General Discussion

RCI Class Action Lawsuit

May 20, 2010

what other exchange company can we use besides RCI?

Pete P.
May 20, 2010

petep27 wrote:
what other exchange company can we use besides RCI?

Interval International (but only IF your resort is also affiliated withII). RedWeek has a relatively new exchange program of its' own right here, where RCI or II affiliation does not matter (however, RedWeek exchange inventory is somewhat limited so far). Other exchange companies include Dial an Exchange, Trading Places International, SFX. On Timeshare Users Group, there is also a inter-members exchange program where you can list what you have and identify what you want to trade for (no "exchange" fees are involved, but you must be a TUG member to participate).

RCI is not the ONLY "exchange" game in town (just the least fair one)...


Last edited by ken1193 on May 24, 2010 07:39 AM

May 20, 2010

susanb872 wrote:
How do we join forces to get results. By the way, I did not hear about the lawsuit until today.
The "forces" were already joined --- over four years ago now. They banded together and filed a lawsuit against RCI in March, 2006. Four years later, the lawsuit is now over, settled a few months ago in Federal Court in New Jersey. RCI won. RCI members lost. End of story.

You can organize and file another class action lawsuit, but the handwriting in favor of RCI is already clearly legible on the wall...


Last edited by ken1193 on May 20, 2010 02:29 PM

May 20, 2010

I recall bringing this class action suit up a couple of years ago and it appeared that very few knew about it. I owned three weeks and two of them were with RCI. I started noticing this problem at least eight or nine years ago. It became more of a problem over the past five years. I too have been a timeshare owner since 1984, so I could see the transition from taking care of timeshare owners to the evolving of rental units. I would ask my resort management, but they seemed unaware of the issues, since they really just focus on their own resort. I also noticed that the point system was evolving to the disadvantage of the "weeks" owners like me. I was ready to get really involved by running for the board of directors for one of my resorts, but I just decided to give up my weeks and pay to get rid of them before my children had to take on the burden of maintenance fees for the rest of their lives since they couldn't enjoy the nice trade options we used to enjoy. Another example of the big corporate world screwing the little guys. I will miss my timeshare holidays, but I will adapt and not have the worries of maintenance fees or getting frustrated by not getting a trade that I want to use. Good luck to all of you.

Roger T.
Dec 23, 2010 If you have the name of the lawfirm filing: please provide their address and the case #. Also has anyone done a FOIA or Open Records Act on the lawfirm. Who benefited? How many benefited? I look forward to hearing from you. Lawyers and illegals are parasitic amoebas:by the time you see them you are DEAD! The individual stating we will all pay is the ONLY TRUTH. Just like the dumb female iin a sports car spilling hot coffee while racing: she deserved it NOT THE MONEY: we all pay for parasites from illegals to government bureaucrats.

OREJimJeweksTimeshare R.

Last edited by orejimjewekstimesharer on Dec 23, 2010 08:12 AM

Dec 29, 2010

orejimjewekstimesharer wrote: If you have the name of the lawfirm filing: please provide their address and the case #. Also has anyone done a FOIA or Open Records Act on the lawfirm. Who benefited? How many benefited? I look forward to hearing from you. Lawyers and illegals are parasitic amoebas:by the time you see them you are DEAD! The individual stating we will all pay is the ONLY TRUTH. Just like the dumb female iin a sports car spilling hot coffee while racing: she deserved it NOT THE MONEY: we all pay for parasites from illegals to government bureaucrats.

Kindly stick to the topic. If you want to know the result of the law suit the Judgment is a matter of court record. One need not do a FOIA request to obtain a copy of a Court Judgment. It is available on line at the Court's website. And as for the "dumb female in the sports car", I assume you are refrring to the 79 year old woman who was a passenger in a Ford Probe-a 4 cylinder car which is by no means a sports car-who sued Mc Donalds years ago-when she was burned by the too hot coffee. But, the point is, this forum is about the RCI lawsuit, not your attitudes towards women, undocumented immigrants or lawyers. We do not wish to be exposed to your personal prejudices against particular classes of your fellow human beings but to discuss the issues of this case rationnally.

Jeanne M.
Dec 31, 2010

Are you by chance also member or DRI owner?? Thanks

Liz D.
Dec 31, 2010

lizd73 wrote:
Are you by chance also member or DRI owner?? Thanks
A member of Not sure what a DRI is. I am a time share owner who bought by the week years ago and am also a member of RCI and thus a member of the class (as in the "class action"). I experienced the same problems complained about on this site, i.e. trying to book a decent week at a decent place despite having a red week at a gold crown resort. Interested in seeing how this new point system at RCI will play out. I just booked my family at Hilton Head for the first time ever since we've owned our timeshare. We'll see.

Jeanne M.
Jan 01, 2011

DRI is Diamond Resorts International formerly Sunterra

Liz D.
Jan 02, 2011

lizd73 wrote:
DRI is Diamond Resorts International formerly Sunterra

...which, I must note, has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the actual topic of THIS thread, which is the (now concluded) lawsuit filed against RCI (Murillo vs. RCI; first initiated in U.S. District Court in NJ back in March, 2006).

Jan 02, 2011

lizd73 wrote:
DRI is Diamond Resorts International formerly Sunterra

All the different lawsuits can be confusing ..... hopefully the URL below can be of some help to you:

R P.
Apr 13, 2011

Remember when you took the tour at the timeshare resort you bought at? They told you, motel and hotel rates would always rise but your timeshare would be locked in at a fixed price? That's the biggest lie we ever heard. We were told, if you bought a red two bedroom unit, deposited it with rci, you can travel to anywhere in the world. Remember how big that resort book was? Check your mail, now it's cut in half. rci got caught selling my timeshare week I deposited to the public. Now they put a "value" on our week! Thank you ric, now it takes two weeks at our home resort, deposited to rci to travel somewhere else. We will NOT be renewing our membership with this company. They LIED. It's that simple. We planned to pass this on to our children but thanks to rci we are forced to sell our week at our home resort. I hope they go belly up!

Gary S.
May 16, 2011

am a owner at mount amanzi S A it does not trade as good before the trading power days would like feed back back from other mount amanzi members thank you jim barry

Jim B.
May 16, 2011

mount aman zi trading power with rci mount amanzi trading power is only 9 this seems low mount amanziused to trade much better would like to hear from members thank you jim

Jim B.
Apr 10, 2012

Point at Poipu Owners!! Here is the announcement for which we have all been waiting! The lawsuit has been filed! It was filed Friday in Federal District Court in Hawaii. COPP will be mailing out a note with the lawsuit attached. It will also be going up on our website. I think that we will have DRI's attention now! What did Mr. C say? Yes, that's right, there are "10" unhappy customers. We'll see...

David L.
May 26, 2012

San Francisco Exchange is small but very good...or at least it used to be.

Victor P.
May 26, 2012

We have owned a redweek timeshare since 1983. When the kids were young we always took them out of school for a week and went down to Disney. We also went other places and never had any problem getting a week for the time we wanted and at the resort we wanted. In 2011 RCI decided to have a "value system" for every week at every resort. Ours is a redweek, at a gold rated resort. They gave us a low rating of 14, in order to get into the Branson area we needed to combine two weeks, two years of maint fees, taxes and our membership to RCI. That doubled our cost of a week. Who wants to pay double? At that time I could have "bought, that's right bought" a week down at Branson for less than one week at our home resort. When we bought this red week, we were told we could trade to any resort up to and including a two bedroom, which we owned. RCI changed their rules, they got caught selling paying members that deposited their redweek, our hard earned money, to any paying customer. When I called them they told me they always did this, they were just notifying members now? I hate to lose our week, if you look in ebay, you will see hundreds of timeshares for as low as $1.00, the owners just want to get out of paying their maint fees and taxes on their home unit. What a disapointment, we were going to leave this to our childres and grandchildren to use when we pass on. It's a no win situation for us.

Gary S.
May 27, 2012

Garys, are you sure you can't get a week in Branson for your 14 rated two bedroom? That is not considered a "low" rating and Branson has loads a availability if you search reasonably early and are not set on a specific resort. MD

Mary D.
May 28, 2012

Who are you? I should know what went on during my phone conversation with an agent from RCI, not you. When I wanted to exchange our redweek at our home resort, at that time I had to have a value over 24. I know what ours is not you. At teh time I was talking to the agent, there were some avaliable, I could buy a week cheaper than exchanging one. I sould know, I was there, not you!!!

Gary S.
May 28, 2012

I did not intend to be offensive. I was merely astonished. MD

Mary D.

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