General Discussion

point rental liquidators

Sep 16, 2013

Please keep us up to date on how this plays out. My mother a senior citizen was scammed by the exact same group R&R, EPS & VSI $10,677. She had no idea what she was doing but was pressured by the sales guy Michael Loy and confused by their lip service. In NC it is a felony to exploit an elderly and I am trying to work with the NC Consumer Affairs. If we can all gather together on this we may be able to provide the FTC with enough info. and complaints to get them to freeze their funds and bring a class action suit?

Patricia C.
Sep 16, 2013

Boobier hasn't posted in awhile. He is the main force behind catching these criminals ..... Boobier ?????

R P.
Sep 16, 2013

johnm2748 wrote:
Looks like the teams have been touring California in early September. All of this info is available on social media if you know where to look for it. Let'see if Phyl21 deems it necessary to "edit" this even though I don't use last names. After all, y'all know who these people are.

One group, including BJ, Harrison, and Courtney, have been working around the San Deigo area.

Another group, including Randy, Andy, and Daniel have been working around the San Francisco area. This group appears to be making its way back to Illinois but have stopped in the Denver area this week.

BTW, here is a great new picture of BJ with his current girl friend on her facebook page. Look it up!

I have never seen such arrogant attitudes concerning BJ and gang ..... it's like they're beyond caring of being caught OR they have pulled strings we know nothing about.

R P.
Sep 16, 2013

Since when are we not allowed to post the last names of the scam artists???? If we can't even do that, then how in the heck would we ever share enough info to help prevent others from falling for these scams? I've posted the last names of the two guys that scammed my parents lots of time without having the info edited out.... ???

Tina K.
Sep 16, 2013

There are no rules that say you can't post their names. Some people are just becoming paranoid. Don't let the scammers win. Post the names of the people that ripped you off.

Don P.
Sep 16, 2013

Okay donp196, let's test your premise. I posted something days ago and a whole paragraph containing first and last names was "edited" out by phyl21. Let me take my last post and add last names and we will see what happens. The last paragraph is essentially the one that got "edited out" of the previous post.

"Looks like the teams have been touring California in early September. All of this info is available on social media if you know where to look for it. Let'see if Phyl21 deems it necessary to "edit" this even though I don't use last names. After all, y'all know who these people are.

One group, including BJ Cooke, Harrison Macguire, and Courtney Mencl, have been working around the San Deigo area.

Another group, including Randy Canfield, Andy Drackley, and Daniel Harpo Giacomini have been working around the San Francisco area. This group appears to be making its way back to Illinois but have stopped in the Denver area this week.

John M.

Last edited by phyl21 on Sep 16, 2013 08:03 PM

Sep 16, 2013


Your post was edited because the last paragraph contained personal information not relevant to the topic under discussion.

RedWeek Support
Sep 17, 2013

phyl21, The picture I referenced was taken in San Diego where they were running the scam last week. Therfore it is relevant because it confirms their presence in the area and because it gives a current picture of the individual who is a major player in the topic under discussion. You didn't edit that paragraph when there were no last names.

John M.

Last edited by johnm2748 on Sep 17, 2013 05:14 AM

Sep 17, 2013

tinak117 wrote:
Since when are we not allowed to post the last names of the scam artists???? If we can't even do that, then how in the heck would we ever share enough info to help prevent others from falling for these scams? I've posted the last names of the two guys that scammed my parents lots of time without having the info edited out.... ???

BJ posted his own name when he made a few remarks here awhile back .... he signed the posts by his name.

R P.
Sep 17, 2013

Redweek has scammers impersonating them .... I'm sure they'd like to know WHO they are so they could sue them or shut them down (copy and paste URL) or check this out in the top left corner:

R P.
Sep 17, 2013

Photos of the scam artists' faces would be a tremendous help! We don't even know for sure if the 2 guys that scammed my parents gave their real names. They didn't even have business cards, just hand-wrote their names & numbers on a piece of paper and gave it to my parents.

Tina K.
Sep 17, 2013

I've been going over this case in my mind and I'm convinced that RCI is the key to getting the scammers. They have filed suit agianst them and I'm sure they will get an injunction against the main players. If the scammers are dumb enough to show up in court or have an attorney represent them then the information obtained through the lawsuit can be used in a criminal case.

The FTC is investigating and like I have said before it takes time to build a solid case. I would encourage everyone to be vigilant and patient. We will look back one day and see the scammers brought to justice.

Don P.
Sep 17, 2013

I noticed that the RCI suit has been amended to name Point Rental Liguidators (PRL) as well as R&R, EPS, and VSI.

John M.
Sep 18, 2013

Where can I get a copy of the lawsuit, preferably on line?

David R.
Sep 18, 2013

I'd like to see a copy also.

R P.
Sep 18, 2013

Google "RCI vs R&R". I won't put the address here since it may be edited out.

John M.
Sep 18, 2013

Thanks John ..... very interesting indeed.

R P.
Sep 18, 2013

Yes, it's there- hope they get 'em!

Shelly P.
Sep 18, 2013

I have been reading a lot of post that you have been posting negative about these companies and it appears you are either a former employee or possible a competitor?. Either case you sound disgruntled I would suspect a former employee that may have been fired.

I am not defending any company but your many post sounds like one of the two.

James J.
Sep 18, 2013

James, James, James,

You have failed to come up with a third possibility that I have clearly articulated through all of my posts on this forum. That possibility is that I have been scammed by these "chin-beard" yokels from Ottawa, Illinois. I am doing nothing more than following all of the inadvertant threads these people are leaving as a result of their belief that they have developed a "bullet-proof" way to steal money from others.

Now you tell me why every post you have made on this forum accuses other posters of being disgruntled former employees of the scammer organization that they are outing. Could it be that you are nothing more than a paid scamapologist? Sure sounds right to me!

John M.

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