for that matter) can get access to the actual court filing douments for the lawsuit? Where is it being filed, and who filed it? I trust the information on the posts, but would like to have real documentation for my own claims when I file complaints. Hearsay, innuendos and anecdotal information won't get us anywhere. EVERYONE WHO HAS BEEN SCAMMED should join in filing complaints with BBB's, AG's, FBI agencies, congress persons, and anyone else who may or may not listen. They need to be flooded with actual complaints from real people. As my lawyer told me, most people will be reluctant to throw more energy and money into this cause, and the perpretrators are counting on that. I will do everything I can, and would like for my own lawyer to issue a letter demanding our money back. Tell me where to start.

Larry M.
Nov 20, 2013

JohnM: I would like to know if you have had any success with going after EPS in Morris, Illinois. The Police Department there told me there was no such business at the location they give as their address. I am curious about your statement that you have actually "been there." (See my recent postings--I am new to the "thread"). I am preparing a statement to take to the MIlwaukee FBI office, and have filed complaints with the Cincinnati BBB, and the Wisconisn Attorney General's office. I would appreciate any information you can share. (Do you know for sure that William Thompson is BJ Cooke "in disguise"? Thompson is one of the guys show scammed my wife and me at our presentation.)

Larry M.
Nov 22, 2013


Google "RCI Vs R&R". There are several sites that show the actions of the Trade Infringement lawsuit. To get copies of the actual documents, you will have to pay for them on these sites. I do not know where you can get them for nothing.

EPS had an office in Suite 403 at the Morris Business and Technology Center until a few weeks ago. I personally stood in front of the door when I went there earlier this year. I detailed that trip on earlier pages of this string. They have closed their doors and I do not know where they have relocated, if they have. The Morris police could ask the owners of the center if these guys left a forwarding address. My guess is that they have not and they have either closed their doors, or are running the scam virtually. That way people and/or lawyers cannot send them demand letters, a required step in the legal process.

Go on to Facebook and search for "Brandon Jon". That is the name Cooke is currently using. There are pictures of him there. See if he looks like your "Thompson". If you think it is, my guess is that you will recognize his girlfriend Courtney Mencl (pictured with him), and then look up Harrison Maguire. These three are one of the traveling groups out selling the scam.

John M.
Nov 22, 2013

Go to GOOGLE and type in: Robert Guy Russell Texas.... Look at the second one down called... Meet The Neighbor. This is the husband and wife that owns R&R Venture Group, PRS & EPS who all the AG's from all states are looking for. This is B.J. COOKE's employers.

This is the way Guy & Nonna Russell are trying to make people in the Las Vegas area think they are like. Go to this site for the story, it is where all the money went.

Pinpoint Publications LLC 2505 Anthem Village Pkwy Suite E446 Henderson, NV 89052 Telephone 702-877-9477 Fax 702-260-6629

Advertising 702-877-9477 ext 21

Editorial 702-877-9477 ext 20

Creative 702-877-9477


Boobie R.

Last edited by boobier on Nov 22, 2013 12:46 PM

Nov 23, 2013


Not sure what you are trying to tell us with this post. Are you saying this company is where they launder all the money they scam people out of?

The website you direct us to does not show anything about the Russells as far as I can see. Unless I am missing something.

I am sorry, but the AG in Illinois has shown no interest in finding these people. They say that there are no complaints about these companies other than mine; and they cannot take a "case" or any action for an individual taxpayer.

boobier wrote:
Go to GOOGLE and type in: Robert Guy Russell Texas.... Look at the second one down called... Meet The Neighbor. This is the husband and wife that owns R&R Venture Group, PRS & EPS who all the AG's from all states are looking for. This is B.J. COOKE's employers.

This is the way Guy & Nonna Russell are trying to make people in the Las Vegas area think they are like. Go to this site for the story, it is where all the money went.

Pinpoint Publications LLC 2505 Anthem Village Pkwy Suite E446 Henderson, NV 89052 Telephone 702-877-9477 Fax 702-260-6629

Advertising 702-877-9477 ext 21

Editorial 702-877-9477 ext 20

Creative 702-877-9477


John M.

Last edited by johnm2748 on Nov 23, 2013 08:13 AM

Nov 23, 2013

THANK YOU VERY MUCH. I will follow through.

Larry M.
Nov 23, 2013

johnm2748 wrote:

Not sure what you are trying to tell us with this post. Are you saying this company is where they launder all the money they scam people out of?

The website you direct us to does not show anything about the Russells as far as I can see. Unless I am missing something.

I am sorry, but the AG in Illinois has shown no interest in finding these people. They say that there are no complaints about these companies other than mine; and they cannot take a "case" or any action for an individual taxpayer.

I honestly don't understand this with all the complaints that's in this forum alone, surely the ILL AG has received more complaints than just yours. If that is the case then everyone here needs to go to the ILL AG's website and file a complaint online.

R P.
Nov 23, 2013

I called the company that owns the magazine yesterday and told them the real story about the Russell's and where to look for more information about them. Now I go to the site again and it has been removed from the site. IT WAS THERE YESTERDAY....... ??????

ps: The AG in Illinois is one of the major offices that is working with the State of Florida and RCI as of yesterday.

Everyone should call the magazine at the phone above and ask what happen to the site.........

Boobie R.
Nov 23, 2013

When you say that the IL AG is "working with the State of Florida and RCI as of yesterday", what does that mean? I have letters from the IL AG stating that they have no complaints other than mine and therefore they cannot take any action against any if these companies for just one complaint. Even though there are many members of the "chin-beard" gang in Ottawa Illinois still traveling across the country continuing to pull off this scam against unsuspecting people.

boobier wrote:
I called the company that owns the magazine yesterday and told them the real story about the Russell's and where to look for more information about them. Now I go to the site again and it has been removed from the site. IT WAS THERE YESTERDAY....... ??????

ps: The AG in Illinois is one of the major offices that is working with the State of Florida and RCI as of yesterday.

Everyone should call the magazine at the phone above and ask what happen to the site.........

John M.
Nov 25, 2013

Has anyone filed a lawsuit against these guys? Individual or Civil?

If Civil, I would like to join.


M Brad B.
Nov 25, 2013

So would I. Larry Sheets:

Larry M.
Nov 25, 2013

I just spent about half an hour reporting this scam to the FBI office in Milwaukee. The FBI has a department that investigates timeshare scams. I also followed up with a scathing reply to Joshua Fazenbaker's (of VSI) claim of innocence with the Cincinnati BBB. I strongly that everyone who has been victimized continue to file comlaints and reports, even if they are replications. If we give up, they will win.

Larry M.
Nov 25, 2013

My attorney has said there are two ways to attack this.

1st way is called "Huff and Puff". This means that the lawyer will send official demand letters to all persons involved. He said the chances of success may be 1 in 20. Cost: $1000.00 fixed fee. Now that we cannot find an address for EPS, there is no place to send the demand letters. R&R will claim that they were just the processor, and VSI will claim that they collected $199.00 for the VSI membership. It is not their fault that the Ottawa "chin-beard" gang lied to us and them.

2nd way is to file lawsuits. This could be small claims or some civil action. Your chances of winning a judgment are better than the 1st way, but there is no guarentee that you will ever collect any judgment that may be handed down. Cost: $5000.00 plus expenses of $500-$800.

Then you may have to try to garnish wages, but you probably will not be able to find any actual wage payer to do that with. And it will cost you additional money to do this or hire a debt collection agency.

John M.
Nov 26, 2013

The TERP team of Randy Canfield, Brian Canfield, and Andy Drackley are in Tulsa, OK this week running the scam on unsuspecting people. Have not been able to determine which restaurant they are using.

John M.
Nov 26, 2013

If you know they are there, is there any way they can be caught? How about notifying law enforcement in Oklahoma?

Larry M.
Nov 26, 2013

Back in July 2010, they used Ruby Tuesday at 31th & Memorial. Not close to me so I do not know.

M Brad B.
Nov 29, 2013

I have updated my complaint to the BBB in Cincinnati regarding VSI & Joshua Fazenbaker. JF offered to refund my money if I would stop "slandering" his company. I then notified the BBB of the RCI lawsuit filed on June 18, 2013 in Florida Middle District Court for Trademark infringement against VSI, R&R, and EPS. My lawyer is going to get a copy of the proceedings and check on the current status of the lawsuit. I strongly recommend for others who have been scammed by VSI to file with the Cincinnati BBB to add corroboration to the complaint, and get VSI's status dropped.

Larry M.

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