Oct 09, 2008

We too got this referral from the Mayan Group (Grupo Maya) in Cabo. Who is John Smith? I spoke to a Robert Jones (don't trust him as far as you can throw a stick). Other comments here refer to Regina & Phaedra Almstead as owners (consecutively) of RMG & RIM; & make referrals to the Florida Attorney General's Office

Linda H.
Oct 10, 2008

We were reffered to Robert Jones also, after we come back there are no way to reach him. This CO is big scam. We contacted Playa Del Sol Grand, but no respond also. I think that Attorney General of Florida will not do anything, unless we all who was burn by Royal Marketing Co. do the action suit or at least one big complaine with bunch of the signatures.

Miriam L.
Oct 25, 2008

I read that you spoke with Robert Jones. What did he tell you, because almost 6month we try to get him on the phone, and of course, no return calls

Miriam L.
Oct 25, 2008

I received a response from the AG of FL office on 09.25.08. The letter stated : " department records indicate that this firm is no longer operating: therefore, we are unable to pursue your complaint. If you have information indicating that this business has reopened and/or is currently operating, we ask that you please contact the Bureau, in writing".

I would like to know what knowledge others may have. At one time, Resorts International was in Pompano Beach, and Royal was in Lighthouse FL. I think the Almsteads and others associated with these dirty dogs may also live and /or work in Texas.

As I stated before, I spoke with a class action attorney in DC. He made the point that this type of scam will close and relocated in another state when the heat is on.

We should all pursue every avenue, including insisting that the developers make good on our investments because they were the ones that led us to these crooks in the first place!

Lisa C.

Last edited by lisac386 on Oct 25, 2008 11:28 AM

Nov 01, 2008

The Royal Marketing is in Florida, but the resorts reffering to them in PV, Mexico. and the main office of Playa del Sol Grand located in Santa Rosa, Ca. So, do you think that the letter should go to AG of Ca?

Miriam L.
Dec 16, 2008

OK, I am reading all of this and getting very angry at myself for being so gullible. My husband and I recently purchased a 3BR TS in Cabo and one of the reps there gave us information about Royal Vacations Club and renting the weeks we could not use with them, he said that he has done it repeatedly and gets in excess of $10k for 1 week!! So, I checked out their website (which I agree does not look that good, but I still fell for it) and I spoke to Shawna a few times over the phone. She convinced me that our weeks would rent within 4-6 weeks of submitting them. I signed up on 9/22/08 and have called to follow up repeatedly. I have Shawna's personal number (which she gave me when she was trying to con me into signing up) and I bother her often - she always seems annoyed when I call but "trys" to offer advice and rush me off the phone. Then, I have also called the "customer service" dept. who is also not very friendly and quick to tell me that my weeks have been gaining interest but no one has booked yet, however, it should be sometime soon now. Finally, I found this website with all of the helpful information above and I am GLAD. I called AMEX (which is how I paid) and told them of the scam and that no services have been rendered. As of today, Amex is investigating the charge and will need Royal Marketing to provide them with proof of service for them to keep my $. I am hoping that they do not have any fraudulent documents to do this - however, it seems like those who have contacted their credit card companies have been successful in getting their $$ back. Let me know if there is anything else I should say to AMEX to further prove that this is a scam. Also, there are 7 pages of comments on this topic with various suggestions for reporting this company. Please let me know what is the best course of action (contact BBB, Attorney General, or what) to get someone to act on this. I think this is totally outlandish - and also, I will give out Shawna's number to whomever may want it. I have not called to tell her that I found all of this information as I thought it might be best if she were "surprised" by the investigation by Amex - but let me know if you all think I should call the company and ask for a refund directly. My experience is that they do answer the phone but give unhelpful answers. Thank you all for posting .... I am going to try to rent my weeks using the other means mentioned above.

Amanda C.
Dec 16, 2008

The Royal scamed us for 12k along with representative from Playa del Sol Grand. We complained to credit card and looks like, they still investigating. Attorney General of Florida states this Co is out of bussines, but this is not correct. They are well and continuing scaming people. Please, post the phone number for this person, so faar, I am only lucky to get receptionist, leaving request to call back, no one did. Some of the represantative is Sarah- she call us once with any positive information, and after this- I was not able to get her on the phone. The promissed us to rent our week for 1k per week, and even this cant do. So, they are absolutly worthless. I hope, the class action will be possible.

Miriam L.
Dec 17, 2008


lisac386 wrote:
patricias379 wrote:
changw4 wrote:
kellyl139 patricias379 We all need to go to WWW.BBB and file complaints with this company and also flood Grupo Mayan customer service customerservice@grupomayan.com. There is strength in numbers so if we all do our part maybe we can get somewhere. Their phone number is 1 800 292 9446. I also intend to write to the tourism department in Mexico. This is their main income they might like to know that the word is spreading. I also read that grupo mayan recieved an award as a good employer. Their sales staff does a good job alright. I personally wrote to the salesman that sold me my unit who said don't worry your other timeshare will sell. I told I hope that he can sleep at night. My advice - get busy and make some noise.

There's more! I'm working on detecting whether this gaggle of crooks is also known as Resorts International Marketing in Pompano Beach, FL. They took me for 399.00 in 2005 and I haven't heard from them since, after sending letters, e-mails, phone calls. I'm hot on their trail! I have contacted the Attorney General in FL. I want them exposed for what they are-guttersnipes! If I'm wrong-please alert me-but I strongly doubt it.

Check out the ripoffreport.com website and search Resorts International Marketing. Everything you read will sound oh so familiar. When you call the phone numbers for these two scams, the same man speaks the same menu at each phone number. Check it out: RIM is 800.441.0453, and RMG is 866.941.1044. The "president" of RIM is Phaedra Almstead, and the president of Royal is Regina Almstead. Other names to remember: John Shepard, CEO. and Diana Peterson. I agree that we should all band together and make them pay for stealing money from unsuspecting, hardworking people.

We live in a climate of greed and deception-it is running rampant in our country, all the way up to the top. Hang onto your wallets, contemplate large expenditures and do the research-then act.

KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK and thanks for keeping us informed of your progress. I filled out a BBB complaint. If they need more info I'm in. I would bet the Grupo Mayan is getting kick backs.

Marisa M.
Jan 06, 2009

Hi - did you manage to sell your weeks for the Mayan? I am looking to sell two weeks for this year, but this is the first time I have done this so wary who to use?

Regards Steve

Stephen F.
Jan 07, 2009

Just rent it out yourself by posting on Redweek. That is about as good as it gets. MD

Mary D.
Jan 07, 2009

I think you are very lucky to even talk to anyone! I was only able to speak to someone once and I am very sorry to admit that I've given up. My credit card company needed the complaint within a certain time frame which had long since passed. And luckily I was only out $300 or so. I really will try to rent the timeshare on redweek, since any time now we're going to get dinged with the maintenance fees for a week unused. So depressing. Experiences like this really make me wish I had said no, like I had 100 times before. They are ridiculously persuasive. Is it really worth it to own a timeshare?

Kelly L.
Jan 07, 2009

Oh, and the BBB gave up rather quickly as they could not get ahold of them either. Not sure it's worth the effort.

Kelly L.
Jan 09, 2009

I have also tried to contact RMG on a number of occasions with no success. And today, it appears both telephone numbers they have listed, including an email, is no longer in service. Hmmm....the BBB has been useless as I filed three separate complaints only to hear that since they also didn't hear back from RMG, the file was closed. I am outside the 120 day protection period on my credit card so if anyone has another number or other advice on how to best continue pursuit of this horrible company, please let me know.

Marisa M.
Jan 29, 2009

So everyone warns not to use Royal Marketing Group, has anyone had any experience with the other two rental agencies that Groupo Mayan recommends, Regal Resales & Rentals or Resort Rentals?


Sally B.
Jan 30, 2009

I am wondering how to best post it. My timeshare allows me to rent from 3 Sea Garden resorts in Mexico, and I can use a studio, or trade in 2 weeks and use a suite. Do I have to rent every one seperately? It seems overwhelming to handle it myself.

Kelly L.
Feb 01, 2009

Yes we were taken in. The whole move was made craftily by the people at Playa del Sol in Nuevo Vallarta. They lead us to believe that we could sell our timeshare at the Mayan in order to pay for theirs at Playa del Sol. They put us on the phone with a salesman who claimed he has people in Europe ready to buy when the dollar is not so good. He claimed he could get us twice what we were paying. He happily took our $299 and now we cannot even speak to this man directly. When we call, they say don't call us, we'll call you when we have an offer for you. BS. So now we just feel suckered.

Kari L.
Feb 03, 2009

Everyone should write about their experience when you write your online reviews. I used RCI and will warn everyone who reads it to just STAY AWAY from the sales people. They are all liars who will say anything to make a sale.

Patricia S.
Feb 08, 2009

hello, we were scammed by salesman Grand Marcella at Playa del Sol also,big promisses, but nothing was done. We end up with new time share plus our old one. We are going there in march. I printed all comments from the people and will go sales department. Think, will have fun to scared all potential buyers !!!!. If you have any name, who was talking to you, just write them down. I will take it with me.

Miriam L.
Mar 03, 2009

Glad i stumbled upon this forum. I am a new Mayan owner also. Spent the last few days trying to decide how to sell our weeks (OMG is anybody staying at the Mayan : )?) Talked to Resort International, Cheryl Moats, this morning. Told her what we have. Was offered $2065/wk, clear $1500 after our maint fee. Should sell within 60 days. Decided to call Royal Marketing about the time I found this forum. Thought i was taping the whole conversation with Robert, but found only 30 seconds was taped. First question: is this the 1st time you are calling? Then, the time is HOT now! Was told I could sell it for $1535 they take care of all else. It would sell within 60 days. He wanted me to pay the fee, but i said i would get back to him. Are there any legit websites or rental agencies out there? Destinations International quoted me similar terms. Any idea if they r scammers? Seems someone may have to make a trip south to clean up the streets!

M C.
Mar 03, 2009

I'm with you. If there is anything we can do to shut these creeps down, I'll help. I'm going to Cabos in May where Playa del Sol has a location. I'm thinking of going there to cause a little trouble. One thought is to stand outside their resort and try to connect with people who have been to a sales presentation, see what they were told, tell them what we learned. Maybe even try to find a buyer amongst those who managed to say no, but want to buy something cheap, get some of my money back. Same story, Royal Marketing is going to sell your Mayan for more than you pay for Playa del Sol. We feel bad about being chumps, but I don't want to roll over and leave it along.

The best site I've found that is fairly priced is Redweek.com. Most of them make their money upfront and don't care whether you sell later. Buyandselltimeshares has a really user-UN-friendly website. They claim they will make money when you sell by offering to finance for the buyer. Yeah, right. Stay in touch, Kari

Kari L.

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