General Discussion

point rental liquidators

Oct 17, 2013


Have you been keeping your list of the TERP traveling circus clowns up to date. There are a good number of new players who have been added to the show, and a couple who have disappeared.

boobier wrote:
That's Him & Sarah Rutten is there also as his friend. She is the scum that tells everyone the lies on the phone when you call R&R Venture Group in Las Vegas, NV . Her job was to keep everyone in the contract for six months so they could not cancel after that. She's also the one that told everyone that the check was coming & coming & coming & coming. Hope she goes to jail with them.

johnm2748 wrote:
Our friend BJ Cooke is now trolling Facebook as "Brandon Jon".

John M.
Oct 17, 2013

To johnm2748 If you can bring me up to date with new names from teams it would help us all. My contact is in the Vegas office.

Boobie R.
Oct 22, 2013


Mike H.
Oct 25, 2013

What is Bulls**t?

John M.
Oct 25, 2013

What is Bulls**t?

Boobie R.
Nov 03, 2013

Very quite here! Anyone have any updates?

Tom W.
Nov 03, 2013

I think mostly everyone has come to the conclusion that there is very little anyone can do to recover our losses/hardships.

Reynold G.
Nov 03, 2013

Recovering the loss is really a secondary motivator to me. The first is to hear that BJ and the Russells (and any other of their criminal cohorts) experience some consequence for violating the trust of so many innocent people. They are vile, vile creatures who must be stopped and held accountable for what they have done. I don't plan on giving up until I hear news of that happening. I don't have a new action plan but will fully support the likes of Boobier in pursuit of theirs.

Jeffe C.
Nov 04, 2013

I sent an email on Friday to the lead lawyer in RCIs Trade Infringement case against R&R Venture Group, Excess Property Solutions, VSI, Points Rental Liquidators and their owners offering my services and documentation. Let's see if they are interested in talking to someone who has witnessed their scam personally. Will let you known if I get a response.

I am also finalizing the demand letters that will be sent to all of those involved in this scam, people and companies, by registers mail. This is a required step in the legal process for filing small claims, civil, and/or criminal cases. The march continues.

John M.
Nov 04, 2013

John, can you provide addresses where others might also send demand letters if they so choose.

Reynold G.
Nov 04, 2013

OK, I'm BACK, Here is a piece of info that everyone can use and more to come, in return I ask that everyone post ALL that they can to bring this to a END. Lindon Marquez RCI LAWYER that is working on this case. (973) 753-6765

I have not been sitting back, I have NOT stopped working everyday on this, please I NEED YOUR HELP.


jeffec wrote:
Recovering the loss is really a secondary motivator to me. The first is to hear that BJ and the Russells (and any other of their criminal cohorts) experience some consequence for violating the trust of so many innocent people. They are vile, vile creatures who must be stopped and held accountable for what they have done. I don't plan on giving up until I hear news of that happening. I don't have a new action plan but will fully support the likes of Boobier in pursuit of theirs.

Boobie R.
Nov 04, 2013

I will call the number before COB tomorrow.

Jeffe C.
Nov 05, 2013

Boobier, Thanks once again for your tireless efforts. I just got off the phone with Mr. Marquez, and I am pleased with what he has accepted as a challenge. He also recommended that I contact my state AG (which I have done previously) to further the investigation against these dregs (I'd call them scum bags, but I don't want to give scum bags a bad name). Again thank you...and I agree with jeffec, although I would still like to get some of my lost dollars back.

boobier wrote:
OK, I'm BACK, Here is a piece of info that everyone can use and more to come, in return I ask that everyone post ALL that they can to bring this to a END. Lindon Marquez RCI LAWYER that is working on this case. (973) 753-6765

I have not been sitting back, I have NOT stopped working everyday on this, please I NEED YOUR HELP.


jeffec wrote:
Recovering the loss is really a secondary motivator to me. The first is to hear that BJ and the Russells (and any other of their criminal cohorts) experience some consequence for violating the trust of so many innocent people. They are vile, vile creatures who must be stopped and held accountable for what they have done. I don't plan on giving up until I hear news of that happening. I don't have a new action plan but will fully support the likes of Boobier in pursuit of theirs.

Gary W.
Nov 05, 2013

The Scam that was done to us by Rodger Louie 760-987-0940 (number no longer being answered), R & R Ventures, PRL and B.J. Cooke entities.

This occurred on July 10, 2012, in Tulsa Oklahoma at Ruby' Tuesday's 31st & Memorial location.

We (Deborah, my wife) signed up for the package deal of PRL, VSI and in order to

get the benefits of the Points sales, we had to purchase at Sunset Harbor. We were given

week 14 on the ODD years. A Studio for $9,800.00 plus closing costs of $341.00 and RCI membership of $224.00 for a total of $10,365.00.

After several calls to follow on the status of our contract, I found out PRL dissolved on November 08, 2012. This information was given to my by Lisa @ 855-572-9955.

I have not been able to reach Rodger Louie, PRL or R&R Ventures so, am filing with the Attorney General in Oklahoma and Nevada and the Federal Trade Commission.

With the earning opportunities no longer available, we NO Longer need Sunset Harbor Resort. They cannot provide this service and we will not be able to make our $12,000 to $13,000 per year. With this part of the contract dissolving, all of the contracts we signed that day would be Null and Void. We need you to send back our $9,800.00 ASAP. So far, we have incurred $125 in interest on our credit card.

I do hope you can assist in getting our monies back as a result of this Scam / Deception.


Collinsville, OK 74021


M Brad B.

Last edited by mb279 on Nov 06, 2013 03:34 PM

Nov 06, 2013

Great news that you are back, Boobier, and thanks to mbradb for the nice letter he drew. I plan to use that and just plug in my personal info. Every little bit helps.

I am awaiting a call back from Lindon Marquez.

Jeffe C.
Nov 13, 2013

My wife and I were recently taken to the cleaners by the VSI, R&R Venture Group, and Excess Property Solutions. We met at a Perkins Restaurant in Delafield, WI. Six hours of discussions finally con-vinced us to give them $9500 with the promise of a return of $12,500 after six months. It never came. After calling R&R numerous times, our calls were not returned, and now their phones have been disconnected. I also called the police department in Morris, Illinois, and asked them to check out the address for Excess Property Solutions there. The address is legitimate, but there is no such business as EPS. No one there has ever heard of them. The only reasonable response I have gotten is a phone call to VSI, speaking with a Jessica McLenaghan, who assured me their business was legitimate, and seemed very surprised to learn that R&R and EPS were using their (supposedly) good name to rip people off. I filed a complaint with the BBB in Ohio, then one with the Wisconsin Department of Consumer Fraud. My next step will be the FTC. If anyone out there has any more information about this scam, PLEASE post it. They are using interstate media to perpretate a fraud, which is a federal crime. If they get caught, they are in deep doo-doo. Larry Sheets at:

Larry M.
Nov 14, 2013

To Larrym463, First of all VSI has been working R&R Venture Group, Excess Property Solutions, Point Rental Liquidators, Guy Russell & Brandon "B.J." Cooke for many years. If they sounded surprised they are still scamming you. Brandon "BJ" Cooke is from Morris, Illinois and is parents still live there and know where he is. You ask in your post "If anyone out there has any more information about this scam, PLEASE post it." EVERYTHING that is to be known has been posted here many many many times, please read all the post and you will find more information.. Every phone number, address and lots more. (You're not going to like what you will read)

I wish you the best of luck and will help as much as I can.

PS: call your credit card company and put a dispute against it. If you can. You still may have time left.

Boobie R.

Last edited by boobier on Nov 14, 2013 07:07 AM

Nov 14, 2013

Larry if you and your wife are senior citizens try filing charges against them under the senior citizens law against fraud. Many states have laws protecting seniors from exactly this type of scam. It might just be the right law to use against them.

Don P.

Last edited by donp196 on Nov 14, 2013 09:10 AM

Nov 15, 2013

Excess Property Solutions was located in Suite 403 of the Morris Business and Technology Center, Morris Illinois up until a few weeks ago. It is no longer listed as a tenent at that site on the Website for that facility. It appears that the "chin-beard" gang is even further consolidating their disappeareance from physical locations.

There are still several teams traveling around the country perpetrating the Timeshare Enhancement and Relief Project (TERP). One of those teams is headed up by Randy Canfield of Earlsville, IL. He travels with a number of different people. The second group is lead by BJ Cooke (Now using the name Brandon Jon) and includes his girlfriend Courtney Mencl and Harrison Maguire, an EPS Administrator. And a third group seems to be lead by Daniel Harpo Giancomini who is an avid attendee of the Alano Club in Ottawa, IL. That should tell you somthing. All of these people have Facebook pages.

VSI has been associated with EPS and R&R for quite awhile. In fact, in the past, the EPS website stated that you could only take advantage of their services if you were also a member of VSI. They are as dirty as Cooke, Russell, and all the other scumbags that make up this group.

John M.
Nov 15, 2013

Some updated information: 1)We met with our lawyer this afternoon. He called a new number for R & R (877.572.2090)and verified in his mind that this was a scam. He suggested that we get a copy of our cancelled check from our bank and take it to the FBI office in Milwaukee (we did not pay by credit card.) The FBI should be able to find out who cashed the check, where it was cashed, and possible routing numbers, etc. If anyone else out there has had any dealings with the FBI on this matter, please let us know. 2) The BBB in Cincinnati got a reply from the president of VSI accusing me of being a liar, and a libeler. He claims to be clean. Has anyone else received a response from him or the BBB about this? If so, please let us know. I will post the essence of his reply in a later message. Thanks for your help.

Larry M.

Last edited by larrym463 on Nov 16, 2013 03:00 PM

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