General Discussion

point rental liquidators

Oct 02, 2013


is there ANYONE connected with the Timeshare business who is NOT a "low down scum bag artist" ?

If you meet one, let me know...

David K.
Oct 02, 2013

David, LOL! I totally get where you're coming from. Before all this crap happened to my parents, they were completely satisfied with their timeshare. They bought a top-notch week in New Orleans in 1978 or 1979. We've never actually stayed there for the week, but have always been happy with our exchange weeks. Now, we all have a sour taste in our mouths about timeshares. My parents have always used RCI for the exchanges, other than 1 time, years & years ago, that they tried to rent it themselves for the Sugar Bowl (their week) which didn't rent, so they never tried that again. Even with the increase in fees from RCI and slight increases in maintenance fees, it still beats the high prices you'd pay nowadays for a vacation condo. Did we intend to buy another week at Sunset Harbor Resorts, though? NO! <sigh>

davidk689 wrote:

is there ANYONE connected with the Timeshare business who is NOT a "low down scum bag artist" ?

If you meet one, let me know...

Tina K.
Oct 03, 2013

I am now convinced that there is nothing happening at the Illinois Attorney General's office regarding anything to do with R&R Venture Group, Excess Property Solutions, VSI, BJ Cooke, or anyone else. They continually say they have only my complaint about any of the above mentioned people or entities. They therefore say that they cannot do anything for a one single "taxpayer". There needs to be a large number of complaints before anything is done. Even the elder abuse fraud line says the same thing. Whoever says that the Illinois ATG is working on this is being told something completely different than I am hearing.

John M.
Oct 03, 2013

To johnm27884, I have not been on this sight for some time . I only have gotten on just to read the same information from everyone. You are correct I seriously do not think there are any AG working on this as some would think and say. Some would think the AG are working very hard to put these people away, if they are then they are keeping it a real good secret from us and the bad guys. I did speak to a lady in Wisconsin who stated she was looking at this and then if she thought there was enough info she would submit it to the AG and that is what she did. I asked her to let me know if they were going to investigate this and she stated yes and that was at least 6 months ago. This has been going on now for over one year . I would think there would be enough information out there to do something.

James V.
Oct 04, 2013

This scam is huge and goes back years. It takes a long time to gather all the information needed to prosecute the scammers. First they have to get all the complaints together and interview each victim. Then they have to gather all the documents they can and investigate. This could take a year or more just to look into the allegations.

Once they decide to prosecute they have to put everything together to present to a grand jury which could take an additional six months or more. So far we're right on track if they have decided to go after them

I have been ivolved with many cases like this one over my 25 years in law enforcement and if we are patient we will see them brought to justice. I personally feel that this scam has grown so big that the authorities can't over look these thieves.

I hope everyone will be patient and keep posting all the information about the scammers to help prevent more people from becoming victims. Keep the faith.

Don P.
Oct 04, 2013

johnm2748 wrote:
I am now convinced that there is nothing happening at the Illinois Attorney General's office regarding anything to do with R&R Venture Group, Excess Property Solutions, VSI, BJ Cooke, or anyone else. They continually say they have only my complaint about any of the above mentioned people or entities. They therefore say that they cannot do anything for a one single "taxpayer". There needs to be a large number of complaints before anything is done. Even the elder abuse fraud line says the same thing. Whoever says that the Illinois ATG is working on this is being told something completely different than I am hearing.

I don't know about the Illinois AG but I do know RCI has a lawsuit in the works against the culprits:

Google "RCI vs R&R"

R P.
Oct 04, 2013

The RCI lawsuit could lead to criminal charges down the road.

Don P.
Oct 04, 2013

I am under the impression ( after reading what was on line) it is only for the use of RCI illegally. Protecting themselves.

James V.
Oct 04, 2013

But, at least they can't call themselves RCI any more...

Shelly P.
Oct 04, 2013

jayjay, I know all about the RCI lawsuit. I am the one that brought it to the attention of those on this site back in June when it was filed. I am also the one that pointed out a couple of weeks ago that PRL had been added as a defendent on that lawsuit. And, this is not the first time that R&R Venture Group has been taken to court by RCI for Trademark Infringement.

donp196, I see no possibility of the RCI lawsuit leading to criminal charges that would shut these guys down and give them jail time. This is a Trademark Infingement lawsuit. The worst that can happen to these thieves is a fine for using the Trademark without RCI permission. That has happened before, and they are still stealing people's money by using the Trademark. Didn't see one of them do any jail time in the previous lawsuits.

shellyp50, previous lawsuits have not stopped them from using the RCI trademark and saying they are representing RCI. This one will not stop them either. Some state and/or the people who have been scammed are going to have to stop them from committing the crimes that they are committing. They are laughing at everyone because they still remain unstoppable.

John M.
Oct 05, 2013

Yep. Even the group that met at Logan's Roadhouse in Beaumont, Texas this week used RCI's name. The group that called my parents a few weeks ago threw out the ARDA name as a reference. They're definitely not running scared. I sent a request for an update to Shannan Morgan at the Wisconsin office. She doesn't work there any longer. She said to contact supervisor Michael Austin at 608*224*4916. She had sent me an email on July 12, 2013 saying the case was at the AG's office. She said she presents the info to them and they decide whether or not to pursue it.

Tina K.
Oct 05, 2013

Information obtained through the RCI lawsuit can be used in a criminal trial. Many times testimony in a civil trial has resulted in criminal prosecution. You would be surprised what evidence can be exposed in a civil suit.

Don P.
Oct 05, 2013

To donp196-So what do you thin 10 -20 years before these guys are brought to court. As you stated it takes time to get things together for a criminal trial . I have not heard of any one being questioned . This civil trial may bring out other things , however it still has to be allowed into a criminal trial. The only way these guys will be brought to trial for our complaint , in my opinion and as I mentioned before will be a class action suit. If that is possible.

James V.
Oct 05, 2013

I don't know what you think a class action suit is going to do. They have desolved their company and there are no assets. These scammers live paycheck to paycheck and apparently spend their money as fast as they make it. It may take years but at least they might be brought to justice. Any testimony in any civil case will be admitted in a criminal case. It's an official record once thay testify.

Don P.

Last edited by donp196 on Oct 05, 2013 02:33 PM

Oct 06, 2013

Who is going to file that criminal case based on all of that testimony from the civil case?

John M.
Oct 06, 2013

Even the judge presiding over the civil case can refer the case to the prosecutor. I've seen that done. If there is enough evidence for criminal charges RCI could blow the whistle on them. It all depends on how much evidence is discovered.

Don P.
Oct 07, 2013

So RCI should be speaking to and working with all of the people who reported the scam to them if they are going to come even close to having "enough evidence for criminal charges". I have been contacted once by RCI about my reported information before they filed the lawsuit. Their concern was to make sure that I understood that they had no relationship with any of the entities that I reported and could do nothing for me in terms of their activities. I have had no contact with anyone from RCI since they filed the lawsuit in June. RCI's concern is to stop them from using RCI trademarks on some of their paperwork and RCI in their caller ID. RCI's case is about Trade Infringement, not that some of their members got scammed by the very same people who used their trademark illegally. It is my sense that a very hot place will freeze over before RCI spends any of their time and/or money trying to get these guys convicted of anything other than Trade Infringement.

John M.
Oct 08, 2013

Trademark infringement can be both civil and criminal. If RCI has filed a civil suit against the culprits in the past and the culprits continue to use the RCI name then I would imagine that RCI would then file a criminal suit or this could go on forever .... what's the use of continuing to file a civil suit if it does no good?

R P.
Oct 16, 2013

Our friend BJ Cooke is now trolling Facebook as "Brandon Jon".

John M.
Oct 16, 2013

That's Him & Sarah Rutten is there also as his friend. She is the scum that tells everyone the lies on the phone when you call R&R Venture Group in Las Vegas, NV . Her job was to keep everyone in the contract for six months so they could not cancel after that. She's also the one that told everyone that the check was coming & coming & coming & coming. Hope she goes to jail with them.

johnm2748 wrote:
Our friend BJ Cooke is now trolling Facebook as "Brandon Jon".

Boobie R.

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