Club Land'Or Resort

Can't even give them one star

Apr 19, 2010

KathyP - Do you realize how much Land'Or can suck out of you between now and 2025 - there's no limit! And even if you can find someone stupid enough to buy it for a dollar, you have to pay $900+ in transfer fees (which we were never told either). I think you'll be sorry in the end if you don't get in on this now.

Mary A.
Apr 20, 2010

Ok, easy, not a big deal, it just what "we" decided to do, seems like your really pushing this lawyer hard, I hope people are checking into this in detail, hate to see people put money into something that might not help them in the long run. I know this is important, but lawyers arn't the most honest people, just like landOr.

Kathy P.
Apr 20, 2010

Has anyone checked into Stuart- I am ready to send him my money but don't have access to anyone that can check him out-- thanks

Brook P.
Apr 20, 2010

Hate to say it but the only way I would pay this lawyer is if he can get me out of my obligation to Land'or. I would be willing to sign up for a contingency fee. 1/3 of Maintenance Fee for 2009. I am not falling for another sham. Beware!!!!!!

Ronald P.
Apr 20, 2010

This is my first time here, so I don't know whether I'm replying to one person's comments or just adding to this thread of irate Land'Or scamees.

My wife and I paid $12k about 3 years ago for 2 weeks for 30 years. A week later, I got another 2 weeks for 28 years on eBay for $1, and the seller paid the transfer fees. I thought that was a great deal. Little did I know.

We, too, were heavily lied to by the sales staff and others at Land'Or about fees, Atlantis priviledges, rebuilding of the resort, etc.

As to the lawyer Stuat R. Sadler, he is a sole practitioner in Wintergreen, Nelson County, VA. He was born in 1948 and received both his bachelors and JD degrees from the Univ. of VA and was admitted to the VA Bar in 1973. Seventy-five percent of his practice is in the area of real estate. He is highly rated by his peers as evidenced by his BV rating in a national lawyers directory (see

I recently wrote a formal letter to the Club protesting the imposition of the $699 Renovation Assessments (I got two since I have two memberships.). I received a nice letter back from Donald Stotts and then had a lengthy conversation with him, during which he told me that he would never buy into a time-share and that the Club had no problem suing members for moneys owed. He also told me that the plans to rebuild the resort have now been put on the back burner due to the recession. Duh. Why would you put an elevator in a building that is about to be torn down?

I would like to be included in the effort stop the outrageous fees.

Will D.
Apr 21, 2010

Ok- I am sending Stuart money tomorrow. I am in and rather take a chance with $500.00 than throwing more money at Land 'Or. Who knows what fee there will be when this one is paid?

Brook P.
Apr 21, 2010

Hi, I have contacted another attorney to see if they can look into Mr. Sadler. Mr. Sadler is looking into some things for me and seems to believe that with the documentation that I have provided to him and what was promised to me and my husband and believes he can get me out of the scam. I have put in $5k+ in fees and payments and will take 1/3 in contingency or $200/hr. I am not trying to be sneaky, I just don't want to put more money out without checking first. He is not local to me. I am very interested and he also stated if I can get around 100 people to state that they were also promised a water park in order to purchase, that will help.

Kim A.
Apr 22, 2010

To be clear - you have contacted another attorney-- and you are not using Sadler?

Brook P.
Apr 22, 2010

Likewise, the same. I asked a representative what would happen if I didn't pay the fees she just said I wouldn't be able to use.

J F.
Apr 22, 2010

I see in posting by Kathleen 213 that he would take a retainer of $2500. divided among those who wanted to participate. Did I interpret this wrong? So now it is $500 person?

I also spoke with a person at Land'or 4 years ago who told me my time was up in 2013. Now someone tells me it is 2020. Nice way to make $$$. I have to reread my contract which was bought in 1985 and another week in 1990. Who knows. Unfair practices for sure.

J F.
Apr 22, 2010

We were just there and had a great time. We saw that they've redone 22 units and lots of work on the outside. Please don't embarrass yourself if you claim that nothing's been done on the place. Our villa was fine.

Rick W.
Apr 22, 2010

I contacted an attorney to verify Sadler. Again, her is not local to me and I am unable to just drive over and check him out myself. If he is legitimate I will use him because he is offering me a very good deal. I have to be smart about who I send money to these day. Come on, I found his name on a blog, not when I was searching for an attorney. I contacted an out of state attorney through my father. I have to be smart about this.

Kim A.
Apr 23, 2010

Really, that is odd, there was a post a week ago from someone staying at the resort saying it was still crap. What gives?

Chris B.
Apr 23, 2010

Mr. Sadler's fee I believe is a $2500 fee divided between those who sign up but I can send you his e-mail if you would like. It may start with $500 until enough people join. And whoever told you that the result of not paying is that you just can't use it - didn't tell you half of the story. They will sue you ! I know - I've been through the court with them and know of at least 3 other people who have been sued by them! Now, I am not pushing Mr. Sadler - I am the one who initially contacted him to try and help other people - not myself. I am out of my contract with Land'OR - I have nothing to gain from any of this. I went to court with them and they accepted my settlement mostly because I am now unemployed. If I wasn't out of work, I would still send something to Mr. Sadler to help others just because these people are doing wrong and I still believe, operating outside the law. I am a relator now in VA and Mr. Sadler has done more cases of timeshares and condos than anyone else I could find. But, if you want to go on your own - fine. I just believe there is strength in numbers. Those who have gone to court with Land'Or - some have won and some have not - you can look at the cases through the court websites in Henrico County and the City of Virginia Beach. But if you do nothing, be prepared for years of discontent and continually rising fees because there is no limit to what they can charge you.

Mary A.
Apr 23, 2010

Thanks Mary, great advice, but I think everyone is so jaded by the false promises (read: Lies) of Land'Or and the timeshare resale companies that we question anyone who promises to get them out of the mess that is Land'Or even when they are completely legitimate. Thank you for finding Mr. Sadler and hopefully we can all get rid of the albatross around our necks as well.

Chris B.
Apr 23, 2010

Nice to hear that they are finally redoing. I have to wonder what they did and do with the extra assessment plus the yearly maintenance. Can you elaborate on what upgrades took place in your villa. Thank you

J F.
Apr 24, 2010

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Stacy N.

Last edited by stacyn20 on Feb 07, 2011 03:24 PM

Apr 24, 2010

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Stacy N.

Last edited by stacyn20 on Feb 07, 2011 03:25 PM

Apr 26, 2010


There was a large flatscreen hi-def tv in the living room, new sofa, the cookware looked new, fresh paint, new carpet. Bed had gold quilted bedspread with lots of pillows. Definite improvement.

Rick W.
Apr 26, 2010

I am sure that they have been monitoring these forums as well as any other places that Land'Or members are posting to and have spent a few bucks to enable them to try and justify their charges. As far as I am concerned it is too little and way too late.

These items do not justify the special assessments they have laid on over the last four years.

Costs like these should come out of the regular maintenance fees that have also risen dramatically. Any reasonable business would be accruing to cover future replacements of this type.

I feel that they have an ulterior motive to drive up costs, collect as much of it as they can and drive out as many members at a low a cost to them or as much a profit as they can and then sell out or develop their property without recognizing the people who have invested over the last 20 years.

But maybe I am just too cynical and should be more trusting of the Holts, their in house lawyer partner and of course everyone's friend, Prince.

William B.

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