Timeshare Companies

Marion Griffin, Thomas Verner are scammers

May 10, 2016

Hello are you still looking for Marion Verner? I am looking for as many people has I can to bring her down

Tracey S.
Sep 29, 2016

Hi, are you still looking for Marion? Listen, I have been looking for her myself. You see, I need to DIVORCE her, yes she is my wife , but I need to divorce her and hope she gets sent back to England...I have never been apart of her scams, she has scammed me worst than anyone.....Last I know she was in the Winter Garden area in Florida.....Please , do your best to seek justice

Tom V.
Jan 20, 2017

Dear Miss/Sir

I am looking for Marian Verner or Price. I a representative of a Older British property owner in Davenport who owns 5 properties, she was taking care of for him as a management company named Prestige Properties LLC and she stole over 50 thousand dollars and disappeared. I found her daughter Kelly Price which all payments was signed to. This old man is 85 years and she had the guts to steal from him. We claimed a charge on her thru the Police department in Davenport in Polk County. There is a detective who is handling the case. I recommend that everyone file a claim thru him to make the case stronger so she will be brought to justice and put in jail.

Here is the information about the detective.

Detective Mike Bell, CFE Polk County Sheriff’s Office / BSI 1891 Jim Keene Blvd. Winter Haven, Florida 33880 863-292-3353 mb3229@polksheriff.org

Hope to here from everyone here.

Jon J.
Jan 20, 2017

Dear Miss/Sir

I am looking for Marian Verner or Price. I a representative of a older British property owner in Davenport who owns 5 properties, she was taking care for him as a management company named Prestige Properties LLC with a long term lease and she stole over 50 thousand dollars and disappeared. I found her daughter Kelly Price which all payments was signed to. This old man is 85 years and she had the guts to steal from him. We claimed a charge on her thru the Police department in Davenport in Polk County. There is a detective who is handling the case. I recommend that everyone file a claim thru him to make the case stronger so she will be brought to justice and put in jail.

Here is the information about the detective.

Detective Mike Bell, CFE Polk County Sheriff’s Office / BSI 1891 Jim Keene Blvd. Winter Haven, Florida 33880 863-292-3353 mb3229@polksheriff.org

Hope to here from everyone here.

Jon J.
Feb 25, 2017

Marion is a huge SCAMMER, she has scammed me out of thousands and ruined my credit. I am Thomas Verner, she needs to be sent back to England or even better, JAIL....The last known location is in the Tampa area.....I have no doubt she is continuing to SCAM others, now in the Tampa area....

Tom V.

Last edited by phyl21 on Feb 25, 2017 10:29 PM

Mar 01, 2017

I agree Marion and her daughter Kelly are both huge scammer. They together scammed me around 4K in 2015 thru 2016 and they lied. Kelly was supposed to furnish the house for me. But some of the stuff they bought for my house is not even worth at garage sale. I believe Kelly has incorporated a company called Disney Area Villas LLC, using a fake name "Jane". Is the police doing anything?

Page S.

Last edited by phyl21 on Mar 01, 2017 10:23 PM

Mar 02, 2017

The address listed for this LLC is a UPS Store post office box located in a mall where the Outback Restaurant is located. I recognized the address because I used this location for mail services when we were living in a vacation home waiting for our house to be completed.

Marion and Kelly are definitely not legit in any manner. I have an extensive file on my dealings and the dealings of others with her. I do have a photo of her and a picture of her license plate if needed.

Julie N.
Mar 03, 2017

Hi, I would love more info on Kelly and Marion....tag numbers, pics, etc.....I am the husband of Marion and Ive been trying to divorce her because she has scammed me and ruined my credit....Thank you so much......I cant find her so your help is very grateful

Tom V.
Mar 06, 2017

I could use any info you have

Tom V.
Mar 06, 2017

Hi I think they have just tried to scam me we just booked a villa but things did not add up or look right in the email so I cancelled the payment on my credit card but all the details seem to match the names on your forum I have a phone number that we have contacted her on today

Craig D.
Mar 06, 2017

Please email me so I can attach the info I have. julie7678@msn.com

Julie N.
Mar 07, 2017

Hi Julie my emai is douglcra@aol.com if you email information to me. I tried to send message but I pad is not set up for msn. If you send me your email I will be able to give you contact numbers, addresses and names etc. Many thanks Gillian

Craig D.
Mar 07, 2017

I don't know if this is the same people, however I booked a villa on a UK buy/sell site (gumtree). The person I dealt with through the site was Kelly who asked for contact number which I provided. I then received txt about the villa from Marian who offered discount if I paid direct with credit card unsure about this so I contacted her on the contact number +1407 549 6049 she sounded plausible so passed on my details then thought about it because on gumtree to stay safe they encourage you to work through the site. I had given my credit card details to Marian (name she used) without knowing which company I was booked with. I then received an invoice by txt message with heading Florida Villas which was strange as didn't look authentic spelling etc I also received txt when she was busy from James same number. I then found this site and discovered too many similarities so stopped credit card payment. Unfortunately now still looking for villa in may 2017

Craig D.
Mar 08, 2017

I am replying to these latest bouts of accusations. First of all Kelly Price has nothing whatsoever to do with any past dealings on this Forum. Her name has been brought in over and over again and she has been completely innocent in anything to do with this. Kelly has had a totally legitimate business which she had worked extremely hard at. As Kelly’s name has been on the Business and the Advertising and marketing, dealings taking place involved in the running including myself people thought they were always dealing with her, which was not the case. As again with all businesses, some very Bad choices were made by people involved in the running of the business, again including myself. which Kelly was not aware of or party to where her name was used and she had no involvement or knowledge of the transactions taking place.

Certain issues arose, as all businesses face, especially when other parties have let you down which you have no control over. The sudden devaluation of the Pound against the dollar when Brexit hit meant losing almost of third of the value of agreed contracts in place in Pounds needing to be honored against the outgoing costs required to be paid out in dollars to perform them now at a third more than received in. This had a big impact on the business and rather than understanding and working with the fact that these were just business situations which affected so many in the Industry that multi companies closed down, people took this as a personal attack on Kelly with the belief anything that went wrong in the business was her personally trying to defraud them when Kelly was not even the person involved in transactions taking place.

By being able to track her name back to connections to this Forum even though she had no direct involvement in anything to do with it people directed accusations that she personally set out to scam them. As has happened on this Forum. People with their own Agenda used this information to make false, misleading and fake posts on Trip Advisor many accusing her or the business of wrong doing who have never had any involvement with the business or her, as they had on this Forum simply to Cyber Bully or cause and spread Social Media Defamity.. They have also illegally made up fake Facebook pages and emails using the Company Logo and information to set up a Business Facebook in the name of the Company. If this can be done what other fake and false posts have been made on Forums and sites. There is a proven track record of 100s of guests having great villa stays and receiving ticket orders. Each customer is sent direct references of past guests who have stayed in the villa before they book to check out before parting with any money. However, it is portrayed that the website was set up simply to take people’s money and scam them, this is not the case. Where the company has been let down by third parties on ticket orders , there is a proven track record of working to replace or reimburse and it takes time to recover from such loses. Unfortunately, people will read a few remarks which are not true or misleading and take that as 100% truth.

Most of the Trip Advisor negative posts started when a post was made by a party claiming they never received their tickets and was permitted to duplicate this post on several pages. You may wonder why you cannot see any replies from the Company in defending this, the reason being Trip Advisor blocked every attempt made, along with blocking and removing positive posts made by parties who had great stays. However, if rather than reading all the negative posts from people who had no direct dealings and look at all the posts, you will see that the Company who sent her the tickets, which she indeed received and used at the Parks posted a message on the Forum directly asking her why she was misleading people accusing of Kelly scamming her while she in fact had received her tickets and used them. Trip Advisor are well aware of this, as they have had the proof that shows her ticket numbers and her use of them at the Parks, yet refuse to remove the negative libelous claims by yet another person making false accusations making numerous posts to do so aiming them directly as a Personal attack on her.

This is why there is a massive Class action against Trip advisor for not only doing this to the Company, also to 1000s of other individuals and Companies who have been subjected to Social Media Defamation and Cyber Bullying as they run what is supposed to be an independent Forum from a non-interested party, when they are indeed behind most of the major Travel Companies and their Destination Experts go on to Forums to write negative and defamity against a business that is not part of the Trip Advisors paid programs. It is just odd why after already having had references from past guests, checked them out to be true and valid, then go on to make posts on Trip Advisor acting as if they had not already spoken or had validated proof people had genuinely booked with the Company and had great stays, perhaps this is a complete set up to begin with. Whilst there are some genuine claims which were brought about when things had gone wrong, show a business where everything goes right 100% of the time. The small percentage affected when things did go wrong have and are being worked on as all businesses do and one by one being settled. It does not mean that the 95% where things have gone right did not have a great stay. If you look on Trip Advisor you may see many posts removed by them. We have the screen shots of these by people who did post positive things and were removed after, otherwise it could have reflected the fact that whilst there were some affected a vast majority had a genuine good experience.

This is a long email and irrespective of what is written in here people will always want to believe the bad, then looking further and finding the good.

Kelly passed the business over some time ago for it to be run. She has no involvement in the day to running of it. She never has and never will scam people.

Marion V.
Mar 08, 2017

Don't believe any of Marions garbage. She always says there is a class action suit against someone. You are a crook Marion, and one day you will be in jail where you belong!!

Julie A.
Mar 08, 2017

Marion -

It has been a long time since we've spoken. I believe the last time I heard from you, you had cancer and were very ill.

You mention in your post that Kelly has never been involved in any scams. In addition, you mention bad business deals and making things right. I've asked before, and I would appreciate it if you would respond to my question.

Years ago, you rented out my timeshare rooms for the Super Bowl. While you did pay me some of the money owed, other checks bounced and remain unpaid. Could you please tell me when you plan on paying the money you owe me?


Kim H.
Mar 09, 2017

True, dont believe a word Marion says....She and her kids are illegal here. How can they even have a business.....

Tom V.
Mar 09, 2017


Jane D.

Last edited by kellyp85 on Mar 09, 2017 12:43 PM

Mar 09, 2017


Jane D.

Last edited by kellyp85 on Mar 09, 2017 12:39 PM

Mar 09, 2017

Looks like we have our own reality show in the forum. It's that family that puts the " fun " in dysfunctional . You just can't make this stuff up.

Don P.

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