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Get out of Westgate Resorts

Nov 27, 2019

kadarrinb wrote:
I'm an owner at westgate too and also trying to get out.. you said the legacy program worked? was there extra fees besides the 950?

Yes, there was a fee of $700 for us. Not sure how this number is determined or why some have different numbers. Our Westgate property was in Orlando so maybe that played into the calculation. Don't know.

Robert C.
Nov 27, 2019

yes same here... so i'am correct your out of it? Thank you for info

Kadarrin B.
Nov 28, 2019

Hi I've not paid maintenance fees for 3 years. Lots of letters and threats since. Debt collection letters too. I live in the UK and today and have received a foreclosure form to sign. Do I just sign and send it back as I no longer want this timeshare? Will that be the end if it? Thanks

Janice G.
Nov 28, 2019

We are totally out with a letter from them confirming. With your property also in Orlando, you may have a good chance. Just keep trying. We made several attempts before it finally went through. Good luck!

Robert C.
Nov 28, 2019

I would just ignore it and the letters as well, you don't live in the US and it's highly unlikely that they'll go to the lengths of registering this in the UK since that's what they'd need to do for it to affect you in any way. Won't affect your ability to visit the US either since it's a civil matter.

I live in Canada (originally from the UK) and just stopped paying with no effects whatsoever on my credit report in Canada.

Good luck!

Dave K.
Nov 29, 2019

davek294 wrote:
I would just ignore it and the letters as well, you don't live in the US and it's highly unlikely that they'll go to the lengths of registering this in the UK since that's what they'd need to do for it to affect you in any way. Won't affect your ability to visit the US either since it's a civil matter.

I live in Canada (originally from the UK) and just stopped paying with no effects whatsoever on my credit report in Canada.

Good luck!

So just ignore the foreclosure notice and let them just do it? Hopefully I can wash my hands of it soon. Thanks

Janice G.
Nov 29, 2019

A couple both diagnosed with cancer contacted me about Westgate. I directed them to ARDA's Coalition for responsible exit. A supervisor from the responsible exit website told them that Westgate does not have a responsible exit and "That's not our website." In a Resorts Trade article Westgate is listed as one of the 12 founding members. He reached out to the COO via Linked-In and is waiting for response. He felt the Westgate box should be taken down as false advertising.

Irene P.
Dec 02, 2019

So has anyone in the USA stop paying and it not affect your credit? And if so what happened? Did you get a foreclosure agreement and sign it or not? Did that show up on your credit? As of now the loan and payments that I make to Westgate don’t go on my credit score.!

Also, my ex boyfriend agreed to take my name off of it and just leave his name. I paid to get paperwork done. I sent it to him as it needs to get notarized since he moved back to his home state. Now I can’t get in contact with him. Anyone have any solutions/ideas? He said he would do it and now he has a new girlfriend and he went MIA. I’m sick about it because I paid all that money and now I’m bout to be in the same situation. Any suggestions are welcomed.

Jessica W.
Dec 02, 2019

Not sure what happens if you live in the US. Anyone out there suffered adverse credit reports from Westgate???

Dave K.
Jan 15, 2020

Please update on what happened? Did they release you from the contract or proceed with foreclosure?

Cherelle W.
Jan 15, 2020

We stopped paying our loan payments about 5 months ago. All I've had was a few calls which I dont answer. No letters yet or credit agencies contacting me. Our credit score is really good so I'm not too worried about our credit changing

Good luck to you all.

Patrick W.
Jan 17, 2020

patrickw195 wrote:
We stopped paying our loan payments about 5 months ago. All I've had was a few calls which I don't answer. No letters yet or credit agencies contacting me. Our credit score is really good so I'm not too worried about our credit changing.

With all due respect, If you default on ANY loan you should reasonably expect negative credit report consequences at some point, even if that result is not immediate. Your credit score WILL be negatively impacted (for a period of seven years, to be precise) once the loan default is processed. That said, banks and other lenders have very different viewpoints and perspectives when looking at "timeshare loans". After all, the entire timeshare industry has a long established, well earned and very much deserved reputation for deceitful practices. Defaulting on a timeshare loan is not necessarily the "kiss of death" if everything else is solid on your credit history over an extended period of time.

"No news" (particularly so shortly after defaulting on the loan) is not necessarily "good news". Your situation has not just magically disappeared and / or somehow unilaterally resolved itself merely because you have stopped making loan payments. It's just simply too soon yet for the inevitable negative credit report consequences to have manifested themselves, as they will. Nonetheless, good luck.


Last edited by ken1193 on Jan 21, 2020 01:40 PM

Jan 17, 2020

Never said it would magically disappear. I'm fully aware of the consequences. Thx

Patrick W.
Jan 21, 2020

Unfortunately I made a huge mistake and I took a loan on a low interest and pay it off. Now I don't have any other option to use it once a year while I finish paying my other loan and keep paying the ridiculous maintenance fees. I just need to help everybody not to fall in this trap!!!

Yvette D. A.

Last edited by yvetteda on Jan 21, 2020 10:53 AM

Feb 04, 2020

Hi I just stopped paying. I am now over 30 days late and the collection calls have started and got a letter about it. I don’t intend on paying them anymore. My credit is good but not great. I know that they can report it but I hope they don’t especially since they have never reported me making in time payments! If it goes into foreclosure then theres nothing I can do about it and my credit will just have to take that hit. I don’t want to pay for something I don’t use and feel like is a waste of money. It still stresses me out but I’m trying to be at peace about it and let it go! I wish we would have never “bought” one and into the timeshare pitch. I guess it’s a lesson learned. Just curious, any hit to your credit yet since it’s been 6 months or longer?

Jessica W.
Feb 04, 2020

same situation as my wife and I. calls and emails sent out, that we are late. its been about 4 months since we missed a payment.

Patrick W.
Feb 04, 2020

I stopped paying 15 months ago and they have and still call and send letters but so far no hit on my credit.

Alan D.
Feb 04, 2020

Thanks for the info! Hope it stays that way for me too! I don’t want to throw anymore money away!

Jessica W.
Feb 04, 2020

Thanks for the info! Hope we all stay this lucky! Yea this is a huge waste of money and one of things I def regret doing.

Jessica W.
Feb 14, 2020

I am very anal about my credit and have anxiety just thinking about not paying. My thought is use the timeshare one last time (we are only 6 hours away) and "upgrade" then immediately opt out within the 10 days. Like before we ever leave. Will this get me out of the whole timeshare all together or only the one we upgrade to? Someone please help my thought process..

Dana N.

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