General Discussion

point rental liquidators

Sep 05, 2013

David call the FTC at 1-877-382-4357 and file a complaint against the scammers.

Don P.
Sep 06, 2013

davidj622 wrote:
So this weekend I found out my parents were also scammed by BJ back in 2011. They actually contacted BOA and stopped payment but BJ was able to convince them to withdrawal the complaint.

My question to this board is what exactly should my parents do at this time?

1. They lost $10k 2. They are stuck with a Sunset Harbor Deed 3. and they already paid a year of maintenance fees.

I told them to accept the loss and move on because the whole ordeal just stresses them out and they have enough health issues as it is.

So please tell me exactly what they can and should do to let it be known they were a victim.

And what can happen from a positive outcome in the RCI trial?

Thank you

Since this happened over 2 years ago, there's not much they can do but file a complaint with the FTC and Texas attorney general (you can do this online) .... also tell your parents to not pay anymore maintenance fees to Sunset Harbor as your parents were sold this product under fraudulent circumstances.

All I can say is, BJ must be one slick salesman if the talked your parents to withdraw their complaint with BOA.

R P.
Sep 06, 2013

Thanks boobier for all you are doing. I simply had seen that tinak117 said her parents were invited to a dinner by Leisure Getaways and wanted to let her know that we had contact with Misty Moran, BJ's assistant at Grand Leisure Getaways last year and this was probably the same scam. I know her parents had been scammed before and it took her a long time to get a refund. If it wasn't for this forum, we would not have known any of this or where to turn. We are in contact with Shannon Morgan at the WI DATCP as the AG said that dept. handles these things. Thanks again.

Jean S.
Sep 06, 2013

jeans269 wrote:
Thanks boobier for all you are doing. I simply had seen that tinak117 said her parents were invited to a dinner by Leisure Getaways and wanted to let her know that we had contact with Misty Moran, BJ's assistant at Grand Leisure Getaways last year and this was probably the same scam. I know her parents had been scammed before and it took her a long time to get a refund. If it wasn't for this forum, we would not have known any of this or where to turn. We are in contact with Shannon Morgan at the WI DATCP as the AG said that dept. handles these things. Thanks again.

You are every welcome, but there are many people here that have spent many hours helping bring this to this forum (don, jayjay and many other). Misty Moran has worked for Brandon BJ Cooke for many years and yes it is the same SCAM. She was hired to follow up with clients to try to keep the contract for aleast 6 months so that they couldn't cancel it. Shannon Morgan with the WI AG's office is working very hard to bring this to crimial court along with RCI Legal.

Boobie R.
Sep 08, 2013

Ditto the words of appreciation to Boobier, et al. You guys have kept this hunt alive and focused. And, in the process, you've provided my wife hope that the Russells, BJ and his foul cronies will not slither away unscathed. Thanks.

Jeffe C.
Sep 08, 2013

jeffec wrote:
Ditto the words of appreciation to Boobier, et al. You guys have kept this hunt alive and focused. And, in the process, you've provided my wife hope that the Russells, BJ and his foul cronies will not slither away unscathed. Thanks.


Gary W.
Sep 09, 2013

I have repeatedly sent emails and called RCI Fraud Dept & Shannan Morgan to get an update on this case, but get no news and no return emails or phone calls.

Tina K.
Sep 10, 2013

Hello to Tinak 117 and everyone else, The Wisconsin case is at the AG's office. It can take quite a long time to get from sending in the investigation until there are any decisions made about charges. I have no updates. Sorry. This is my last day at my employment. I have told the person who will be taken over this case about REdweek. Good luck to all of you.

Shannan M.
Sep 10, 2013

Received a letter this morning from Adam, a Citizen's Advocate in the Consumer Protection Division of the Office of the Illinois Attorney General, Lisa Madigan. The letter states:

"The matter has not been resolved and attempts at informal mediation have failed. Since formal enforcement action by this office is not warranted, we are closing your file at this time. One of the most valuable ways we can learn of problems existing in the market place is by receiving complaints from concerned citizens."

It is unfortunate that when this AG's office receives those complaints about problems existing in the market place, they decided that they do not want to help the concerned citizens that take the time to register those complaints and pay their salaries.

John M.

Last edited by johnm2748 on Sep 10, 2013 08:30 AM

Sep 10, 2013

What a joke! Looks like almost all AGs are just there drawing their salaries, like you said, from taxes paid by the citizens they're supposed to be advocating for. What the heck DO they do? And if the information provided by scam victims is so "valuable" what do they do with this information? Makes you wonder how many complaints it would take to "warrant formal enforcement action"!!!!! Ugh!

johnm2748 Since formal enforcement action by this office is not warranted, we are closing your file at this time. One of the most valuable ways we can learn of problems existing in the market place is by receiving complaints from concerned citizens."

Tina K.
Sep 11, 2013

johnm2748 wrote:
Received a letter this morning from Adam, a Citizen's Advocate in the Consumer Protection Division of the Office of the Illinois Attorney General, Lisa Madigan. The letter states:

"The matter has not been resolved and attempts at informal mediation have failed. Since formal enforcement action by this office is not warranted, we are closing your file at this time. One of the most valuable ways we can learn of problems existing in the market place is by receiving complaints from concerned citizens."

It is unfortunate that when this AG's office receives those complaints about problems existing in the market place, they decided that they do not want to help the concerned citizens that take the time to register those complaints and pay their salaries.

It looks to me like BJ and company are refusing to meet with the IL AG. This is totally unacceptable .... AGs shouldn't give up because the offender refuses to meet with him/her. Everybody that's been scammed should copy and paste this entire thread and send it to the IL AG ..... maybe then the AG will have received enough complaints to warrant action.

R P.
Sep 11, 2013

hey boobier could you send me a message.

Kenny F.
Sep 11, 2013

Today I received word from my credit card company that they are unable to get back any on my money. It appears that R&R Venture Group's operational approach is to not respond to any request for information from credit card companies. However, when they do receive those requests they then cancel the "Lifetime" membership with Excess Property Solutions. When you talk to the nasty "b_t_h" who answers the phone she tells you that they have returned all your money to the credit card company and had to cancel everything. She then tries to "explain" to you how credit card companies work. They get the money back from the merchants and then just keep it.

I have re-opened this dispute three times and have gotten the same response from the credit card company. And this last time was from a dispute manager. Done playing with these "chin-beard" thieves. Three visits already booked: Las Vegas, NV civil court, Morris, Illinois civil court, and Portsmouth, OH civil court.

BTW, BJ Cooke is now hiding out in Oglesby, Illinois; just down the road from Morris and Ottawa, Illinois.

John M.

Last edited by johnm2748 on Sep 11, 2013 11:17 AM

Sep 12, 2013

John, Was Sunset Harbor Resorts in Willis, TX the timeshare condo connected to your scam? If so, would you need to file suit in Texas?

Tina K.
Sep 12, 2013

No, there is not timeshare property "purchase" involved in the "Timeshare Enhancement and Relief Project" scam. Three companies are involved: R&R Venture Group (R&R Closings), Excess Property Solutions (The pretend points buying company), and Vacation Services International (The new exchange company that provides absolutely no on line capabilities).

John M.
Sep 12, 2013

johnm2748 wrote:
Today I received word from my credit card company that they are unable to get back any on my money. It appears that R&R Venture Group's operational approach is to not respond to any request for information from credit card companies. However, when they do receive those requests they then cancel the "Lifetime" membership with Excess Property Solutions. When you talk to the nasty "b_t_h" who answers the phone she tells you that they have returned all your money to the credit card company and had to cancel everything. She then tries to "explain" to you how credit card companies work. They get the money back from the merchants and then just keep it.

I have re-opened this dispute three times and have gotten the same response from the credit card company. And this last time was from a dispute manager. Done playing with these "chin-beard" thieves. Three visits already booked: Las Vegas, NV civil court, Morris, Illinois civil court, and Portsmouth, OH civil court.

BTW, BJ Cooke is now hiding out in Oglesby, Illinois; just down the road from Morris and Ottawa, Illinois.

No wonder there are so many scams out there .... scammers are getting away with their scams.

John, have you sent this entire thread to the credit card company's fraud department showing them where the female that answered the phone said the credit card company keeps the refund .... I would never give up even if I had to file a dispute 1000 times but that's just me .... 'the squeaky wheel gets the grease".

R P.

Last edited by jayjay on Sep 12, 2013 08:14 AM

Sep 13, 2013

Most of the major credit card companies are willing to return disputed purchases up to $500.00 even if the merchant does not respond to their requests for information. However, they do not say or advertise that any amounts about that threshold will be returned. They require confirmation from the merchants that the dispute is legitimate. I have referred my credit card company to this site, and sending the complete thread will not change their company policy which is clearly stated in the terms and conditions you agree to.

This just goes to show how knowledgable these scammers are about the loopholes and gaps there are in the rules and the laws. They are more vulnerable to RCI's charges of Trademark Infringement than they are to any rules from insurance companies or other state and federal laws.

Most small claims courts have $10,000 maximums, but even if you win a judgement in a small claims courts there is no guarantee that you will ever collect the money. They will just dodge the issue until you bring civil action. That's when the costs to you get expensive and you have to decide in you want to spend more money than you will get back. And that is exactly what this "chin-beard" gang is counting on.

John M.

Last edited by phyl21 on Sep 13, 2013 06:36 AM

Sep 13, 2013

phyl21, When you decide that you have to edit my posts, please do not change words so the meaning is different than intended.

John M.

Last edited by johnm2748 on Sep 13, 2013 06:33 PM

Sep 14, 2013

I wonder if BJ,The credit card company's ,and many of the AG's do lunch together? Is there no one who is willing to do the right thing? I'm disappointed.

Tom W.
Sep 16, 2013

Looks like the teams have been touring California in early September. All of this info is available on social media if you know where to look for it. Let'see if Phyl21 deems it necessary to "edit" this even though I don't use last names. After all, y'all know who these people are.

One group, including BJ, Harrison, and Courtney, have been working around the San Deigo area.

Another group, including Randy, Andy, and Daniel have been working around the San Francisco area. This group appears to be making its way back to Illinois but have stopped in the Denver area this week.

BTW, here is a great new picture of BJ with his current girl friend on her facebook page. Look it up!

John M.

Last edited by johnm2748 on Sep 16, 2013 06:51 AM

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